Tuesday, February 27, 2007

My seven spirit guides

I had already completely forgotten Betina Loman’s revelation about my spirit guides, when I happened to meet Tom Johansson in Manila seven years later.

Tom is an internationally known spiritual healer from England and we quickly became close friends. He told me that his former wife, Coral Polge, a medium, could see clairvoyantly a person’s spirit guides and draw them on paper simply by looking at a person’s handwriting.So I made a handwritten request for Coral that Tom promised to give to her when he returned to England.

Because she received so many requests from people around the world, it took many months before I received a reply from Coral.But what she told me was worth the long wait!
She said I had seven spirit guides. I was shocked! I never told Tom or her about the seven spirit guides that Loman said I had.Not only that, Coral even drew and described each of my guides (see illustrations).

Old soul
One of my guides, she said, was an old Chinese helper during the Ming Era. “He is a tiny old soul with silver white hair.”

Another is “an American doctor who was killed during the war. He had worked in the Far East for some years.”

Another is “a beautiful young lady who I suspect is showing herself at a much younger age than her passing.”

Another is a young boy, “a lovely, happy soul, always smiling.”

Another is “a European man with some link to your family.” She asked me, “Do you have a European ancestor?” Yes, I am a direct blood descendant of the very Spanish-looking 19th-century Filipino painter Damian Domingo.

There is another guide who gave his name as Paul. “He wore a white habit and would I feel be a spiritual teacher.”

Another is a Filipino-looking male guide probably with Chinese blood.

Staying close
At the time these things were told to me, I never paid much attention to them. But when I started conducting seminars, several of my sensitive students with clairvoyant vision said, independently of each other, that they saw several spirits behind me.

To date, no less than 10 different persons have seen my guides during my lectures and other public appearances.

The Chinese teacher and another that wears a robe are usually the ones seen by my students. Others have also seen my female guides.

In the late ’90s, I met for the first time Nonoy Ozaeta, an architect and University of the Philippines professor who can see and talk to a person’s spirit guides. He also told me I had seven spirit guides when he saw me for the first time.

Despite my skeptical and rational mind, I have come to accept that, indeed, I must have seven spirit guides who help me in my work on planet Earth in this lifetime.
Why not?


Tuesday, February 20, 2007

My seven spirit guides

How I came to know my spirit guides is a long story. But before I relate it here, let us first understand and define the words we are using.

What, in the first place, are spirit guides? How do they differ from angels, or are they the same?
The way I understand it, an angel is a pure spirit that has never been human. According to Christian teaching, there are several types and hierarchies of angels and they are called by different names.

When a person is born, a guardian angel is supposed to be assigned by God to him or her till death. The job of a guardian angel is to help his ward make the right moral decisions and to protect him from harm. But the angel cannot interfere with man’s will and karma.
Mutual agreement

A spirit guide, on the other hand, may have been human before. And it is by mutual agreement that a spirit becomes a guide to a particular person.The person may have more than one spirit guide depending on his/her responsibilities in society. Spirit guides may change depending on the growth or change in the person’s consciousness or need.On the other hand, a guardian angel remains the same throughout a person’s life on earth.

In the ’70s, I knew nothing about spirit guides. All I knew was what the Catholic Church taught about guardian angels. There was nothing about “spirit guides.”

But in the mid-’70s, I joined a seminar of the Inner Peace Movement conducted by two visiting American teachers, Nancy Ziebert and Betina Loman, who were both clairvoyants.One of the objectives of the seminar was to introduce participants to their “spirit guides” or angels. They made no distinction between these terms.

According to Betina, I have seven spirit guides, four females and three males. Four of my spirit guides, she said, were with me all the time. The other three were on call when needed.

Touched by spiritsThree of the female guides touch different parts of my body. One touches me on the head, another on the left leg, and another on my right side. But one male guide touches my right hip. Why those parts were touched by them was never explained to me.

When I protested to Betina that spirits had no sex, she explained that sex differentiation in my guides referred to their dominant energy or vibration in the spirit world and not really to sex as we knew it.

She said we all had at least one spirit guide but those with more responsibilities in society might have more than one guide.

Betina taught us a simple method of contacting our spirit guides utilizing our body like a pendulum while standing relaxed and asking ourselves questions mentally.Our body would then move in either a “yes” or “no” direction just like a pendulum. I was not really very convinced of this method and so I never used it. Perhaps I should have.

Anyway, I was intrigued by the number seven. Why seven spirit guides? Why not ten or five or any other number? Is it because I was born on the seventh month and on a day which is a multiple of seven, July 25?But I am not really an ardent believer of numerology, nor of astrology, although these subjects fascinate me.

Note: For inquiries on books, paranormal services and seminars on Inner Mind Development, ESP and Intuition Development, and Soulmates, Karma & Reincarnation conducted by this writer, call 8107245, 8926806, or fax 8159890.


Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Is there a connection between food and spirituality?

HERE’S an interesting question from reader John Morales on the connection between the food we eat, psychic ability and spirituality.

“I read in your book ‘The Powers of Your Inner Mind’ that when one abstained from eating certain foods, one could improve his psychic ability.

“This makes me wonder if there is a direct link between diet and deep spirituality. If so, does it make the practice of vegetarianism by Buddhists the correct path to spirituality?

“Is it then correct to hypothesize that one can more easily get what he is wishing for if he abstains from certain foods? And also from such mundane things as watching too much television? Will this (vegetarianism) do wonders if coupled with meditation? “I am one of your many students and I really appreciate the knowledge that you are opening for us.”

No universal answer
You have asked a question for which there is no universal agreement. Some people claim it does not matter what you eat as long as you are consistent in your practice.

However, many spiritual teachers and mystics all over the world believe that there is a direct connection between spirituality, psychic powers and the food we eat. This is what I believe, too.
Why are vegetarianism and abstaining from eating meat conducive to spiritual growth and psychic ability?

First, our physical structure and psychological processes are not meant for meat. Meat-eating animals have sharp fangs to tear meat. They salivate heavily to predigest the meat before it even reaches the stomach. They have short colons so the meat they eat gets out of their body or is excreted at once.Meat easily rots and must be eliminated quickly, otherwise it becomes toxic.
Vegetable- and fruit-eating animals do not have fangs. They do not salivate heavily when eating and they have long colons. Fruits and vegetables do not rot or become toxic as fast as animal meat.

One thing more, when an animal is butchered or killed, it releases toxins that get absorbed by humans when they eat the meat. Even if modern slaughtering process is followed to make the killing of animals painless, they are still aware they will be killed and they release toxins.
We are what we eat. If we eat animal meat, don’t we literally and in reality make that animal part of us?

Almost all religions of the world advocate a more vegetarian diet. Although the Christian religion allows the eating of lamb and, I think, chicken, it does ask us to avoid certain animal meats they consider to be unclean.The Muslims do not eat pork. The Hindus and Buddhists completely avoid eating animal meat.

You will note that societies that avoid eating meat are also highly spiritual, while those that are meat eaters are the most materialistic in the world. I do not have to name the countries whose populations are mainly meat eaters and those that are vegetarians.

Among all the established religions in the world, the Buddhists are the most peace-loving and they are vegetarians. Actually, no religion is essentially violent. But followers are sometimes driven to excesses.

Even Christianity, whose founder, Jesus, was peace-loving, has had a long history of violence and cruelty.

A vegetarian diet is conducive not only to a peaceful and quiet mind, but also to spiritual growth and understanding.

Cards for reading
Here’s a question on the use of cards for psychic reading from Edward who attended my seminar on ESP in Clark Field, Pampanga, last year.

“Lately, I tried using playing cards for psychic reading and the [subjects of the reading] were amazed. They said everything I told them was true. I just want to ask if there is anything wrong or negative in using cards for reading.”

I don’t see anything wrong or negative in using cards for psychic reading. These are merely tools to access information from our subconscious minds and they have no power on their own. Some use crystal balls, tea leaves, chicken egg and other materials for psychic readings.

As long as your intentions are good and noble, I see nothing wrong in using cards for psychic readings.


Tuesday, February 06, 2007

ET Has Called Earth Home?

EACH soul that incarnates on Earth brings with it memories of its life’s sojourns or travels in other planetary systems and galaxies.

Many people are not originally from this planet. Most are extraterrestrials (ET) from other worlds.

This is the extraordinary thesis of American researcher Scott Mandelker, who wrote the book “From Elsewhere, Being ET in America.” According to him, humans have been seeded into Earth to nourish and develop this planet for habitation by other life forms at some future date.
Many beings from other galaxies have been migrating to this planet for thousands of years completely unknown to others, even to themselves.

We can detect these ETs among us if we are sensitive and discerning enough. These ETs do not hold the same values most earth people have. They do not conform easily to outward pressures. They have a mind of their own and they think in ways that separate them from the rest of humanity.

They are pioneers who change the course of events on this planet, whether in terms of new thoughts or ideas, new inventions or gadgets, new religion, new ways of relating to people.
Sometimes regarded as weird, they can rarely be ignored. Men and women of extraordinary other-worldly talents and skills include such beings as Nikola Tesla, William Shakespeare, Socrates, Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, Francis Bacon, Ramses II, Moses and Jesus, to name just a few.

Their ideas often shock when first articulated or stated. They may defy current, cultural and moral standards. But, in the end, their contribution will be upheld by future generations.
Before entering the hall or inner chambers of the Oracle of Delphi, the querent (defined by Wikipedia as an individual who goes to some form of psychic reader) will see on each gate the signs “Know thy self” and “Nothing to excess.”The first task of every human being is to know himself/herself. Only by knowing one’s true identity can he/she attain enlightenment or “gnosis.”

When we are asked the question “Who are you?” how do we answer? We may give our name, family name, parents, schools attended, degrees earned, place of birth, even one’s Social Security System or Government Service Insurance System number.

But do these define us or tell others who we are? No, they only give out information outside of us. For we are not our names, our parents, our school, or SSS number. These are all outside of us and reveal nothing about who we really are.

So the ancient Greeks were correct in insisting that the initiate first answered that question before he/she could be allowed entry into the innermost chambers of the Oracle, where the high priestess sat in a deep trance, ready to answer any question asked her.

If we can but stop for a moment to reflect on that seemingly simple question, “Who are you?” we will begin to notice that there is more to us than what we have enumerated about ourselves. Perhaps there is some truth to the theory that we are of extraterrestrial origin. And, therefore, all our answers, no matter how extensive or how long, are all wrong!

We can truly say we come from outer space or, if you are more religiously inclined, we may say from heaven. What the heck are we doing in this calamity-prone planet? Some say, “This dying planet.”

Well, to be honest, humankind has almost failed in its task of nourishing this planet. Instead, humans have helped bring about our planet’s imminent death by their wanton destruction of the environment, the ozone layer and natural resources. We have lost touch with our mission of preserving this planet for future extraterrestrial generations.

We don’t yet have the capability of interplanetary travel. We are doomed to stay here, so let us stop destroying it. We have nowhere else to go—at least for the time being, until we again learn interstellar travel and habitation.

Note: For inquiries on books, paranormal services and seminars on Inner Mind Development, ESP and Intuition Development, and Soulmates, Karma & Reincarnation conducted by this writer, please call 8107245, 8926806, or fax 8159890. E-mail: innerawareness_2005@yahoo.com)
