Why quantum physicists talk like mystics
And since they are in the minority, their views are often ignored or disregarded by the majority, which constitutes the mainstream opinion.
What psychics and mystics see as the real nature of the physical universe lies outside the purview of classical or orthodox science. And, because of this, it is considered to be unreal or non-existent.
To ordinary people, anyone who insists that there are such things as psychic or paranormal powers or phenomena must surely be hallucinating or imagining things.
This view prevails among the great majority of western scientists, despite so many incontrovertible proofs presented and reliable experiments conducted by reputable scientists showing that such things do exist.
This negative attitude may soon change. Psychics and mystics have found an unexpected ally within the ranks of a relatively new scientific field called by various names like quantum mechanics, modern physics, particle physics and, lately, quantum physics.
In fact, the way pioneers of quantum physics describe the ultimate nature of physical reality is often indistinguishable from the way mystics talk about it.
This uncanny and incredible parallelism in the thinking of both mystics and modern physicists was not lost on several keen observers of recent developments in science.
Four major and exciting books have come out in the last 15 years showing such parallelism. These are:
1. “The Dancing Wu Li Masters, An overview of Modern Physics” by well-known writer Gary Zukav
2. “The Tao of Physics” by physicist Fritjof Capra
3. “The Medium, the Mystic and the Physicist (Toward a General Theory of the Paranormal)” by psychologist Dr. Lawrence LeShan
4. “Mysticism and the New Physics” by science writer and researcher Michael Talbot
What has come out of the studies of quantum physicists is that it has rendered Newtonian physics and Euclidean geometry, which have been the bases of modern science for centuries, inapplicable when it comes to the sub-atomic particles of matter.
No longer the same
Matter can no longer be looked at merely from the way Isaac Newton and classical physics have always looked at it.
Classical physical science makes the following assumptions about the world:
1. There is an objective reality that lies outside of us, i.e. separate from us.
2. This reality is absolute, fixed and stable and can be observed, measured, weighed and analyzed.
3. It stays at a certain locus that can be pinpointed.
4. It exists either in the present, past or future.
5. Its activities or characteristics are governed by the deterministic laws of physics established by Newton.
6. The cause always precedes the effect, etc.
No one has ever questioned these assumptions that are regarded as true and absolute, until Albert Einstein came along and pointed out that everything was relative, including the nature of physical reality.
Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity shattered the very foundations on which classical physics was built. It laid the groundwork for the development of the new or modern physics now referred to as quantum physics.
Quantum physics deals with the nature, behavior and characteristics of the smallest, sub-atomic particles of matter.
In this unseen world of particle physics, sacred laws of Newtonian physics no longer apply. In fact, the behavior of the smallest particles of matter defies all previously known and accepted laws of physics.
That is why it took these new physicists a long time to realize and accept what they were seeing in their laboratories and in their mathematical formulations.
In essence, what governs the behavior of the smallest particles of matter is human consciousness. This led the great modern physicist Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington to declare that the “stuff of the universe is mind stuff.”
Note: Attend the next ESP & Intuition Development seminar Nov. 24-25, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. in Makati. For details, call tel. nos. 8107245 or 8926806. In Cagayan de Oro City, I will conduct a Stress Control, Self-healing and Goal Setting Seminar Nov. 17; and Soulmates, Karma and Reincarnation Seminar Nov. 18. For details, contact Jessica Tomacas at cell no. 0920-9235704.
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