Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Women’s intuition may be fact

The popular belief that women are more intuitive than men, and children more intuitive than adults, seems to have some biological and anatomical basis.

In the human brain, there are two parts that appear to be connected to intuition and extra sensory perception or ESP. These are the pineal gland and the corpus callosum.

Medical science does not know much about the real function of the pineal gland except that it has something to do with light and darkness.

The pineal is located in the middle of the brain near the pituitary gland, which is considered the master gland in the entire endocrine system of the human body.

“The endocrine system,” according to the Merck Manual of Medical Information, “consists of a group of organs (sometimes referred to as glands of internal secretion) whose main function is to produce and secrete hormones directly into the blood stream. Hormones serve as messengers to coordinate activities of various parts of the body.”

Seat of telepathy

Now, from an esoteric and non-scientific point of view, the pineal gland is considered the seat of telepathy, intuition and clairvoyance.

To give you the exact location of the pineal gland, it has been said that, if you trace an imaginary vertical line beginning at the fontanel (bumbunan) on top of the head and a horizontal line entering the forehead between the eyebrows, where the two lines intersect is the location of the pineal gland.

And that is where the Third Eye is usually depicted, between the eyebrows.

Some psychics and clairvoyants have reported that whenever they transmit or receive a telepathic message they feel a tingling sensation at the center of their brain.

Although there is no scientific proof that the pineal gland is the seat of intuition, there is something curious about the differences in its size for men and women.

It is a scientific fact that the pineal gland of women is slightly larger than that of men, slightly larger in children than in adults.

Could this be the reason why women in general are more intuitive than men and children more intuitive than adults?


And why is it that men’s pineal gland is smaller than that of women? Maybe it has something to do with evolution.

Women used their intuition more than men did. And, through the hundreds of thousands of years, men’s pineal gland has atrophied and shrunk.

As any macho Filipino man knows, any organ that is not used shrinks.

There is another possible biological reason why women are more intuitive than men. The human brain, specifically the neocortex, is divided into two hemispheres, the left and the right.

The corpus callosum, composed of some 300 million brain cells or neurons, act as a communication link between the two hemispheres.

When biologist Dr. Roger Sperry made an incision on the corpus callosum, he discovered the two specialized functions of the two halves of the brain that medical science did not know before. The left brain, he found out, was responsible for rational, verbal and analytical thinking; the right brain was responsible for non-verbal, holistic and intuitive thinking.

Science tells us that the corpus callosum of women is also slightly larger and matures faster than that of men. Maybe this explains why women can process information coming from both hemispheres of the brain faster than men. They are able to use their intuition better and can do so at an earlier age.

This seems to be a perfectly rational and neat theory on why women are more intuitive than men, and children more intuitive than adults.

If only we can prove it!

Note: Attend the next ESP & Intuition Development seminar 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Oct. 27-28, in Makati. For details, call tel. nos. 8107245 or 8926806. In Cagayan de Oro City, I will conduct a Stress Control, Self-healing and Goal Setting Seminar on Nov. 17; and Soulmates, Karma and Reincarnation Seminar on Nov. 18. For details, contact Jessica Tomacas at 0920-9235704.



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