Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Jet-setting ghost

When the father of the late Prof. Anton Estrada of the Asian Institute of Management died in London, he went to the United Kingdom to bring the body home. His father was a diplomat assigned in London.

Flying home in a 747 plane, Anton’s father appeared beside him. They talked like they used to when the old man was still alive. Anton had forgotten his father was dead.The father even ordered a glass of wine from the flight attendant. Anton told me his father thanked him for arranging the return of his body. That was when he realized his father, who then disappeared, was dead.

Shortly afterwards, the flight attendant brought the glass of wine his father ordered.
“Where’s the passenger who ordered two glasses of wine?” asked the flight attendant.
Anton replied he went to the rest room and gave her a very sweet smile as he got the glasses of wine.

Speaking of ghosts in an airplane, here’s another story I recall.
I was coming home from California. I can’t remember the date but it was in the mid-90s. Some flight attendants recognized me and asked if I could go with them to their quarters on the upper deck of the plane.

I asked why, but they merely said they felt something there. They could not rest or sleep there as they felt the presence of a spirit. They asked if a spirit could haunt an airplane. I said it was possible.

I asked if anybody who worked in that plane had died. They said one of their stewards died recently.

When I entered their quarters, I could not breathe. My chest became heavy and I was gasping for air. I could not stay too long in the place and had to get out. I told them the spirit of that steward was still there.

I asked how he died. They told me he was asthmatic and he was having difficulty breathing. No wonder I felt all the symptoms he had before he died.

I suggested to them to get a spiritist or psychic to exorcise the plane or at least help the spirit of the flight steward to ascend or elevate itself. Otherwise the crew would not be able to sleep in that place.

They thanked me as I returned to my seat and slept quietly until we landed in Manila. That was my first encounter with a ghost inside a plane!

Pinned down by a spiritIn 1986 I went to Milan, Italy, to speak at an international symposium on alternative healing.

After the symposium, the organizer, a good friend of Pope John Paul II, asked several foreign speakers, including myself, if we wanted to meet the Pope. Of course, we all said yes.
And so about 15 of us flew to Rome to meet the Pope.

We were billeted at the century-old Ambasciator Hotel in front of the American Embassy in Rome. It had one-foot thick stone walls. Though it looked old, it was well-preserved.
A strange incident happened about 10:30 in the evening, the day before we were to meet the Pope at the Vatican.

I was about to sleep when I noticed a very heavy invisible being on top of me, trying to push me down. I sensed it to be a heavily-built male spirit.

I could not move but I did not panic. I remembered that my eyes were closed all the time. I was not sure why I did not open my eyes.

I talked to it telepathically asking who he was and what he wanted. But I got no reply. He continued to pin me down.

I knew it was useless to shout for help because the walls were so thick nobody would hear me.
So, I decided to fight back. I told him mentally, “So, you want to play, ha? Then let’s play. I won’t allow you to intimidate me. I want you to get out of here right now!”

After I said that, the spirit suddenly disappeared. I was able to move. I opened my eyes and saw nobody in the room. Then I readily fell sleep.

The next day, we had a special audience with the Pope. I was able to talk to him face to face for a few precious minutes. I gave him a copy of the German edition of my book on the Faith Healers of the Philippines.

The Pope told me, “Faith is what we need most in the world today.”

When I told him I came from the Philippines, his face lit up. He smiled and came towards me although several others were trying to catch his attention. I cannot imagine that my book is now in the Vatican Library.

I have had several more encounters with the paranormal and supernatural in different hotels, offices, elevators and factories. But I better stop here before I scare you that you do not report for work anymore!


Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Elementals force a company to relocate

A subsidiary of a large diversified company was engaged in agri-business. Following a reorganization in the mother company, the subsidiary relocated the entire operation and rented a big one-story house on a corner lot in Makati that was formerly rented by a foreign consulate. The property had a large backyard.

One early morning, the company president went to the empty boardroom to get something. The chairs were stacked upside down on the conference table. As he approached the table, a chair suddenly rose up and hurled itself to the wall at the back of the room. The president rushed out of the room and went straight to the office of the human resources vice president, my former boss in the firm’s holding company.

The HR officer told the president things had been happening since they moved to the place two years before. A Spanish-looking couple was seen walking around the offices, office machines would start running when nobody was around, lights would turn on and off, etc.
“Why didn’t anybody tell me these things,” the president demanded.

“Well,” said the HR executive, “we didn’t think you would believe us.”
The president asked the HR executive to call me right away.

That’s how I got involved. I brought along a well-known clairvoyant. He confirmed the presence of several discarnate and other earthbound spirits. His description of the foreign couple matched reports of some employees.

But that was not the most disturbing thing we discovered. The clairvoyant said the backyard was an entrance to the elemental kingdom. There was no way the elementals would leave. That’s why they were causing trouble.

Since the company moved to that place, business went bad. Management did not suspect any supernatural causes because the country’s economy was also not doing well then.But there were also other problems, like many employees getting sick or being involved in accidents. Relations among employees was strained and a labor dispute arose.

We recommended the company’s transfer because the elementals were angry and would do everything to make their lives miserable. The comptroller objected because the company still had several months in their lease contract and it was a very expensive property. I told them it was entirely up to them.

The next day, the comptroller called and said, “You know, Jimmy, I was at the Ateneo for four years and the Jesuits could not convince me of such supernatural nonsense. You were here for only 30 minutes and you’ve convinced me that we have to go.”

After the company transferred, I was told sales went up, relations between labor and management improved, and employees were happier and less tense.

Deaths in American firm
A large American food manufacturing company south of Manila consulted me because of a series of employee deaths in its marketing department.Unknown to management, many strange paranormal things had been happening there for many years. The personnel manager was the first to suspect that the deaths could have a supernatural cause.

When I went to this huge factory, I brought a clairvoyant and a Chinese feng shui expert. We all felt the presence of many highly negative and angry spirits, both human and elemental.

The deaths were attributed to a disgruntled former employee dismissed by the company years ago and who had since died. He wanted to punish the company by killing marketing personnel whom he blamed for his dismissal.He was helped by a horde of highly negative engkantos.

When we toured the company premises, there were warehouses I could not enter because of their highly negative energy. Only the feng shui expert and the clairvoyant entered the sites while I stayed in the office of the personnel manager and explained to company executives the situation.

I noticed an old duhat tree filled with fruits and with branches so low the fruits almost touched the ground. I had never seen a duhat with so many fruits.

I also noticed a bulldozer facing the tree. I was told the bulldozer had been there several days. When they tried to bulldoze the tree to give way to the expansion of the building beside it, the bulldozer suddenly broke down. Several mechanics tried to repair the machine but failed.

We told management that the tree was inhabited by many elementals and they did not want the tree destroyed. Something bad would happen to people who would try to cut it down.

We asked the company to get the bulldozer away from the tree. When this was done, they were able to restart the bulldozer. The company decided to spare the tree.

Fortunately they listened to advice. No more deaths occurred after our visit.


Monday, July 16, 2007

The paranormal in the workplace

Most paranormal occurrences or psychic manifestations we hear or read about happen in homes.

But these incidents can occur anywhere—in open spaces, churches, hotels, factories, business offices, schools, cars, ships, even inside an airplane.

Here are several true stories of paranormal happenings in the work place or commercial establishments:

Strange deaths in a car accessories manufacturing firm
In the mid-’80s, Bobby, general manager of the well-known firm in Makati City, called me because of certain strange happenings in their factory.

Bobby said when one of their employees died in October they did not see anything strange about it.
“Then in November another employee in the same department also died. Still nothing so unusual from our point of view. In January, a third employee in the same department also died. “That’s when I began to think something strange was going on... Do you think there is something supernatural [here]?”

“I don’t know,” I replied. “Did you do anything different before the incidents began?”
“What do you mean?” he asked.

“Well, anything new that you did in the factory that you did not do before. Think of anything you did before October.”

Bobby said, “There’s nothing unusual I can think of except I had our old warehouse cleaned to give way to an executive parking area. That warehouse was not being used for a long time...”
“That’s it! “I exclaimed. “That could explain the deaths of your employees.”

“What do you mean?” asked Bobby. “What has that got to do with our employees dying?”
“Hard to explain to a very rational guy like you,” I told Bobby, a graduate of the Asian Institute of Management like me.

I told him that since the warehouse was not used for a long time, it could have been inhabited by negative elemental creatures.

When the place was cleaned, the creatures were dislocated. Bobby asked me if I could visit his factory and see if I could provide some explanation, and how to prevent future deaths, if indeed there was some connection among the strange events.

I brought a blind exorcist from Sampaloc who was known to contact bad spirits and get rid of them using a medium. The famous novelist and magazine editor Celso Al Carunungan came along out of curiosity.

The exorcist put his medium in a trance and asked the spirit to enter her. It was learned that there were hundreds of negative engkantos inside the warehouse.When asked if they killed the three employees, the spirit said yes and explained, through the medium, “Because they were making too much noise at night.”

I asked Bobby if that was true. He said the employees worked near the warehouse and usually worked overtime. To keep themselves awake, they played stereo music very loudly. That must have disturbed the engkantos.

They were also angered by the destruction of their habitat.
The exorcist asked them to leave the place but they refused. A battle of wills took place, which looked weird and surreal for us onlookers.

The exorcist said he would melt each one of them if they refused to leave. How one could melt a spirit, I could not comprehend.Anyway, it took the whole afternoon before the exorcist finally “destroyed” all the so-called engkantos in the place.

Whether one believes this story or not, the fact remains that, after the exorcism, there were no more deaths in the factory, which eventually transferred to Quezon City.

Dead tycoon wants favorite desk back
I worked in a large, multinational company in Makati in the late ’80s. When the famous son of the company founder died, a museum containing the history and family memorabilia was established within the building.A company historian-curator was hired to oversee the museum and update the records. The tycoon had three sons, all of them educated in the United States. Each of them headed subsidiaries of the vast conglomerate.

One day, the youngest son noticed his father’s beautiful narra desk was just displayed in the museum. He decided to use it as his desk and asked that it be transferred to his office.

I heard that employees started to experience ghostly manifestations in the son’s room after that. When nobody was around, typewriters sounded like they were being used, paper clips flew from one desk to another and security guards noticed somebody going inside the private restroom of the son then disappearing.

The son did not believe in ghosts and considered reports of haunting merely the product of his employees’ fertile imagination. When I was asked to check at the room without the son’s knowledge, I noticed the center of the ghostly visits was the old man’s desk.

I suggested that it be returned to the museum, as the old man apparently did not want it used by anybody else. The son, I was told, laughed at the suggestion.

The manifestations continued for some time until the son returned his father’s desk.


Tuesday, July 10, 2007

How to become sensitive to psychic energy

Why is it that some people can sense danger or a problem before it happens? Or they can hold an object belonging to a stranger and know accurate details about that person?

Others can feel or sense right away the presence of a spirit or invisible creatures in a place, while their companions may not feel anything at all.

These people have somehow, developed a sensitivity to subtle or psychic forces and energy.

They are called by various names: sensitives, psychics or people with multi-sensory faculties.They are able to combine all senses at once and form conclusions faster than ordinary individuals. They can “read” thoughts, “feel” colors or “see” invisible things.

Sixth sense
People with such heightened sensitivity to subtle or psychic forces represent the next phase of human evolution, according to some thinkers. They have developed an extra sense, or what is commonly known as the “Sixth Sense.”

But everybody possesses a so-called Sixth Sense or psychic perception to a lesser or greater degree. It is not a monopoly of a few highly gifted individuals.

Given some training and mental discipline, anyone can develop his/her sensitivity to psychic forces or energy. Psychic functioning is a natural ability of every human being.

How can ordinary individuals, with no extraordinary psychic powers or perception develop or heighten his sensitivity to psychic or subtle forces? Simply by becoming aware of his thoughts and feelings at any given moment of time.

Awareness is therefore the key to this faculty. But awareness to what? Isn’t it that when we are awake we are aware of things around us? Not necessarily.

Consider this: Why is it that when two persons are looking at the same room, one will see or sense the presence of a spirit, but the other will not? The person who senses the spirit can even describe it while it is completely invisible to his/her companion.This is because one has developed sensitivity to the spirits, the other has not.

Another example. If two persons hold a quartz crystal, one will feel a very strong energy emanating from the crystal, but the other person may feel nothing at all. Why is this so?
One person has developed a sensitivity to the subtle energy of the crystal, while the other has not.

There are very simple methods or techniques for developing one’s sensitivity to psychic or subtle energy. The following are only a few examples of what anyone can do without any cost to him/her:

Be aware of the energy emanating from a place or room you enter. How does the room feel when no one is around? How does it feel when another person enters the room without you looking at the person? Does the energy in the room change? Does your feeling change? What is the change?

Can you tell the difference when a room contains a living plant and when the plant is not there?
When you meet a person for the first time, can you tell the type of energy radiating out of him/her? Is it positive, negative or neutral? Can you sense feelings of affection, envy, hatred, jealousy or suspicion in a person without talking to him/her? Can you read the body language?
When holding natural rock quartz crystals, can you tell the type of energy emitted by the crystal and can you distinguish the difference in the energy of each crystal? At first you may not feel any difference at all, but by practice this will soon be clear to you.

Each living creature, from the lowest to the highest form of life, radiates certain colors called the aura. Can you sense light coming out of a person’s body? From a plant or animal? Try sensing the aura of plants, animals and people around you.

Once you begin to focus on or be aware of the subtle energy emanating from objects, animals, plants and people, you will become more and more sensitive to the subtle forces that normally escape the average person. Later you can use this ability to read the soul of things.

Note: The next Soulmates, Karma & Reincarnation seminar will be at 1-5 p.m., July 14. Interested parties may call tel. nos. 8107245, 8926806; fax 8159890; or e-mail innerawareness_2005@yahoo.com.


Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Will the East and West in medical practice never meet?

One thing I really wish to see in the Philippines is a hospital offering both western and eastern treatment modalities and facilities.

It may take a long time before it becomes a reality, although I understand it already exists in a few countries.

There are a number of reasons why it is difficult for this type of hospital to be established here:

First, Philippine laws recognize only the western medicine as the legally accepted mode of treatment.

Second, schools of medicine do not teach eastern and other modalities of healing. Students graduate with practically no knowledge of other healing methods.

Third, Filipinos, especially in urban areas, have long accepted western medicine as the only effective means of treating disease.

Fourth, pharmaceutical companies lobby for the use of synthetic and chemical-based drugs that are supposed to be scientifically tested and validated.

Not validated
One of the objections raised against traditional and indigenous healing modalities is that they are mostly not validated under strict objective and controlled conditions.Testimonials of users are considered very weak arguments for the effectiveness of a healing method.

While valid, this argument is not insurmountable. There are ways to analyze and validate scientifically the methods, as has been done with acupuncture.

Doctors cannot deny there are illnesses for which there are no known medical cure. There are also illnesses whose causes cannot be determined by medical instrument or laboratory analysis.We can perhaps start with those ailments.

A well-known Filipino healer and psychic surgeon said there were two kinds of illnesses. One was caused by matter, like bacteria, germs, viruses, etc. The other, like unexplained lumps or bloating for which no medical cause could be found, was caused by a spirit.

Several years ago, a medical doctor I did not know personally, referred to me his patient because he did not know how to help her.

He was completely baffled because the patient behaved strangely all of a sudden. Her eyes became red with anger, she shouted unintelligible words, cursed those around her and had the strength of several men, although she was physically frail.This happened after she got close to a large tree while cleaning her yard.

It was a clear case of spirit possession to me. Her doctors knew nothing about such a phenomenon so they referred her to me.I called a psychic friend who could see spirits and the disturbing entity was banished without difficulty. The patient had no knowledge of what she did or said during her trance-like state.

In England and Germany, I understand that homeopathy is an accepted modality of treatment even in hospitals.

In fact, Prince Charles of England is a known advocate of homeopathy.This is a mode of treatment developed by a German researcher named Hanneman. He treated illnesses by using the same thing that caused it but diluting to almost zero the chemical composition of the original. In other words, only the energy or vibration remained.

Western medical doctors merely laughed at this method and called it “quackery.” Yet it has remained an accepted treatment in several countries in Europe.

I hope to see the day when western-trained local doctors can practice what is best for their patients, whether such modalities come from the western or eastern tradition, as long as these are safe and effective.The doctors of the future should not only be scientists but also shamans. I have already met several of these pioneering and extraordinary medical hybrids. May their tribe increase!