Tuesday, December 05, 2006

She wants to regain gift to see deceased loved ones

HERE’S an interesting letter from a Filipino healer and medium now living in the US relating her psychic experiences and healing work.

“I’m Sheila, living in Los Angeles, California. I learned about you from my cousin in the Philippines who took one of your workshops.

“I want you to know I really appreciate you for opening up the minds of others to their psychic abilities.

“I only wish I met you when I was five years old. I discovered my mediumship and psychic ability at a young age in the Philippines.

“My grandfather died before I was born. I only knew him through pictures. Called Ingkong, my grandfather decided to communicate with me, first by moving his eyes in his pictures, smiling at me and whispering in my ears.

“Finally, I actually saw his soul with my eyes! When that happened, I got so scared I decided to shut off my third eye. As a result, I no longer hear, see nor feel spirits around me. Now, I would love to have this ability to see deceased loved ones because I now understand I am here to help them commune with living relatives on earth.

“When are you going to have a workshop here in the US? I am visiting the Philippines in December and will be staying for one month. I will visit my home where I first discovered my psychic gifts, my father’s home. I feel scared but, at the same time, I am willing and ready to open my heart and also my third eye to see deceased loved ones.

“If you have a workshop in December, I would like to attend it and have a session with you.
“Currently, I continue to do my own work, release what no longer serves me or what limits me, and I continue to learn and call on various teachers like Derek O’Neil, Doreen Virtue, our beloved Satya Sai Baba, Amm and many more.”

Thank you for your kind words about my work.
You are a natural psychic and medium. You can regain your ability to see and communicate with spirits if you want to, but you should conquer your fears first.

I do not have any invitation yet to conduct a seminar in the US. But since you are coming back to the Philippines, you may want to attend my Inner Mind Development seminar Dec. 16-17. Call my office, 8107245 or 8926806 when you arrive in the Philippines for details.

I am not familiar with the names of the spiritual teachers you mentioned except that of Satya Sai Baba of India. I am glad to know you are a practitioner of various alternative healing modalities. I look forward to meeting you in December.

Help sought
Another overseas reader is asking for help about his current health problem. “I found your web page on the Internet,” said Dejan Dejan. “I wonder if you can help me. I have asthma. It started with allergies and moved on to the next level. I am currently living in Vermont, USA.”

If you were in the Philippines, I could refer you to several alternative and complementary health practitioners who might be able to help, but since you are living abroad, it is quite difficult.

Perhaps what I can only suggest is for you to read my book, “Exploring the Powers of Your Inner Mind,” which contains a section on how to heal yourself using mental imagery or visualization.

In that book I describe step-by-step the correct procedure to heal yourself by using only the power of your inner mind. I mentioned several successful cases in that book, but there are a lot more in real life. Hope this helps.

Changing shape
Cherie Jung is asking for an explanation about an unusual incident that happened to a psychic friend of hers.

“I have a friend who can see ghosts but she has no formal training in this. She does not really want to see these things, but (they happen) unintentionally.

“For example, on Oct. 31 (All Saints’ Day), while driving alone at around 6 p.m., she saw a building on the right side of the road bending like an inverted ‘U,’ blocking her path. She stopped the car, but the road and the building became normal again as if nothing happened.

“She told me she wasn’t imagining it and she was in a normal, healthy condition at the time. I searched the Net for some explanation but couldn’t find any. So I thought of you.

“Can you please enlighten me? Did something really happen? Why did it happen? What does it mean? Have you encountered a similar story before? (Could) her mind be simply playing tricks? What do you think?”

I cannot explain for sure why that happened, but since you said your friend could see spirits she is therefore a medium and a clairvoyant.

When spirits manifest to a psychic, s/he can see strange things that the spirits want him/her to see. So faces in pictures can suddenly smile or wink at him/her, buildings may begin to change shape and move forward or backward and the sun can appear to dance. These are all the work of spirits.

Why they chose to play that trick on her, I cannot tell. But Halloween has traditionally been laden with lots of stories of spirit intervention into human affairs because people’s attention is focused on the spirit world.



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