Tuesday, February 06, 2007

ET Has Called Earth Home?

EACH soul that incarnates on Earth brings with it memories of its life’s sojourns or travels in other planetary systems and galaxies.

Many people are not originally from this planet. Most are extraterrestrials (ET) from other worlds.

This is the extraordinary thesis of American researcher Scott Mandelker, who wrote the book “From Elsewhere, Being ET in America.” According to him, humans have been seeded into Earth to nourish and develop this planet for habitation by other life forms at some future date.
Many beings from other galaxies have been migrating to this planet for thousands of years completely unknown to others, even to themselves.

We can detect these ETs among us if we are sensitive and discerning enough. These ETs do not hold the same values most earth people have. They do not conform easily to outward pressures. They have a mind of their own and they think in ways that separate them from the rest of humanity.

They are pioneers who change the course of events on this planet, whether in terms of new thoughts or ideas, new inventions or gadgets, new religion, new ways of relating to people.
Sometimes regarded as weird, they can rarely be ignored. Men and women of extraordinary other-worldly talents and skills include such beings as Nikola Tesla, William Shakespeare, Socrates, Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, Francis Bacon, Ramses II, Moses and Jesus, to name just a few.

Their ideas often shock when first articulated or stated. They may defy current, cultural and moral standards. But, in the end, their contribution will be upheld by future generations.
Before entering the hall or inner chambers of the Oracle of Delphi, the querent (defined by Wikipedia as an individual who goes to some form of psychic reader) will see on each gate the signs “Know thy self” and “Nothing to excess.”The first task of every human being is to know himself/herself. Only by knowing one’s true identity can he/she attain enlightenment or “gnosis.”

When we are asked the question “Who are you?” how do we answer? We may give our name, family name, parents, schools attended, degrees earned, place of birth, even one’s Social Security System or Government Service Insurance System number.

But do these define us or tell others who we are? No, they only give out information outside of us. For we are not our names, our parents, our school, or SSS number. These are all outside of us and reveal nothing about who we really are.

So the ancient Greeks were correct in insisting that the initiate first answered that question before he/she could be allowed entry into the innermost chambers of the Oracle, where the high priestess sat in a deep trance, ready to answer any question asked her.

If we can but stop for a moment to reflect on that seemingly simple question, “Who are you?” we will begin to notice that there is more to us than what we have enumerated about ourselves. Perhaps there is some truth to the theory that we are of extraterrestrial origin. And, therefore, all our answers, no matter how extensive or how long, are all wrong!

We can truly say we come from outer space or, if you are more religiously inclined, we may say from heaven. What the heck are we doing in this calamity-prone planet? Some say, “This dying planet.”

Well, to be honest, humankind has almost failed in its task of nourishing this planet. Instead, humans have helped bring about our planet’s imminent death by their wanton destruction of the environment, the ozone layer and natural resources. We have lost touch with our mission of preserving this planet for future extraterrestrial generations.

We don’t yet have the capability of interplanetary travel. We are doomed to stay here, so let us stop destroying it. We have nowhere else to go—at least for the time being, until we again learn interstellar travel and habitation.

Note: For inquiries on books, paranormal services and seminars on Inner Mind Development, ESP and Intuition Development, and Soulmates, Karma & Reincarnation conducted by this writer, please call 8107245, 8926806, or fax 8159890. E-mail: innerawareness_2005@yahoo.com)



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