Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Body-mind techniques help heal people

Since 1988, I have been running programs in my Inner Mind Development Institute to train people on the use of their brains to heal themselves through visualization and stress control.
At the time, very few medical doctors realized the importance of my work. Most of them considered such training programs nonsensical.

All that may change pretty soon. There is now incontrovertible scientific evidence about the crucial role of our mind in controlling certain illnesses.

In its May 2007 issue, for example, the Readers’ Digest (Asian Edition) reported the findings of Dr. Kevin Tracey after years of careful experiments.

Tracey, a neurosurgeon, immunologist and director of the Feinstein Institute of Medical Research in Manhasset, New York, showed how our brain might actually help our body’s immune system to fight disease.

According to the magazine, “In a series of studies since 2000, he’s shown that stimulation of the vagus nerve—a major nerve that runs from our brain stem to our belly and regulates our heartbeat, breathing and intestines—stops severe sepsis.

“Sepsis is a condition in which the immune system massively reacts to a bacterial infection, indiscriminately training its canons on the body’s own tissues.

“It stops this self-destructive process by using neuro-chemicals to signal immune cells, which prevents them from releasing alarm molecules that spur inflammation and cause damage. In a 2006 study, he discovered a brain circuit that could stimulate the vagus nerve to switch off inflammation.”

Meditation helpsTracey acknowledged that meditation could help, too, in the fight against disease. “People,” according to him, “can learn to slow down their heartbeat by modifying vagus nerve activity, which suggests they might be able to control their own brains to calm inflammation and fight disease.”

Calming the mind and body through certain mental techniques can even slow down the spread of diseases like cancer.Dr. Carl Simonton, a cancer specialist, has shown for decades that by visualizing white cells fighting cancer cells symbolically or metaphorically, certain forms of cancer can be controlled.Although his method was first junked by the medical community, it is now being taken seriously by certain hospitals in the West.And a new branch of medicine has emerged with the tongue-twisting name of “psychoneuroimmunology” that studies the connection among the mind, emotions, and immune system.

According to a director of the National Institute of Mental Health, “Studies like Glaser’s and Tracey’s have given credibility to mind-body approaches which have been rejected and ignored by the scientific and medical communities. Now, scientists have begun taking the next step, harnessing the powers of the human brain to help people heal themselves.”

The Readers’ Digest reported the work of a biotech company that trained people to “reduce chronic pain by visualizing and learning to control it.” And some were able to do so by more than 40 percent.Well, in my Inner Mind Development seminar, I teach a powerful visualization technique to control pain and some are able to do so with 100-percent effectiveness.Of course, not all succeed in doing so, for a variety of reasons. First, because of lack of concentration; second, failure to slow down their brain waves to the alpha level, and to relax; and third, perhaps the presence of other disturbing factors.

Documented successBut we have documented cases showing the success of such visualization techniques taught in my seminar, like the case of a 35-year-old accountant with myoma as big as a fist, an architect with chronic asthmatic condition, a mining engineer with severe back pain, and a female industrial engineer with a herniated disc.With just a single visualization session in class, they were all relieved of their sickness.

I am glad that such body-mind techniques are no longer objects of ridicule by the medical and scientific communities abroad. I hope such an open-minded attitude toward alternative modalities of therapy will also begin to influence medical practitioners in the Philippines.They have nothing to lose but their skepticism.

Note: For inquiries on books, paranormal services and seminars on Inner Mind Development, ESP and Intuition Development, and Soulmates, Karma & Reincarnation conducted by this writer, call 8107245 or 8926806; fax 8159890.

E-mail the author at innerawareness_2005@yahoo.com.ph



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