Tuesday, October 30, 2007

What are the orbs in photos?

In photos you have taken, especially with a digital camera, do you notice globules of light like little moons?

They can appear on any part of the picture. Sometimes there is only one and may be inconspicuous at first; other times there are so many they cover the entire picture.

If you have those circular lights on your pictures, then you have captured images of what are called “orbs.” Lately, more and more orbs are appearing in pictures taken by digital cameras.

The first to call my attention to these strange lights was movie actress Rosanna Roces. She told me about two years ago that they had appeared in almost all the pictures she took everywhere.

I thought at first they were Santelmos or St. Elmo’s fire, fireballs seen usually in marshlands or swamps.

But when Osang showed one of her photos, they were definitely not St. Elmo’s fire.

She told me she found out she could even command them to appear where she wanted them to be seen on the picture.


Her former husband Tito did not believe her. So she asked the orbs to appear on his head before she took a picture and they were all there. Next, she asked the orbs to appear at his feet and they all did. He finally believed her.

Soon after Osang showed me pictures of the orbs, other people began telling me that orbs appeared in their pictures, too. So I began to be really curious, but could not find any reference to them anywhere.

Then I saw an article in Fate Magazine, an American publication devoted to the strange and supernatural. I have been a subscriber to this magazine for a long time but that was the first time the subject of orbs ever came out.

At first there was a great deal of skepticism about the objects. It was theorized they were merely dust particles or water droplets. The theories were later abandoned as more people began examining them.

I wrote a letter to Fate Magazine about my own observations, which was published two years ago.

I found that if you enlarged the orbs, especially the brightest ones, there were geometrical figures or even strange faces in them. Some look like the surface of the moon with craters.

Other figures look like extra-terrestrials’ (ET’s) heads with big black diamond-shaped eyes, small noses and mouths.

Orbs are mostly circular. But later Osang took pictures of diamond, oval and triangle shapes. They had white, blue, orange and violet colors.

Women only

Strangely enough, orbs seem to appear only in photos taken by women. Some of them are getting scared.

What do these orbs mean? Why do they appear only in some people’s photos and not in others? Is there any danger connected with those pictures? Are they warnings of bad things to come?

So far, I have not heard of anything bad happening to people who have taken pictures of orbs.

The only negative incident I heard was told to us during a television program in August where I was a resource person on this paranormal occurrence.

Television personality Alicia Mayer said she took pictures in a Singapore hotel. In almost all the pictures, many orbs appeared.

That night, one of their companions named Paul was sleeping on the tenth floor when he was suddenly lifted up. He fell to the seventh floor and broke several ribs but survived.

I told Alicia the two events, the appearance of orbs and Paul’s accident did not have to be causally related. It could be just coincidence.

In my opinion, it was likely that negative, earthbound spirits played a trick on Paul or tried to kill him. They told me they felt a strange, eerie feeling in that hotel. So I cannot attribute that fall to the orbs.

As I said, most reports I received on orbs were harmless.

This really calls for further investigation because pictures of orbs appear almost everywhere lately. The wife of a high government official told me, quite anxiously, that orbs must be following her because her pictures in China, France, England and Rome were filled with them. She was getting scared.

Even photos she took back home also had orbs. She found a book about orbs, “Beyond Photography,” by a British author but it did not answer fundamental questions.

What are they? Why do they appear? Where do they come from? Are they dangerous?

The only way to answer these questions is to get more facts.

We are asking people who have had orbs in their pictures to contact us and give us copies, with a written description of where, when and under what circumstances they were taken, and the cameras used.

We also want to know if they noticed anything strange before and after taking the photos.

Call 8107245, 8926806 or 0917-8493998; fax 8159890 or e-mail innerawareness_2005@yahoo.com.ph

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Women’s intuition may be fact

The popular belief that women are more intuitive than men, and children more intuitive than adults, seems to have some biological and anatomical basis.

In the human brain, there are two parts that appear to be connected to intuition and extra sensory perception or ESP. These are the pineal gland and the corpus callosum.

Medical science does not know much about the real function of the pineal gland except that it has something to do with light and darkness.

The pineal is located in the middle of the brain near the pituitary gland, which is considered the master gland in the entire endocrine system of the human body.

“The endocrine system,” according to the Merck Manual of Medical Information, “consists of a group of organs (sometimes referred to as glands of internal secretion) whose main function is to produce and secrete hormones directly into the blood stream. Hormones serve as messengers to coordinate activities of various parts of the body.”

Seat of telepathy

Now, from an esoteric and non-scientific point of view, the pineal gland is considered the seat of telepathy, intuition and clairvoyance.

To give you the exact location of the pineal gland, it has been said that, if you trace an imaginary vertical line beginning at the fontanel (bumbunan) on top of the head and a horizontal line entering the forehead between the eyebrows, where the two lines intersect is the location of the pineal gland.

And that is where the Third Eye is usually depicted, between the eyebrows.

Some psychics and clairvoyants have reported that whenever they transmit or receive a telepathic message they feel a tingling sensation at the center of their brain.

Although there is no scientific proof that the pineal gland is the seat of intuition, there is something curious about the differences in its size for men and women.

It is a scientific fact that the pineal gland of women is slightly larger than that of men, slightly larger in children than in adults.

Could this be the reason why women in general are more intuitive than men and children more intuitive than adults?


And why is it that men’s pineal gland is smaller than that of women? Maybe it has something to do with evolution.

Women used their intuition more than men did. And, through the hundreds of thousands of years, men’s pineal gland has atrophied and shrunk.

As any macho Filipino man knows, any organ that is not used shrinks.

There is another possible biological reason why women are more intuitive than men. The human brain, specifically the neocortex, is divided into two hemispheres, the left and the right.

The corpus callosum, composed of some 300 million brain cells or neurons, act as a communication link between the two hemispheres.

When biologist Dr. Roger Sperry made an incision on the corpus callosum, he discovered the two specialized functions of the two halves of the brain that medical science did not know before. The left brain, he found out, was responsible for rational, verbal and analytical thinking; the right brain was responsible for non-verbal, holistic and intuitive thinking.

Science tells us that the corpus callosum of women is also slightly larger and matures faster than that of men. Maybe this explains why women can process information coming from both hemispheres of the brain faster than men. They are able to use their intuition better and can do so at an earlier age.

This seems to be a perfectly rational and neat theory on why women are more intuitive than men, and children more intuitive than adults.

If only we can prove it!

Note: Attend the next ESP & Intuition Development seminar 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Oct. 27-28, in Makati. For details, call tel. nos. 8107245 or 8926806. In Cagayan de Oro City, I will conduct a Stress Control, Self-healing and Goal Setting Seminar on Nov. 17; and Soulmates, Karma and Reincarnation Seminar on Nov. 18. For details, contact Jessica Tomacas at 0920-9235704.


Tuesday, October 16, 2007

State of Psi knowledge in the Philippines

Parapsychology is the science that deals with the paranormal and psychic phenomena.
But, regrettably, not much progress has been achieved by this science in terms of new discoveries or new knowledge since its acceptance as a member of the scientific community in 1969.

No dramatic revelation has been made since Dr. J. B. Rhine started his pioneering scientifically controlled experiments on ESP in the 1930s. On the contrary, the science has remained as controversial as when it first started.

Some members of the orthodox western scientific community even referred to parapsychology as a “pseudo-science,” which is rather an unfair and biased remark.

Despite this, there are universities in several western countries that offer higher degrees in parapsychology.

Not included
In the Philippines, the situation is worse. There is no school of higher learning that includes parapsychology in its curriculum.

The few times this science was included in an academic setting were in 1982, when I taught a one-semester elective subject on Parapsychology under the Behavioral Science Department of De La Salle University; and in 2004-2006 when I taught New Age Philosophy and Parapsychology under the Department of Philosophy in San Beda College.

After teaching for one semester at De La Salle University, a former seminar participant, Dr. Lane Chua-Garcia, revived the class in Parapsychology at DLSU. But it was discontinued after a few years and the subject became just a part of the course in psychology.

The bias against parapsychology by the scientific and academic communities in the Philippines has remained very strong, despite great interest shown by students of various schools in learning more about this subject.

In the last 25 years, I have been besieged by students from various colleges and universities for interviews on different aspects of extra-sensory perception (ESP) and paranormal phenomena as part of their research projects.

There were times I had to decline interviews and speaking invitations for lack of time.

Serious matter
On the other hand, in the former Soviet Union and her allies in Eastern Europe, parapsychological subjects have always been taken seriously. But the Soviets call the science by different names, such as Psychotronics Research, Bio-energetics, or even Biophysics.

Those who engaged in such research were mostly mathematicians, engineers and physicists, not psychologists or sociologists as one would expect.

Since the interest of Russian and Eastern European scientists was more on the practical application of such powers or phenomena, rather than merely proving they exist, they made much more progress in the field compared to their American and Western counterparts.

Russian parapsychologists have focused their research in finding cures for cancer, increasing the yield of agricultural and dairy products, and even assisting in crime detection.

No qualifier
In the Philippines, nobody qualifies to be called a parapsychologist because there is no school offering an academic degree on this science.But there are several local characters who have proclaimed themselves to be such, but they are not recognized at all by any respectable local or foreign organization.

I myself cannot claim to be a parapsychologist, although I have written more than 15 books on paranormal and psychic phenomena (some of which have been translated into foreign languages) because I do not have a formal degree to show for it. Nevertheless, my works have been cited in several scientific publications all over the world.

One reason for the lack of serious interest in parapsychology in the Philippines is religion. The Philippine population is 80-85 percent Catholic. And a very conservative one at that.

The field studied by parapsychologists have falsely been identified with the evil forces in the minds of the conservative public and even by some members of the clergy. Some of them have the mistaken notion that studying paranormal phenomena would be in conflict with their religious beliefs, which is not the case at all.

Parapsychology is a science and has nothing to do with religion. Like any other science, it seeks only to understand the veracity or validity of a psychic ability or phenomenon and not to change or influence a person’s religious beliefs.

This misunderstanding has led to the avoidance by the academic community of various studies of this field.

This is really unfortunate because the Philippines has a lot to offer in terms of diversity of paranormal and mystical happenings. Most of them have remained unrecorded and unheralded, so people outside the Philippines, and even those living in the country, do not realize our rich paranormal and mystical heritage.

Note: For more information about the next ESP & Intuition Development seminar, please call tel. nos. 8107245 or 8926806, or e-mail the author at innerawareness_2005@yahoo.com.


Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Hypnosis and breast enlargement

The average Filipino’s exposure to hypnosis is with a stage magician or entertainer who hypnotizes a subject, usually a woman, by dangling a pendulum in front of her, and making her body stiff or rigid.

While in that rigid state, the woman is carried by two assistants who carefully lay her head on one chair and her feet on another chair.

The sleeping woman’s body stays rigid and does not fall. Then the magician walks on top of her stomach without her exhibiting any discomfort and pain.

Afterwards he wakes her up and she does not remember anything that transpired. She is completely unhurt.

In another common demonstration, a hypnotist makes a subject forget a certain number and then makes the subject count while he is awake.

The subject is puzzled why he cannot remember or say that particular number the hypnotist told him to forget. When the suggestion is removed, the subject is then able to recall the number.

Medical tool

Much less commonly known, however, is the use of hypnosis in medicine. In some countries abroad, dental extraction or even surgical operation has been performed while the patient is under hypnosis. No anesthetic is used. Yet the patient feels no pain at all.

Another branch of this practice is called Forensic Hypnosis. This is used in crime detection and resolution. A victim or a witness to a crime is hypnotized to recall a detail that he/she does not remember in the waking state.

Under hypnosis, the forgotten detail is recalled completely and the crime is solved.

Hypnosis has also been successfully used to heal warts and an ugly and incurable skin disease called “fish skin disease.”

Here is a report on how a British doctor cured a 16-year-old boy’s congenital and incurable fish skin disease through hypnosis.

“In the boy’s first session under hypnosis, the doctor, A.C. Mason, told him to focus on his left arm and to see the skin becoming normal. In five days the hardened layer of skin on the left arm softened and fell off.

“During succeeding sessions the improvements were dramatic and rapid. Both arms cleared, 90 percent of the skin on the boy’s back cleared, 50 to 70 percent of the skin on his buttocks, thighs and legs cleared.

“Then there were no further changes, despite repeated sessions of hypnosis. For whatever reason, the treatment had run its course.”

Mason’s unbelievable results were published in the British Medical Journal and attracted a lot of attention. Three doctors investigated and confirmed Mason’s reported results.

Not unique

Theodore Barber was a psychologist who investigated the phenomenon of hypnosis for many years. He considered hypnosis as simply a “heightened state of suggestibility” and not a unique state of consciousness as proposed by other researchers.

By suggestion, Barber meant, “a state in which individuals give full credence to statements they hear about themselves and their capacities.”

According to Barber, there are some people who do not need an actual past experience “to evoke precise physical changes in their bodies.” It is enough that they have good imagination and believe the hypnotist’s suggestions.

For example, he showed that a hypnotized subject could reduce the blood flow after tooth extraction by 65 percent less compared to non-hypnotized patients.

So what else can hypnosis do? Many Filipino women will like the answer to this: It can enlarge breasts of women! That is right.

Barber reported that a total of 70 women, using a hypnotic suggestion, “increased their breast sizes an average of 1¼ inches in 12 weeks.”

How did they do it?

“The women were told to imagine warm water flowing over their breasts or warm towels covering them or the sun or a heat lamp shining on them, and to imagine that their breasts are becoming warm, tingling, pulsating and that they are growing. They were instructed to give themselves these suggestions during sessions of self-hypnosis at home.”
And their breasts enlarged.

However, not all suggestions succeed in inducing physical changes in the body. The subjects must firmly believe in the suggestions made to make them work and they must be able to slow down their brain waves to the alpha level, a meditative and relaxed state.

In my inner mind development classes, I suggest that visualization for health purposes be done for at least 15 minutes, three times a day for best results.
I have not yet tried using hypnosis, suggestion, or visualization on my female students for the purpose of breast enlargement, but maybe this is one application worth experimenting with.

Note: Soulmates, Karma and Reincarnation seminar will be held 1-7 p.m., Oct. 13; and Basic ESP & Intuition Development 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Oct. 27-28. For details please call 8107245, 8926806


Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Mayan calendar prophecies

I asked the mediums or channels of three spirit entities if the predictions in the Mayan calendar were true.

The responses affirmed the predictions would transpire and humankind better prepare for them.

The following was the answer of Gabbey, the spirit guide of Jun Acquiatan, a professor of business management in Pangasinan. I believe Gabbey is the Archangel Gabriel.
Jun: Jimmy Licauco would like to know if the Mayan calendar prediction that the earth cycle would be finished by Dec. 21, 2012, is accurate.

Gabbey: The end of this cycle is near. Actually, no one knows when this will happen except God himself. The predictions and declarations are approximations. However, there are indicators that the time is near. Usually, the end of a cycle is preceded by great calamities... Many new kinds of calamities, new kinds of wars, and new cultures will come out which are beyond your expectations.

But do not be deceived, as Christ said in the Bible, for new false prophets will emerge. These people are very charismatic and possess special powers that would even surpass the feats shown by Christ.

J: But why should God allow these things to happen? If He loves humankind, He should not allow these to occur. Otherwise, Christ’s mission of saving the world would be in vain.
G: These things happen because of man’s irresponsibility. Many religious personalities appeared in your world showing the way to righteousness but man has not learned his lessons. The world must be cleansed for a new generation to rectify the misdeeds of the past.

End times?
J: So, are we living now in the end times as mentioned in the Apocalypse of St. John?

G: You must understand my friend that, contrary to what you know, time is relative... in the sense that time as a measurement of duration is dependent on a particular cycle. If you refer to your cycle now, then I would say it is now the beginning of an end of a cycle. But another cycle will come and another time will be set.

J: How many years are there in a cycle?

G: I just told you that time is relative to a cycle. You cannot take the time of one cycle as a standard to measure the duration of another cycle.

Actually, a cycle is a way of expressing the series of related events in the world. But, in the spiritual realm, there is no such thing as a cycle for in the spirit world there is oneness and in eternity, there is no time. But the messengers of God have to make things understandable to man and therefore cycles were created. Seven major cycles are to be attained before the Parousia. You are now in the 5th cycle and that cycle is about to end.

J: What is a Parousia?

G: This is what you call the Second Coming of Christ, which is misunderstood even by the Church.

J: So, what is the correct understanding of Parousia?

G: If you read the Bible, it (says) Christ will come back the way he departed. A literal translation has been made... by Church leaders. The coming back of Christ will not really be the way he departed. Logic will tell you that this is not possible simply because the Second Coming will happen in a different cycle and therefore the world environment at the time will not be the same.

You see... even if Christ will come today, Israel is not the same as... when he was here about 2,000 years ago. So, how can he come back the way he departed?

J: If Christ left the world by ascending into heaven, then he would come back descending from heaven. This is what is taught in catechism.

G: That is not accurate. By ascending you assume that heaven is up beyond the clouds... heaven is not a place but a state of the soul or spirit. It is another dimension which does not need space and time. Going up is only a manifestation of separation from one dimension to another... a soul of a person who just died will also ascend not because it will go to heaven but because the soul, which is now free from the physical laws, especially the law of gravity, will float and enter into another dimension, the spiritual dimension.

J: But... Christ ascended with a physical human body. A soul of a dead person is pure spirit and has no body.

G: Christ at that time had a glorified body. Even the Bible said so. A glorified human body is one where spiritual characteristics are stronger than physical characteristics... The Bible narrated how Christ just appeared in the midst of the apostles out of nowhere. That was a manifestation of a glorified body. So, when Christ went to heaven, which is actually going to the spiritual dimension, he was seen ascending because that is the way of going to another dimension.

J: So, when is the second coming?

G: Only God really knows. What is true is that all seven cycles must be attained first... That is the divine plan. But how soon it will come, no one knows except God.

For inquiries on Inner Mind Development, ESP and Intuition Development, and Soulmates, Karma & Reincarnation conducted by this writer, call 8107245, 8926806; fax 8159890; e-mail innerawareness_2005@yahoo.com.ph.
