Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Poland has great interest in psychic topics

I DID not know what awaited me when I was invited to conduct a series of inner mind development seminars in Warsaw and Poznan by the Institute of Valeology headed by Irena Galinska-Musiol.

Since Poland is 95-percent Catholic, an even higher percentage than the Philippines', I expected a greater degree of resistance to my ideas and teachings.

I was wrong! Over 200 people attended my Introductory Lecture at the Ethnological Museum in Warsaw.

I was featured in "The Unknown World," the largest esoteric magazine in Poland, interviewed on television and on radio. Another well-known publication in Poznan, whose name roughly translates into "Fortune Teller Magazine" but actually features metaphysical and spiritual topics, also did a long interview with me.

It was a dizzying and hectic 12-day trip. My wife Yoly, who accompanied me, complained that she hardly had time to do some shopping and sightseeing. But I told her this first trip would not be the last but was only the beginning. This turned out to be correct.

The institute asked me to sign a three-year contract to conduct a series of seminars in Poland. Another agreement I signed was a contract for the Institute to translate and publish three of my books into Polish. The books are "Soulmates, Karma & Reincarnation," "The Magicians of God" and "Exploring the Powers of Your Inner Mind."

Faith healersSince the '90s, Filipino faith healers and psychic surgeons from Baguio City have done healing in Poland. The first to go there was the late Jose Segundo, who was killed when he was mayor of a municipality in Abra.

It was healer Hari Lukingan who introduced me to the Institute of Valeology, which invites experts and speakers from various parts of the world to give lectures and seminars on metaphysical, spiritual and new consciousness subjects.

I met during this trip Baguio healers Jaime Pusot and Antonio Pelingan, who were working with the institute. They are not allowed to do psychic surgery, only magnetic healing, physical therapy and massage.

The seminars I conducted in Warsaw were "Soulmates, Karma and Reincarnation," "Basic ESP and Intuition Development" and "The Power of Intuition in Management." The last topic was discussed in Poznan with prominent business leaders and executives.

Two young men with the institute, Christopher Horbaczewski and Chris Witalewski, acted as interpreters for Irena and her partner Andrew who did not speak English.

During the seminars they hired a professional interpreter named Sarah to do the simultaneous translation of my lecture. Though I was apprehensive at first, the arrangement proved pretty successful.

I told my hosts that, considering that Poland was a heavily Catholic country, I was surprised at the open-mindedness of participants and the warm reception given my teachings which, in my own country, were regarded with suspicion and even opposed by certain conservative sectors of the Catholic population.

Hungry for knowledgeIrena told me that in Poland the people were hungry for real knowledge about metaphysics, spirituality and higher consciousness. That was why the Institute had been inviting experts in various fields from all over the world as they did not have such expertise yet.
When I was there, the institute had programmed seminars on Hypnosis, Arcturian Sacred Geometry, Tantra Yoga of Sex, Ayurveda and other topics loosely labeled "New Age" in the Philippines.

Journalist Anna Forecka of Fortune Teller Magazine, a writer for 11 years, interviewed me for almost two hours about varied topics saying she would write a long feature article about me in her popular magazine.

A participant in my ESP seminar in Warsaw turned out to be an independent producer of television documentary programs. He interviewed me about the use of intuition in management, which seemed to be a very new subject for them.

A consultant who worked part- time with the Institute of Valeology, asked if I had a seminar on creative thinking that I could conduct in Poland. I used to teach that subject for various companies in the Philippines, including in the Master in Entrepreneurship program at the Asian Institute of Management, where I was a part-time faculty member.

Since Poland has joined the European Union, there is great pressure on the country to catch up with the rest of Western Europe. This is why they need courses that will improve the creative and innovative thinking skills of the people.

Before I left Warsaw, I was told that they got money from the EU to fund a seminar on Creative Thinking and Problem Solving. Next March I will be back in Poland to teach this subject and conduct my other inner mind development seminars.

Note: For inquiries on books, paranormal services and seminars on Inner Mind Development, ESP and Intuition Development, and Soulmates, Karma and Reincarnation conducted by this writer, call 8107245, 8926806; fax 8159890 or e-mail .


Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Laughter is the best medicine

About 25 years ago, Norman Cousins, editor of the respected literary magazine Saturday Review in New York City, was diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis, an incurable and fatal spinal column illness of unknown cause.

He tried all sorts of alternative remedies, including Vitamin B-17 or laetrile, large doses of Vitamin C and several others, with little or no effect on his condition.

So, one day, against the advice of his doctors, he left the hospital and closeted himself in his apartment for one month doing what he enjoyed most—reading humorous stories and jokes, watching comedy movies and reading his favorite comic books.

He did nothing but laugh and laugh each day for one whole month. He also wrote original jokes which he would read aloud to himself then laugh like crazy. He noticed that every time he laughed, his pain was eased.
At the end of one month, Cousins returned to the hospital for a checkup. To the surprise of the medical staff who examined him, they found no trace of the dreaded disease. He was completely cured!

So they asked Cousins what medicines he took that cured him. They would not believe him when he replied he had not taken any medicine since he was told his ailment was incurable.

They said, “You must have done something you never did before.”

He finally replied, “All I did was to laugh myself to health.” He became known as the man who cured himself through laughter, and was even appointed a faculty member of the University of California Los Angeles School of Medicine, although he was not a doctor.

Later he told his incredible story in a book, “Anatomy of an Illness,” which was made into a movie.

At that time, medical science did not believe there was any connection between the mind, the emotions and the immune system. The immune system was thought to be independent of and not subject to the directions of the mind or the vagaries of human emotions.

In the early 90’s, I met Leonard Ponath of Dallas, Texas at a YPO (Young Presidents’ Organization) regional conference in Cebu, where we were both guest speakers. Ponath told the story of how, 18 years before the Cebu meeting, he fell buttocks first from a two-story building, broke his pelvic bones and was paralyzed from the hips down. Doctors told him he would never walk again.

While recuperating in a circular bed in the hospital, he began to visualize 100 construction workers reconstructing his pelvic bones. His visualization was aided by healing sounds used by the medicine men or shamans of Nicaragua’s Mesquito Indians. He did the visualization morning, noon and evening.

On the third month of his confinement, he developed a sensation in his toe, which was medically impossible. On the sixth month, he developed a sensation in his legs. Another impossibility. On the 12th month, he was able to sit down. When I met him in Cebu, he was jogging. Ponath told me, “If the people you (tell) this story to do not believe you, tell them to go to the Museum of Natural History in Dallas, and there they will find my story.”

There are many other stories I can relate here about extraordinary healing that occurred using mental imagery or some other natural means or techniques.

But western-trained medical doctors and scientists normally ignore and even frown upon such stories for several reasons.

First, they happen at random and quite infrequently. Second, they cannot be explained scientifically or rationally.

Third, they seem to happen mainly to people who are suggestible and therefore highly subjective.
But neuroscientists and other specialists in the last 20 or 30 years have begun to unravel the mysterious connections among our nervous system, emotions and the immune system.

They have discovered and are still discovering the vital role our minds and emotions play in the emergence of disease and its possible management and cure.

In the near future, more progressive physicians will be asking their patients not only about the symptoms they have but also the following: “How do you feel about your job? Your wife or husband? Your mother-in-law? What upsets you or makes you angry? Do you get enough sleep? Etc.”

They may prescribe not just drugs or surgery but also meditation, visualization, yoga, Qui Gong, Tai Chi or even laughter to fight disease.

Note: The next Inner Mind Development seminar will be at 9 a.m.-5 p.m., June 23-24. Interested parties may call tel. nos. 810-7245, 892-6806; fax 815-9890;

E-mail the author at innerawareness_2005@yahoo.com.ph.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Stalked by a spirit lover

I received recently the following urgent letter from a reader named Juancho S. whose girlfriend abroad is being sexually molested by a spirit.

“I am writing to you in desperation. My fiancée has been hounded by a certain entity for quite some time now.
“It started when she was finishing medical school. In the middle of the night, a spirit, who seemed to be a man, would get on top of her, as if to violate her, until she would wake up.

“She would call me up crying, scared and not knowing what to do. It happened several times. She tried to live with it, until it became unbearable because it followed her to Nueva Ecija.

“Being an ardent Catholic, she tried praying while the spirit was on top of her, but it seemed it was mocking her.

“Upon the recommendation of a brother Mason, we took advice from a Muslim priest, who instructed her to say a prayer and gave her blessed water to scatter around her apartment. After that, the molestation stopped.
“Now that she is in the States (Jersey City, NJ), we thought it was unlikely it would follow her since the episodes stopped. But we were wrong. Since she left in January, she had three such episodes, and the entity was starting to take form!

“Please help us, I myself feel helpless for I no longer know what to do, plus the fact that I cannot be there for her.”

There are women who attract spirits, sometimes negative ones without intending to. These are women whose chakras or psychic centers (specially the third or solar plexus) are open and whose auras are not shielded. They are also usually very sensitive to the psychic forces but are weak-willed.

They are natural psychics without realizing it. Spirit entities see these as openings or entry points into their energy field or vibratory level. Those women become mediums or channels of the spirit.

It is all right if they can shield themselves from the lower and negative spirits and commune only with higher positive ones. But usually they lack the ability to discern the spirits that come to them and they are open to the influences of negative ones.

Sometimes a male spirit gets attracted to a living female because the victim resembles a woman the spirit fell in love with in the past. Sometimes, these spirits are just really demonic and they are the dangerous ones.
The first line of defense against spirit molestations and possessions is to strengthen one’s will to fight and prevent these negative elements from molesting or entering one’s body. A positive and confident attitude will help.

According to psychic Edgar Cayce, “If you align yourself to your highest ideal, that is, to your God, then no lower spirit can bother you. Some healers in the Philippines have suggested that the victim recite the 91st Psalm or the 23rd Psalm to protect him or her from spirit molestation. The wearing of the Saint Benedict medal also has helped many victims of demonic possession. It is also good against snake bites and poisons.”

A reader from Zamboanga City named Abbey wants to know what it means if we dream of our departed ones. Her one-and-a-half year old boy died and members of her family often dream of him playing and laughing. “Does he want to tell us something? Is he truly happy in heaven?”

Dreams of newly departed loved ones can mean different things depending on the circumstances of their death and the manner in which they appear in the dreams.

Sometimes it is merely to say goodbye, at other times to convey an important message, and sometimes to ask for help or prayer. Sudden death can bring shock to the spirit and, for a while, it may feel lost in the spirit world.

In the case of your young child, he just wants to tell you and the members of your family that he is happy where he is now in the spirit world and you should not worry about him.

Your husband’s dream, which you also mentioned, is more difficult to interpret accurately beyond the obvious meaning that he may be always thinking of new projects that never get off the ground.

I have no idea of his background nor his present issues in life. A dream cannot be interpreted properly except in the context of the dreamer’s life.

Unless I can ask your husband a number of specific questions about himself, I would rather not venture to interpret his or anyone’s dream.

Note: For inquiries on books, paranormal services and seminars on Inner Mind Development, ESP and Intuition Development, and Soulmates, Karma & Reincarnation conducted by this writer, please call 810-7245, 8926806; or fax 815-9890.

E-mail the author at innerawareness_2005@yahoo.com.ph.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Can dreams show us future events?

News of the arrest of four suspects in the killing of a senior police officer in the May 26 issue of Philippine Daily Inquirer caught my interest and attention.

The victim’s wife was quoted as saying their 12-year-old daughter dreamt of the tragedy the day it happened:

“In the dream, the Bocalbos family was inside the Nissan Urvan Escapade vehicle waiting for Maria Cristina to return from a fast food restaurant. Suddenly, someone opened the front passenger seat and attacked the police officer. Christie looked in the vehicle’s side mirror and saw her father pleading for help.”

The news item added that the victim’s wife wanted to tell her husband about their daughter’s dream and to warn him but she ignored the impulse thinking it was just a dream.

QuestionsThere are several questions that come to mind regarding this story. First, what are dreams, and why do they occur? Second, how can dreams tell us what is going to happen beforehand? And third, can the victim have been saved if the wife warned him?

We spend one-third of our lives sleeping. And dreaming is one of the main activities during sleep. A dream has been defined as “the language of the subconscious mind.”Our subconscious is a vast store-house of information, not only of past, but also of present and future events.

There are many reasons why we dream. Sometimes, a dream is merely a carryover of waking activities and concerns. Other times, it conveys an important message about our health, relationship, job or other personal matter. But there are times when dreams warn us of future events, like what happened in the above case.

How is it possible for a dream to foretell a future event? Of course not all dreams are of this nature. But, according to the beliefs of Australian aborigines, “before an event actually happens in our waking state, we first dream of it.”That’s why they pay close attention to their dreams and do not ignore them, unlike us so-called more “civilized” ones. I think we have much to learn from the aborigines.

The third question is the most difficult to answer: Could Bocalbo’s death have been prevented if his wife told him of his daughter’s dream?

Of course, if his wife called him and he heeded the warning, then the killing would not have taken place that day. But would it not happen at all?Sometimes a foreseen or predicted event can be prevented; sometimes not.

UnpreventableLet me cite two examples, one local, the other foreign.

During the time of President Ferdinand E. Marcos, a psychic reportedly warned him that the plane carrying his son Bongbong would crash. The plane had already taken off. The President asked the plane to return and his son got off.The plane resumed its journey. As we know, that plane did crash, killing almost everybody on board, including Bongbong’s best friend, the son of Judge Serafin Camilon (By the way, in a Playboy Magazine interview, Marcos said he had an intuitive insight the plane would crash and not because he was warned. I don’t know whom to believe, the psychic who told me about it or Marcos. Both are dead now).

Question: “Why didn’t Marcos ground that plane if he knew it would crash?” He couldn’t. If he did, he would have been the laughing stock of the world. He couldn’t prove it would crash, until it actually did. So he just asked his son to get off.

In the second case, Edgar Cayce, the late American psychic and prophet, was waiting for an elevator. When the doors opened, he saw four or five persons inside. He stepped back to indicate he was not getting in. The elevator doors closed and shortly afterwards the elevator crashed killing all passengers.

Question: “How did Edgar Cayce know that the elevator would crash?” He said when the elevator doors opened, he saw the people inside had no aura anymore (the aura is the life force that every living being has). For all practical purposes, therefore, those people were already dead.

Another question: “Why didn’t Cayce ask the people to get out?” Answer: Who would believe him? Those people were as good as dead and there was nothing he could do about it.Same thing with the plane crash. The people in the plane were already doomed. Marcos could not have prevented it.

Should we therefore just let things be and do nothing when we dream or see something bad is about to happen? No, we should always try to warn people of impending danger or accident when we foresee one, because there are times when foreseen events can be prevented.This is when their completion depends on the will of man and is not yet completed on the astral or spiritual plane.

Note: For inquiries on books, paranormal services and seminars on Inner Mind Development, ESP and Intuition Development, and Soulmates, Karma & Reincarnation conducted by this writer, please call 8107245, 8926806; fax 8159890; e-mail innerawareness_2005@yahoo.com.ph..