Tuesday, February 20, 2007

My seven spirit guides

How I came to know my spirit guides is a long story. But before I relate it here, let us first understand and define the words we are using.

What, in the first place, are spirit guides? How do they differ from angels, or are they the same?
The way I understand it, an angel is a pure spirit that has never been human. According to Christian teaching, there are several types and hierarchies of angels and they are called by different names.

When a person is born, a guardian angel is supposed to be assigned by God to him or her till death. The job of a guardian angel is to help his ward make the right moral decisions and to protect him from harm. But the angel cannot interfere with man’s will and karma.
Mutual agreement

A spirit guide, on the other hand, may have been human before. And it is by mutual agreement that a spirit becomes a guide to a particular person.The person may have more than one spirit guide depending on his/her responsibilities in society. Spirit guides may change depending on the growth or change in the person’s consciousness or need.On the other hand, a guardian angel remains the same throughout a person’s life on earth.

In the ’70s, I knew nothing about spirit guides. All I knew was what the Catholic Church taught about guardian angels. There was nothing about “spirit guides.”

But in the mid-’70s, I joined a seminar of the Inner Peace Movement conducted by two visiting American teachers, Nancy Ziebert and Betina Loman, who were both clairvoyants.One of the objectives of the seminar was to introduce participants to their “spirit guides” or angels. They made no distinction between these terms.

According to Betina, I have seven spirit guides, four females and three males. Four of my spirit guides, she said, were with me all the time. The other three were on call when needed.

Touched by spiritsThree of the female guides touch different parts of my body. One touches me on the head, another on the left leg, and another on my right side. But one male guide touches my right hip. Why those parts were touched by them was never explained to me.

When I protested to Betina that spirits had no sex, she explained that sex differentiation in my guides referred to their dominant energy or vibration in the spirit world and not really to sex as we knew it.

She said we all had at least one spirit guide but those with more responsibilities in society might have more than one guide.

Betina taught us a simple method of contacting our spirit guides utilizing our body like a pendulum while standing relaxed and asking ourselves questions mentally.Our body would then move in either a “yes” or “no” direction just like a pendulum. I was not really very convinced of this method and so I never used it. Perhaps I should have.

Anyway, I was intrigued by the number seven. Why seven spirit guides? Why not ten or five or any other number? Is it because I was born on the seventh month and on a day which is a multiple of seven, July 25?But I am not really an ardent believer of numerology, nor of astrology, although these subjects fascinate me.

Note: For inquiries on books, paranormal services and seminars on Inner Mind Development, ESP and Intuition Development, and Soulmates, Karma & Reincarnation conducted by this writer, call 8107245, 8926806, or fax 8159890.



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