Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Is Mariang Makiling myth or fact?

Alfredo Salcedo Jr., a young doctor from Iloilo City and a regular reader of this column, sent several questions that might be of interest to other readers as well.

He said, since childhood, he had been interested in paranormal phenomena and even tried to discover them on his own.

Here are Dr. Salcedo’s questions and my replies:

1. Is Mariang Makiling true? Have you ever encountered her? What is her nature?

According to Philippine folk beliefs, there are three diwata or enchanted beings, all named Maria, living in sacred mountains. They are Mariang Makiling in Mt. Makiling, Mariang Sinukuan in Mt. Arayat and Mariang Banahaw in Mt. Banahaw.

They are considered mythical and legendary creatures that do not have real existence.

However, some mystics and mediums in Mt. Banahaw told me the three Marias were real and had appeared to those they wanted to see them.I do not know personally if these three are true or not. But I do not doubt the existence of such enchanted beings as fairies or diwata. They are part of the elemental kingdom or nature spirits.

2. If the Mayan Calendar’s prediction is true (that the present Earth cycle will end at midnight of Dec. 11, 2012), what can we do to prepare (religiously, morally or practically) for that event?

There is actually not much time for humankind to prepare, is there? That is only five short years from now. There is really nothing we can do about the changes that will occur.

But we can prepare ourselves by raising our consciousness or developing our sensitivity to psychic and spiritual forces. According to information from some benign entities, those who have raised their levels of awareness or clairvoyance will know what to do and where to go before the cycle ends, which is always preceded by natural calamities and disasters.

It is only very recently that more people on Earth are beginning to be aware of and doing something about the world’s environmental and ecological problems. For so long, warning signs were ignored by almost all governments.

Each of us must do our part to help reduce the pollution we caused. We cannot rely on any outside agency to do this for us.

3. Have you heard about hemi-sync? Is that effective? In what way?

Yes, I have heard about it and I even have two tapes of hemi-sync. As far as I know, this was developed by the late American engineer Robert Monroe of the Monroe Institute.

Hemi-sync is short for hemispheric synchronization. It consists of scientifically made sounds aimed at synchronizing the brain waves of the left and right hemispheres of our neocortex to achieve quickly the alpha or theta state.

Its effectiveness depends on individual sensitivity and inclinations. For some it is effective. They reach the alpha state by listening to it using an earphone. Separate but synchronized sounds are heard in each ear as one listens.

However, one can also reach the alpha state easily even without such a device by simply practicing the meditative technique I teach in my courses.

4. During my internship, I wondered why I got gloomier (and sicker) when on duty at the pediatric ward than at the medical ward. Are there more negative energies at the pediatric ward?

Perhaps in the hospital where you did your internship, yes, but we cannot generalize. Some people are just sensitive to energies and others are not. We must look at the pediatric ward to tell what was causing your negative reaction.

In any big hospital, I read that there were rooms where more patients died than at other rooms or wards. Hospital administrations should be concerned if they notice such a pattern.

Note: For inquiries on Inner Mind Development, ESP and Intuition Development; and Soulmates; Karma and Reincarnation seminars by this writer, call 8107245 or 8926806, fax 8159890 or e-mail innerawareness_2005@yahoo.com.ph. Visit also our website http://www.jaimelicauco.com./


Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Mystics and quantum physicists speak the same language

MANILA, Philippines—Quantum physicists have discovered to their amazement that, in the sub-atomic world, particles behave in very “unscientific and unpredictable” ways.

For example:

1. An observer watching a particle affects the way it behaves. It can appear as a particle (with a mass, static and at a specific location in space) or as a wave (nonlocal and dynamic).

2. A particle can affect the action or behavior of another at a distance.

3. A particle can revolve in an orbit at one time then suddenly disappear and appear in another.

4. Cause may occur at the same time as, not before, an effect.

5. The exact location of a particle cannot be pinpointed, only the probability.

6. A fourth dimension known as space-time exists.

7. Everything is constantly in a state of motion, never static. Therefore, everything is really energy.

In his best-selling book “The Dancing Wu Li Masters,” Gary Zukav says, “The new physics, quantum mechanics, tells us clearly that it is not possible to observe reality without changing it.”

Two ways of seeing

Psychologist Dr. Lawrence LeShan says there are two ways of looking at the world. The first he calls sensory reality, the way most of us see it; the other is clairvoyant reality, how mystics and visionaries see the world. These are not opposite but complementary ways.

The Mexican Yaqui Indian mystic Don Juan Matus, who called himself a brujo or sorcerer in the books by anthropologist Carlos Castañeda, called the two ways of looking at the world tonal and nagual.

Tonal is the way ordinary people see the world, while Nagual is the way sorcerers or mystics see it, i.e. from an inner or esoteric perspective.

It is difficult for mystics to describe the world they see to ordinary people who see it only from the macro-level, the tonal.

The world the mystic sees is indescribable or difficult to verbalize. The world of particle physics that quantum physicists see is indescribable from the Newtonian stand point. Nor can it be understood rationally and scientifically.

The same is true with clairvoyant vision. It defies all known laws of physical vision.

Quantum physics has definitely and clearly shown that there is no such thing as objective reality. Buddhists and other Eastern mystics have been telling us for thousands of years the same thing, that everything is maya or illusion.

New allies

Psychics and the world of paranormal phenomena have at last found an ally in modern or quantum physicists. They seem to be talking the same language when describing the world. There cannot be any contradiction because truth is one and, if both are telling the truth, both should be correct.
The following statements were made either by a physicist (scientist) or by a mystic (philosopher). They were quoted side by side by psychologist Dr. Lawrence LeShan in his book “The Medium, The Mystic and the Physicist” to show that their language, when describing the ultimate or fundamental nature of physical reality or the universe, was almost indistinguishable from each other:

1. “No doubt we should not speak of seeing, but instead of seen and seer, speak boldly of a simple unity. For in this seeing we neither distinguish nor are there, too.” (Plotinus, ancient Greek philosopher)
2. “When we thought we were studying the external world, our data were still our observations. The world was an inference from them.” (Dingle, physicist)
3. “ ...The reason why our sentiment, percipient and thinking ego is met nowhere in the world picture can easily be indicated in seven words: because it is itself that word picture. It is identical with the whole and therefore cannot be contained in it as part of it.” (Schrödinger, physicist)
4. “ ...All phenomena and their development are simply manifestations of mind, all causes and effects, from great universes to the fire dust only seen in the sunlight, come into apparent existence only by means of the discriminating mind. Even open space is not nothingness.” (Suringama Sutra, mystic)
5. “Pure logical thinking cannot yield us any knowledge of the empirical world; all knowledge of reality starts from experience and ends there. Propositions arrived at by purely logical means are completely empty of reality.” (Einstein, physicist)
6. “As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain, and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality.” (Einstein, physicist)
7. “Vaccha asked the Buddha: Do you hold that the soul of the saint exists after death?

“I do not hold that the soul of the saint exists after death.”

“Do you hold that the soul of the saint does not exist after death?

“I do not hold that the soul of the saint does not exist after death.”

“Where is the saint reborn?

“To say that he is not reborn would not fit the case.” (Majihima—Nikaya Sutra, mystic)
8. “If we ask, for instance, whether the position of the electron remains the same, we must say no; if we ask whether the electron’s position changes with time, we must say ‘no’; if we ask whether the electron is at rest, we must say ‘no’; if we ask whether it is in motion we must say ‘no.’” (J.R. Oppenheimer, physicist)


Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Why quantum physicists talk like mystics

One of the most difficult problems confronting psychics, mystics, visionaries or clairvoyants, is how to make what they see real to ordinary people who do not and cannot see it the same way they do.

And since they are in the minority, their views are often ignored or disregarded by the majority, which constitutes the mainstream opinion.

What psychics and mystics see as the real nature of the physical universe lies outside the purview of classical or orthodox science. And, because of this, it is considered to be unreal or non-existent.
To ordinary people, anyone who insists that there are such things as psychic or paranormal powers or phenomena must surely be hallucinating or imagining things.

This view prevails among the great majority of western scientists, despite so many incontrovertible proofs presented and reliable experiments conducted by reputable scientists showing that such things do exist.

This negative attitude may soon change. Psychics and mystics have found an unexpected ally within the ranks of a relatively new scientific field called by various names like quantum mechanics, modern physics, particle physics and, lately, quantum physics.


In fact, the way pioneers of quantum physics describe the ultimate nature of physical reality is often indistinguishable from the way mystics talk about it.
This uncanny and incredible parallelism in the thinking of both mystics and modern physicists was not lost on several keen observers of recent developments in science.

Four major and exciting books have come out in the last 15 years showing such parallelism. These are:

1. “The Dancing Wu Li Masters, An overview of Modern Physics” by well-known writer Gary Zukav

2. “The Tao of Physics” by physicist Fritjof Capra

3. “The Medium, the Mystic and the Physicist (Toward a General Theory of the Paranormal)” by psychologist Dr. Lawrence LeShan

4. “Mysticism and the New Physics” by science writer and researcher Michael Talbot

What has come out of the studies of quantum physicists is that it has rendered Newtonian physics and Euclidean geometry, which have been the bases of modern science for centuries, inapplicable when it comes to the sub-atomic particles of matter.

No longer the same

Matter can no longer be looked at merely from the way Isaac Newton and classical physics have always looked at it.

Classical physical science makes the following assumptions about the world:

1. There is an objective reality that lies outside of us, i.e. separate from us.
2. This reality is absolute, fixed and stable and can be observed, measured, weighed and analyzed.
3. It stays at a certain locus that can be pinpointed.
4. It exists either in the present, past or future.
5. Its activities or characteristics are governed by the deterministic laws of physics established by Newton.
6. The cause always precedes the effect, etc.

No one has ever questioned these assumptions that are regarded as true and absolute, until Albert Einstein came along and pointed out that everything was relative, including the nature of physical reality.
Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity shattered the very foundations on which classical physics was built. It laid the groundwork for the development of the new or modern physics now referred to as quantum physics.

Quantum physics deals with the nature, behavior and characteristics of the smallest, sub-atomic particles of matter.

In this unseen world of particle physics, sacred laws of Newtonian physics no longer apply. In fact, the behavior of the smallest particles of matter defies all previously known and accepted laws of physics.

That is why it took these new physicists a long time to realize and accept what they were seeing in their laboratories and in their mathematical formulations.

In essence, what governs the behavior of the smallest particles of matter is human consciousness. This led the great modern physicist Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington to declare that the “stuff of the universe is mind stuff.”

Note: Attend the next ESP & Intuition Development seminar Nov. 24-25, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. in Makati. For details, call tel. nos. 8107245 or 8926806. In Cagayan de Oro City, I will conduct a Stress Control, Self-healing and Goal Setting Seminar Nov. 17; and Soulmates, Karma and Reincarnation Seminar Nov. 18. For details, contact Jessica Tomacas at cell no. 0920-9235704.


Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Hearing, smelling and feeling psychic information

Clairaudience is the mental ability to hear voices or conversations from afar. This happens rarely and when it does, it is almost always spontaneous or involuntary. One just hears a conversation without the concerned parties anywhere near the individual.

This happened to an officemate of mine way back in the early ’60s. I was working in an installment financing firm located along a very busy and noisy street.

During lunch break, I was still in the office finishing some work. My officemate, named Greg, was looking out the window facing the street. When he looked down from the sixth-floor windowpane, he saw two of our female co-employees talking on the sidewalk under a tree. But to his surprise he could hear very clearly what they were talking about.

When the two female employees went up to report for work, Greg told them, “I heard what you were talking about down there.”

“Oh yeah?” said Cora, one of the female employees. “What did you hear me say?”

“Well,” replied Greg, “you were telling Jane that you had just broken up with your boyfriend after a big quarrel last night!”

Cora was shocked, because that was exactly what she had told Jane a while ago.

How did Greg hear a conversation six floors down with the windows closed? Here is an example of a spontaneous psychic connection that took place between Greg and the two women. He tuned in to them without intending to, because his eyes were focused on them while in a relaxed state of mind.

Mothers develop strong psychic connection with their small children. They can hear them crying even when far away. Emotional closeness can bring about psychic attunement or connection.


Clairolfaction is a psychic or mental ability to smell psychic information rather than see, feel or hear it. I never would have known of such a rare psychic power were it not for the fact that I had a student who discovered precisely such an ability in my class on ESP and Intuition Development.

Oscar (not his real name) was a young man in his late 20s when he came to my class. He did not think he had any psychic power at all. In fact, he was getting disappointed with the ESP exercises during the seminar.

Then it dawned on him that the psychic information he was getting was from his sense of smell and not from his sense of sight, hearing or touch. He could smell psychic information.

For example, when I gave the class an exercise on psychic diagnosis, he could smell something bad on the head of his partner, although they were not really sitting that close to each other. He found out later she was suffering from a severe headache.

In another exercise, he smelled something in the kidney of another partner who was suffering from a kidney infection. He was able to prove his ability to smell psychic information during a meeting of the graduates of the course. He again was able to accurately smell the condition of his partner.

This psychic ability is known by various names in other books.


Clairsentience is the mental ability to sense or feel the presence of invisible things like spirits, energies or even thought forms which are not normally sensed by ordinary people. There are more people who are clairsentient than clairvoyant. They can feel things but can’t see them.

I am one of those who can feel more than I can see. For example, I can tell if there are spirits around the house or any place without seeing them. Many times I can do this even at a distance. Given only the exact address of a person, I can tune in to the place and tell if there are negative spirits around. If the spirits are not negative, I have more difficulty sensing them.

When there are highly negative entities around, I feel some difficulty or heaviness in my breathing and I develop a headache. Others have goose pimples or feel their hair standing up. Sometimes, when an elemental or earthbound spirit comes too near, one may go into a trance and he or she can’t move. Avoid going to hospitals or wakes because there are usually earthbound spirits there. Cemeteries are even less of a problem. I don’t usually feel entities in them compared to funeral chapels during wakes.

Although most people’s third eye or clairvoyant vision is not fully developed, they can usually sense or feel spirits during their waking states and even during sleep. We should learn to accept whatever psychic gifts we have such as clairsentience, clairaudience or clairolfaction and not try to force ourselves to be clairvoyants. As St. Paul said in Corinthians, there are different gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Note: The next Makati Soulmates, Karma & Reincarnation seminar will be held Nov. 10, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. For details, call 8107245 or 8926806. In Cagayan de Oro City, I will conduct a Stress Control, Self-healing and Goal Setting seminar on Nov. 17; and Soulmates, Karma and Reincarnation on Nov. 18. For details, contact Jessica Tomacas at 0920-9235704.
