Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Nameless psychic ability

There is another type of psychic ability or power that is so rare that researchers have not even invented a name for it.

It is essentially a person’s ability to hasten or accelerate the natural biological processes.

Hungarian healer Oscar Estebany, for example, had been shown by scientists to have the ability to hasten the healing of deliberately inflicted wounds in experimental mice under controlled laboratory conditions.

The well-known Israeli psychic Uri Geller demonstrated his uncanny ability to germinate within minutes radish seeds on his palm simply by mentally commanding them to grow.

I witnessed this remarkable demonstration of Geller’s psychic power during an international convention in Düsseldorf, Germany in 1994. About a thousand other people in the audience also witnessed the event.

But an even more extraordinary and almost miraculous psychic power was demonstrated by the Brazilian pharmacist Thomaz Morais Coutinho. He has shown, in at least four occasions, his power to make unfertilized eggs hatch into live chicks in less than 10 minutes!

Detailed account

The following is a detailed description of how Coutinho did it, as reported by my close friend, Canadian clinical psychologist, hypnotherapist, psychic researcher and professor Dr. Lee Pulos, in his fascinating book “Miracles and Other Realities” (written with Gary Richman):

“The most provocative and far reaching of all his ‘biological experiments’ defied the basic laws of life itself. On four occasions, Thomaz has taken fresh, unfertilized eggs and ‘hatched’ them into live chicks.

“The first incident occurred in 1982 in the company of several friends and observers. He requested 15 eggs be purchased and placed on the table. Thomaz slipped into a very deep trance with eyes open and unfocused.

“Very slowly, he picked up an egg, stared at it for 30 seconds and then rested it against the middle of his forehead. He performed this curious ritual with each egg. He cracked each egg one by one and broke their contents into a large flat bowl.

“Then he began hyperventilating. He stretched both arms out and with palms down over the eggs, began pulsing and vibrating energy into the bowl. Slowly the yolks began to change their texture, solidifying and becoming darker. Different densities began forming and within five minutes, the fetal forms of baby chicks could be identified.

“Over the next two minutes, the internal organs of the embryos could be seen through their membranes. After nine minutes, the first sounds of life were heard—the ‘cheep-cheeping’ of little chicks. From the 15 eggs, nine baby chicks were hatched.”

Struck by lightning

How Coutinho obtained such miraculous powers, no one knows. But Lee mentioned in his book that when Thomaz was 12 years old, lightning struck his bamboo fishing pole as he fished in a lake.

“His body was catapulted several feet above the ground. He could see what was happening as if he was outside his body. Then he heard a voice that told him he was especially protected by varied forces and that he would perform strange phenomena and help people, but he couldn’t use his powers for his own benefit.”

When he gained consciousness, according to Lee, 12 hours had elapsed. Thomaz believed he had had contact with extraterrestrials who gave him extraordinary psychic powers.

The other baffling psychic powers that Thomaz demonstrated were metal bending without touching the object, transforming a cotton belt into a metal necklace, transforming a coin into a ring and transmuting a currency of one country into another.

What do we make of such powers Coutinho has displayed over and over again?

Dr. Pulos says: “In a sense, Thomaz represents a symbolic mast on our cultural horizon. He is creating widening rifts in the topmost surface of our consciousness and helping us realize the confines of our physical reality. It has been said that the most powerful state of consciousness known to man is an open mind. Perhaps that might be a starting point for deciphering Thomaz.”



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