Can planet earth still be saved?
We are witnessing the last dying breaths of Mother Earth as she struggles to survive the people’s cruelty out of greed and ignorance.
Warnings of great prophets, from Nostradamus to Edgar Cayce, are unheeded. Even chilling statistics on global warming have not moved governments to action. Some officials even consider the warnings to be a great hoax.
The attitude is similar to that of a cancer patient whose first reaction is denial. Action to stem the disease is not taken until it is too late.
Author Hal Lindsay wrote about the end times in his best-selling book “The Late Great Planet Earth.” He described the terrible destruction of our planet as revealed in the Apocalypse of St. John. People did not take him seriously.
In agreement
I find intriguing the fact that almost all major prophecies concerning the end times agree that the terrible event will occur sometime in the decade of the year 2000, that means around 2010.
Nostradamus’ prophecies stop in the year 2020 if I remember right. Why couldn’t he see beyond that? Is it because Earth will be gone by then?
Said John Hogue in his book “The Millennium Book of Prophecy, Visions and Predictions”:
“The clearest warnings about the final conflagration come from the Hopi Indians of the American Southwest... they see themselves as custodians of those secrets the Great Spirit gave man to help him establish a harmonious relationship with nature.
“In 1948 the Hopi elders broke their long silent witness of man’s pathological treatment of the Earth and shared their prophecies with the outer world. The elders spoke of prior human epochs which rose to great technological heights only to destroy himself. They believe it will happen again unless humans change.”
But it may be too late. The Mayan calendar prophecies placed the end of the present Earth cycle at the Winter Solstice of Dec. 21, 2012, only five short years from now.
The pre-Columbian Mayans observed and recorded movements of the heavens for 4,000 years and developed a calendar so accurate that any given day could be ascertained without duplication for 370,000 years.
The Mayans knew that sun spots and solar flares had a direct link to the rise and fall of civilizations on earth.
The significance of the year 2012, according to novelist Benjamin Anastas in a July article in the New York Times Magazine Section, “first entered the public consciousness two decades ago this August with the Harmonic Convergence organized by Jose Arguelles, author of a number of esoteric books about the Mayan cosmos and his telepathically received prophecies.”
Earth-changing event
Arguelles organized and promoted the metaphysical significance of the convergence of different planets in our solar system as an earth-changing event requiring 144,000 participants, “the number that echoed Mayan mathematics and the Book of Revelation—to free the planet from the dissonant influence of western science and synchronize with the wave harmonic of history set to culminate in 2012.”
Large crowds of people all over the world heeded the call (including myself) and gathered in sacred places like Stonehenge in England, Mt. Shasta in California, Mt. Banahaw in the Philippines, and even Central Park in New York.
I was in Houston, Texas, then and joined several hundred New Agers chanting and swaying at a Houston Park.
What would the post-2012 world be like? According to Arguelles, “It will be a world of universal telepathy. We will be living in a new time, by a 13-month, 28-day synchronometer that will facilitate our telepathy by keeping us in harmony with everything all the time.”
Those who have not evolved highly enough will be taken away in “silver ships,” presumably unidentified flying objects (UFOs).
Arguelles is now in New Zealand preparing for the transition.
Before the end of the current cycle in 2012, there will be great upheavals, the likes of which have never been seen before. Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions will topple big buildings and sink whole countries and islands.
Few places will be safe. Those deserving and have developed a sixth sense or intuition will be told where to go.
In the light of all these seemingly inevitable predictions, what can people do? Let me quote the last paragraph of Hogue’s book:
“The key to endless tomorrows is the realization that you, me, all of us, are the problem. Stop running away from the seeds of every human misery. Stop making excuses for the past. Your only home in the cosmos is on fire and every one of us is equally responsible for lighting the match and looking the other way. You are the problem, and you are also the answer. The first step toward saving the world is within.”
Note: For information about Inner Mind Development and ESP seminars, call 8107245, 8926806. For Davao seminar on Oct. 1, “Total Wellness” with Cory Quirino and myself, call 0917-8313649.
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