Monday, February 25, 2008

Her dreams always come true

Glen Carillo wrote about strange experiences.

I met you... when you conducted a lecture. I forgot what [the] topic was but... you seemed to be answering all questions... my friends and I were at the back and I kept asking [them] questions regarding the topic. What surprised us was that... you would give the answers. Maybe it was just coincidence. But it still puzzles me.

This is not the first time somebody in my lecture or seminar experienced that. Years ago, one local government official in Cagayan de Oro said he asked five questions mentally and I answered them each time.

He said if it were only one or two questions, he would have considered it mere coincidence. But five was too much.


I tune in to the audience and feel what they want to know. There is psychic or telepathic rapport between me and my audience. That is why such things happen.

Glen, an English teacher in Japan, added:

I’ve noticed almost all my dreams are happening, whether trivial or important.

For example, I dreamed my boyfriend called from the Philippines telling me he had a car accident. When I woke up, I called him up. He was fine. After a couple of days, he called in the middle of the night and said he had an accident. The conversation we had was exactly the way I dreamed it.

I ignored this. Then two months before coming home for a vacation, I dreamt I saw a former student at Robinsons Place and it was raining. Back home, the dream really happened. It was so freaky!

The oddest thing... is that my deceased father "talks" to me in my dreams. He would inform me about things happening in Manila. When I call home to confirm, what my dad said was really happening or had happened.

What is wrong with me? Is this normal? I am getting scared. If this is a gift, how can I improve on it? The disadvantage is that I am always tired when I wake up. My dreams [are only about] me and my loved ones, never other people.

What is happening to you is not an aberration or an abnormality. It only means you are a psychic without realizing it. Psychic ability manifests in various ways. In your case your precognitive, telepathic and clairvoyant abilities manifest in dreams.

Your dreams are called “precognitive” or “psychic” dreams. These are dreams that come true. According to one study, 12 percent of dreams of Americans are precognitive.

In the Philippines, the average would be probably double that, about 20-25 percent. This is because we are more open to psychic matters and therefore more sensitive.

In your case, your psychic dreams come close to 100 percent. In that sense, you do not belong to the average or “normal” population in terms of having psychic dreams.

What you have is a gift worth developing. I suggest you keep a dream journal. In time you will be able to use this ability positively, warning people of impending dangers or solving problems. Eventually, you will also be able to control your dreams.

Two auras

When I went to see an albularyo recently, he said he was seeing two auras in me. I could not understand what he was trying to say. Can you explain?

I cannot tell for sure what he meant. He might be referring to another entity or spirit guide who is with you. That was why he could see two auras. Spirit guides can sometimes be seen by clairvoyants as another aura because they are really beings of light.

I had students who saw my spirit guides as separate auras from my own.

Absorbing illnesses

Lastly, I seem to be absorbing the illnesses of my loved ones. My boyfriend complained that his wisdom tooth seemed about to explode. He told me this about midnight. Next morning, I was eating pancakes for breakfast when my wisdom tooth split open! I called up my boyfriend and asked him about his tooth. He told me the pain vanished.

On another occasion, my sister told me she had a severe migraine. After a couple of hours, I had a splitting migraine while my sister’s migraine just disappeared. Can you tell me what is happening to me?

You are absorbing the pain or illness of other people because you are too sensitive and are not protected. You are claiming their illness unconsciously. You should not.

You have to make a conscious effort to shield or detach yourself from the sickness of other people. You are an open channel.

You should learn to control or manage your psychic abilities. Learn more about this field. Ignorance is your biggest enemy.

Since you are working abroad, you cannot attend my seminars designed to teach scientifically how to develop and control gifts. The next best thing is to read my book “Exploring the Powers of Your Inner Mind” and the soon-to-be published revised edition of my first book, “Understanding the Psychic Powers of Man.”

The next Inner Mind Development seminar will be held March 1-2, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., at Rm. 308 Prince Plaza I Condominium, 106 Legazpi St., Greenbelt, Makati. Call 810-7245, 892-6806; fax 815-9890; or e-mail

Monday, February 18, 2008

Two rare psychic abilities

Pyrokinesis is such a rare phenomenon or psychic ability that one could hardly find any documented example of it.

If Tibetan monks can generate extreme heat with their bodies, enough to dry wet blankets, then it is theoretically possible to produce fire by psychic or mental power alone.

One of the first recorded cases of a person’s ability to produce fire was that of A.W. Underwood of Paw Paw, Michigan. Dr. L.C. Woodman wrote about him in the New York Sun issue of Dec. 1, 1882:

“He will take anybody’s handkerchief, hold it to his mouth, rub it vigorously, while breathing on it, and immediately it bursts into flames and burns until consumed.”

According to a report in the book “Phenomena, a Book of Wonders” by John Michell and Robert Rickard, “Underwood would strip, rinse his mouth out and set any cloth or paper alight by his breath.”

Underwood said his ability to create fire was most useful when he was on hunting trips. He could get his camp fire going within seconds without a match.

The Russian psychic Nelya Mikhailova (who later changed her name to Nina Kulagina) was also recorded to have produced fire spontaneously.

The Russian parapsychologist or psychotronics investigator Dr. Genady Sergeyev said, in an interview with the Sunday People on March 14, 1976, “She can draw energy somehow from all around her. Electrical instruments can prove it. On several occasions, the force rushing into her body left four-inch long burn marks on her arms and hands. I was with her once when her clothing caught fire from the energy flow—it literally flamed up. I helped put out the flames and saved some of the burned clothing as an exhibit.”

The book Phenomena also quoted a story in Man, Myth and Magic (1970-72). Kenneth Grant told the story of a male disciple of a female spiritual guru named Anandamayi Ma, who asked her to show him her powers by burning him to ashes.

“As she joined him under a sunshade, he felt a fierce heat beat down upon his head. It grew so intense he begged her to stop. Grant says the man’s umbrella was quite burned in parts.”

In the Philippines I have not yet come across anybody who can produce fire simply by mind power. Come to think of it, in these modern times, who needs such power when anyone can easily produce fire by striking a match?


Otherwise known as “thought photography,” this is the very rare mental ability to transfer the image of what is in one’s mind into a photographic film. In the West this psychic feat is associated only with one man, a Chicago bellhop named Ted Serios.

Dr. Jule Eisenbud, a Denver psychiatrist, investigated the reported powers of Serios over a number of years. He published a book entitled “The World of Ted Serios.”

How did he do it? Ted Serios would concentrate or focus his mind on a particular object, say a classic Volkswagen car. When he had the image firmly fixed in his mind, a Polaroid camera would be aimed at his head and, upon his signal, the shutter was pushed.

When the film was developed, a recognizable image of a Volkswagen would appear on the film.

Although Serios did not always produce good images on film, Dr. Eisenbud showed that on many occasions he succeeded remarkably well. Eisenbud concluded, according to psychic researcher and author Colin Wilson, that Serios’ powers were genuine.

Much earlier, in 1962, in Japan, Tomokishi Fukurai, a professor of psychology at Tokyo University, investigated and reported on the remarkable ability of a woman “who could transfer specific images, usually geometrical figures or Japanese characters onto unexposed film plates.”

No camera was used and the target plate was sandwiched between the others. The woman consistently succeeded in imprinting the middle plate with the designated images, leaving the center plates entirely clear.

Fukurai published the results of his investigation, which created a serious controversy and resulted in his losing his job at the university.

Note: For inquiries on books, paranormal services and seminars on Inner Mind Development, ESP and Intuition Development, and Soulmates, Karma & Reincarnation conducted by this writer, call 8107245, 8926806, fax 8159890 or e-mail

Monday, February 11, 2008

Problem may have started in a previous life

I sometimes read columns that give advice to people with love or relationship problems when I see an interesting question.

Most of the time, the advice is sound and helpful. Sometimes it is even sprinkled with a good dose of humor.

But I notice that the advisers assume this is the only lifetime the people involved have ever lived. And, because of this, the real cause or source of the problem is seldom, if ever, addressed properly.

For example, why does a person get so attracted to another when all reason goes against a relationship with him or her? Why cannot one leave the other despite suffering so much emotionally, mentally and even, at times, physically?

If we assume that we have lived only in this lifetime and have never lived before, we may not find the real answer to the deepest questions our souls are aching to know.

A woman who came to my seminar on Soulmates, Karma and Reincarnation several years ago told me before the class began, that she drove her husband out of their house because she could no longer stand his womanizing. She would forgive him and then he would do it again.
So she finally decided to end the marriage once and for all. Her hatred toward her husband knew no bounds.

Role reversal

During the past-life hypnotic regression that I conducted during the seminar, she found out that, in a previous life, she was a man and was the husband of her present husband who, in that lifetime, was a woman. In other words, their roles were reversed.

During that previous lifetime, she was womanizing and cheating on her partner, now the husband she hated so much.

When she discovered this, she was shocked! She realized she was only getting in this lifetime a dose of her own medicine. In the language of the Bible, “She was reaping what she sowed.” She was only meeting her karma.

Karma is the law of universal justice or of cause and effect. It is the adjustment mechanism that refers our actions back to a past life that caused it.

Law of Karma

The Law of Karma is also called the Law of Compensation. It states: “Whatever we do will come back to us nothing less and nothing more.” There is no escaping the consequences of karma.

When this woman realized what she did to her husband in a previous life, she felt very sorry. Her hatred toward him completely vanished. Though she did not reconcile with him, her anger toward him was gone.

Emotional healing took place because of knowledge of her past deeds. She was only getting what she deserved.

This is what makes knowledge of past life and past relationship important. It makes us understand why certain people behave toward us and why we behave toward them in a certain way.

The behavior can either be positive or negative because both great hatred and great love bind us to another person.

Hated son

In another class, a woman discovered why she hated her second son. Unlike her other children, she would punish or castigate him at the slightest excuse. She felt she was being unfair to her second child but she could not understand her behavior or attitude toward him.

During the past-life regression, she saw herself as a slave in Africa centuries before. They had a slave master who was very cruel to them and who would whip or punish them for the slightest infraction. She hated the slave master so much that she cursed him and vowed never to forgive him.

This slave master became her son. She now had the opportunity either to continue hating him and exact revenge or to forgive. She chose to forgive. Her relationship with her son improved.

If you love somebody very much, you are bound to meet that person again in another lifetime. And, if you hate somebody very much, you are also bound to meet that person again in another lifetime.

So, if you do not want to meet your enemy again in your next life, better forgive him now and release him to his/her highest good. Otherwise, you are bound to meet that person again—and again, until you learn to forgive and release all things.

The next Inner Mind Development seminar will be Feb. 16-17, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Call 8107245, 8926806; fax 8159890; or e-mail

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Rationale behind the inner dance

Part V

Several members of our discussion group reported moving or swaying their hands and body involuntarily even after they had gone home. And, always, the feeling was one of bliss and inner tranquility.

But how does one explain such a mysterious process? Even Pi Villaraza was at a loss to find a rational explanation for it.

Carlos Castañeda explains this in his book “Magical Passes.”

In Castañeda’s foreword, I found the explanation I was looking for.

The magical passes, according to Castañeda’s teacher, the Mexican Yaqui Indian mystic named Don Juan Matus, were not invented. They were discovered by the shamans of Don Juan’s lineage who lived in ancient times, while they were in shamanistic states of heightened awareness.

“The discovery of the magical passes was quite accidental. It began as very simple queries about the nature of an incredible sensation of well-being that those shamans experienced in those states of heightened awareness when they held certain bodily positions or when they moved their limbs in some specific manner. Their sensation of well-being had been so intense that their drive to repeat those movements in their normal awareness became the focus of all their endeavors.”

This is similar to what happens after experiencing the inner dance. People want to continue it.

Two states

There are two states of consciousness. The normal state of awareness is what Don Juan calls the “tonal” and the heightened state of awareness, the “nagual.” Psychologist Lawrence LeShan calls it “sensory” reality and “clairvoyant” reality.

Don Juan believes “there is an inherent amount of energy existing in each of us, an amount which is not subject to the onslaughts of outside forces for augmenting it or for decreasing it.”

Usually hidden from the ordinary person, such energy, these shamans believe, can be released and perceived through heightened states of awareness and by performing those magical passes or movements.

One can recall such a heightened state only by breaking down the rational barriers erected by western mental conditioning. Once we go past these rational mental barriers then we can truly perceive reality.

Don Juan calls that “seeing” as contrasted to merely “looking.”

When we only look, we see a person as an ordinary physical solid being. But when we “see,” we see him or her as “luminous fibers of light.”

I think Don Juan is referring here to seeing the human aura, because those fibers of lights are “egg-shaped,” which is the shape of the human aura when seen in its totality through clairvoyant vision.

Don Juan described “seeing” as “a state of heightened awareness in which the human body is capable of perceiving energy as a flow, a current, a wind-like vibration.”

During such magical passes or inner dance movements, one’s rational mind steps momentarily aside and he or she sees things from a totally different perspective.

He/she sees himself/herself as connected to everybody also through an energy flow and he/she gravitates toward those with similar vibration. And there is a redeployment of energy to where it is needed by the body.

Healing automatically happens, I believe, because during those altered states of consciousness one becomes whole, not fragmented as we ordinarily are because of the stresses of modern life and negativity in our mentality.

When we become whole and connected to the entire universe, the automatic effect is healing. What does healing really mean except to be “whole?”

And that is what the inner dance of the ancient Babaylan is ultimately all about.