Tuesday, July 10, 2007

How to become sensitive to psychic energy

Why is it that some people can sense danger or a problem before it happens? Or they can hold an object belonging to a stranger and know accurate details about that person?

Others can feel or sense right away the presence of a spirit or invisible creatures in a place, while their companions may not feel anything at all.

These people have somehow, developed a sensitivity to subtle or psychic forces and energy.

They are called by various names: sensitives, psychics or people with multi-sensory faculties.They are able to combine all senses at once and form conclusions faster than ordinary individuals. They can “read” thoughts, “feel” colors or “see” invisible things.

Sixth sense
People with such heightened sensitivity to subtle or psychic forces represent the next phase of human evolution, according to some thinkers. They have developed an extra sense, or what is commonly known as the “Sixth Sense.”

But everybody possesses a so-called Sixth Sense or psychic perception to a lesser or greater degree. It is not a monopoly of a few highly gifted individuals.

Given some training and mental discipline, anyone can develop his/her sensitivity to psychic forces or energy. Psychic functioning is a natural ability of every human being.

How can ordinary individuals, with no extraordinary psychic powers or perception develop or heighten his sensitivity to psychic or subtle forces? Simply by becoming aware of his thoughts and feelings at any given moment of time.

Awareness is therefore the key to this faculty. But awareness to what? Isn’t it that when we are awake we are aware of things around us? Not necessarily.

Consider this: Why is it that when two persons are looking at the same room, one will see or sense the presence of a spirit, but the other will not? The person who senses the spirit can even describe it while it is completely invisible to his/her companion.This is because one has developed sensitivity to the spirits, the other has not.

Another example. If two persons hold a quartz crystal, one will feel a very strong energy emanating from the crystal, but the other person may feel nothing at all. Why is this so?
One person has developed a sensitivity to the subtle energy of the crystal, while the other has not.

There are very simple methods or techniques for developing one’s sensitivity to psychic or subtle energy. The following are only a few examples of what anyone can do without any cost to him/her:

Be aware of the energy emanating from a place or room you enter. How does the room feel when no one is around? How does it feel when another person enters the room without you looking at the person? Does the energy in the room change? Does your feeling change? What is the change?

Can you tell the difference when a room contains a living plant and when the plant is not there?
When you meet a person for the first time, can you tell the type of energy radiating out of him/her? Is it positive, negative or neutral? Can you sense feelings of affection, envy, hatred, jealousy or suspicion in a person without talking to him/her? Can you read the body language?
When holding natural rock quartz crystals, can you tell the type of energy emitted by the crystal and can you distinguish the difference in the energy of each crystal? At first you may not feel any difference at all, but by practice this will soon be clear to you.

Each living creature, from the lowest to the highest form of life, radiates certain colors called the aura. Can you sense light coming out of a person’s body? From a plant or animal? Try sensing the aura of plants, animals and people around you.

Once you begin to focus on or be aware of the subtle energy emanating from objects, animals, plants and people, you will become more and more sensitive to the subtle forces that normally escape the average person. Later you can use this ability to read the soul of things.

Note: The next Soulmates, Karma & Reincarnation seminar will be at 1-5 p.m., July 14. Interested parties may call tel. nos. 8107245, 8926806; fax 8159890; or e-mail innerawareness_2005@yahoo.com.



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