Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Clairvoyance is seeing the present

MANILA, Philippines—One classic example of clairvoyant vision was the case of Emanuel Swedenborg, a Swiss mystic and clairvoyant.

One evening in 1759, he was at a party about 50 miles from his residence in Switzerland. He suddenly went to the window facing the direction of his house.

He stood there for quite a while and when asked what he was looking at, he replied there was a fire near his house and going toward it. After some time, he gave a sigh of relief and said, “Thank God the fire stopped just three houses away from mine.”

His friends thought Swedenborg had had one too many. But that evening the news came that there was indeed a fire in Swedenborg’s neighborhood and it stopped just three houses away from his house.

This story was related by the great German philosopher Immanuel Kant himself and quoted by Swiss psychologist Carl Jung.

Clairvoyance is the term for the psychic ability of seeing something happening at the present that is ordinarily invisible to physical sight. Seeing something happening in the future is called precognition and in the past, retrocognition.

Hidden mole
Clairvoyance is not all about seeing spirits or events that cannot be seen by the eyes. It is also seeing everything normally hidden from ordinary human sight, no matter where it is.

Sometime in 2004, in my office in Makati City, I had three unexpected women visitors, two of them total strangers who just wanted to meet me, according to the third.

I told the women, “You are lucky, because Rosita is here. She is a very good psychic and fortune teller.”

Rosita used to come to my office Tuesdays and Fridays to make readings. I introduced my visitors to her. One of them said, “We are not interested in having our fortunes told. We came to see you.”

Rosita’s pride was pricked. She said, “Okay, that’s all right. I’ll just give you a sample of what I see.” She told one thing about each of them very quickly.

She told my friend Eva, “And you, you have a mole down there,” looking at the lower part of her body. Eva didn’t get it. “What do you mean? Where?”

“Down there,” Rosita pointed with her mouth below Eva’s stomach region, between her legs.

“No, I don’t. “You are wrong,” Eva said.

The three women and I then sat down to talk.

I asked them, “What do you think of her? Was what she said about you correct?” The two said yes. They said they would see her at another time. My friend Eva said Rosita was completely wrong. “I don’t have a mole down there.”

A week later, I received a very excited call from Eva. “Know what?” she began. “That psychic of yours was correct! I do have a mole in there and I didn’t even know it.”

She said even her husband did not know she had one. He never saw it.

I did not expect her to show me her private part just to prove the psychic was correct but I asked, “How about a picture of it?”

“Well, let me think about it,” she said finally.

After two weeks she sent me a text message: “I got it. I took two pictures of it, but it wasn’t easy. I had to shoot using a mirror.”

I could not believe she actually did it and was willing to show me. Eva is a career woman in her early 40s, an attractive mother of three daughters and an executive in a well-known insurance firm.

She is a very private, quiet person, not one you would expect to show her privates to a man she was not intimate with.

I eagerly waited for her MMS (multimedia message service picture).

Though she said she sent it several times, I could not receive it.

So she said, “I’ll just drop by your office one day and show it to you.” Fortunately, her office was near mine. She came at noontime when I was all alone in my room.

She showed the images on her cell phone and there, for the first time and very clear, was her mole located on the upper left inner part of her vagina.

I thanked her for showing me something so private and intimate, because she knew it was important for me to have proof that the psychic’s clairvoyant vision was true.


Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Clairvoyance explained

MANILA, Philippines -- Science has no satisfactory explanation of clairvoyance and several other psychic phenomena.

In fact, science tries so hard to discredit them because these powers are not always duplicable or repeatable under laboratory conditions.

Open-minded investigators, on the other hand, have merely observed and documented the phenomena without trying to explain them.

This is where the ancient and largely misunderstood occult science is helpful. Our explanation will be derived from occult literature.

Although the explanation is entirely unprovable and may even sound “fantastic” and “incredible,” it offers a fresh view, a mental handle with which to grasp such a nebulous power.

Eastern literature explains clairvoyance in relation to the astral plane. All our physical faculties and senses have counterparts in the astral plane.

Vibrations from all objects are received by astral faculties and transmitted to the consciousness of humans. It takes much practice and discipline to do this, i.e. to make it conscious.

But every person possesses such faculty or power. In other words, it is natural to have such powers.

2 ways of seeing

There are two ways to see clairvoyantly. One is by focusing on a distant object and seeing through the “astral tube.” Another is through projection of the astral body and observing a scene through astral vision.

Through astral projection, a clairvoyant can literally observe and hear what is going on anywhere and report this to the physical consciousness. This ability is much more difficult to accomplish consciously compared to the “astral tube” method.

When we are in the astral body in the astral plane, it is possible to travel “to any point within the limits of this planet.”

People often travel in their astral body in their sleep. Some travel consciously in their waking moments, a few have learned to travel consciously and at will in their waking moments.

However, from years of teaching remote viewing (or traveling clairvoyance), I have come to believe that astral projection is not necessarily involved.

It is possible to project one’s consciousness or awareness to a distant place, describing it accurately, without leaving the body.

But at least once in my class, a person doing remote viewing was actually seen in the house he was looking at mentally. He was described accurately by a person in the house though he was not there physically.

Mental process

What is the mental process in clairvoyance? How does a clairvoyant see?

Many psychics cannot explain or describe what happens. Juan Matus tried for years to explain to anthropologist Carlos Castañeda to “see” the world and not to be content with “looking.”

But, after many years of intensive apprenticeship and four bestselling books (beginning with “The Teachings of Don Juan”), Castañeda still could not understand what it meant to “see.”

Clairvoyant Olof Jonsson asked how he could accurately describe what card would come up next during a demonstration of his psychic powers, told Brad Steiger:

“It is very hard to describe. I just see it. I feel it first in my mind, then I try to visualize it. When I begin to search for it, to visualize it, it will materialize in my mind.”

While Bradley was testing Jonsson, Jonsson’s eye suddenly lit up. Asked why, Jonsson replied:

“I just happened to see something. One of the (laughing) girls is talking about her legs. Yes, I see now that it is Betty (his wife). She is stroking her leg and asking Marilyn whether or not her leg is beginning to sunburn.”

Bradley asked, “You mean you could see the girls, just like watching a moving picture of them?”

Jonsson replied, “Ja (yes), I could see them. I just wanted to know what they were doing and if they were all right.”

Betty later confirmed what Jonsson saw.

Many people are clairvoyant to a lesser or greater degree without knowing it. This is one of the most common psychic abilities. Often, it manifests spontaneously or involuntarily.

A person who sees a spirit, whether a departed person, a nature or elemental like a dwarf or fairy, or the astral body of a person, is a clairvoyant.

I am of the opinion that clairvoyant vision need not involve the use of sight. One can see a spirit or non-physical entity with eyes closed. I have seen ghosts on several occasions with my eyes closed. I have also talked to people with a similar experience.

So how does clairvoyance occur? What is its mechanism? No one has explained the phenomenon adequately. We can only speculate.

For me, clairvoyance can be explained by the fact that humans are composed of body and spirit. We have two types or levels of faculties, physical and spiritual.

When we see things in the physical world we use our external or physical sense of sight. When we see non-physical things we are simply using our spiritual or inner faculties.

Some people can shift their focus of attention voluntarily from the physical to the spiritual sense of sight. Neuroscientist Dr. Lawrence Leshan describes this as from “ordinary sensory reality” to “clairvoyant reality.”

Most people do not have such deliberate capacity. It happens spontaneously.


Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Clear seers

Clairvoyance comes from two French words that mean “to see clearly.” It is the ability or power to have full knowledge or awareness of what has happened or what is happening elsewhere (sometimes in great distances) without using any of the physical senses.

Clairvoyance can also mean “the faculty of seeing with the inner eye or spiritual sight.”

Documented clairvoyant abilities are numerous.

Blind seeress

Vanga Dimitrova was called the blind seeress of Bulgaria. She lived near the Greek border in the small town of Petrich.

Dimitrova found missing people, helped solve crimes, diagnosed disease and read the past. But her greatest gift was prophecy.

Her case was thoroughly studied by Dr. Georgi Lozanov, a physician and psychiatrist, who headed the Institute of Suggestology and Parapsychology in Sofia and Petrich. Scientists who worked with Dimitrova called her an honorable woman.

This example of her ability is taken from the book “Psychic Discoveries behind the Iron Curtain” by Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder.

When Dimitrova moved to Petrich after marrying Dimitri Georgeyev (a marriage she foresaw), neighbor Boris Gurov, a middle-age farmer, immediately consulted her. His 15-year-old younger brother Nikola disappeared in 1923. The family searched everywhere but did not find any clues.

“I see him. He’s alive!” Dimitrova told him. “I see your brother Nikola in a great town in Russia. He grew up there. He’s a scientist. But… he is not there now. He’s a slave to the Germans… Don’t worry, though, he’ll come to you early this spring. You can recognize him by the gray uniform. He’ll be carrying two suitcases.”

It was too bizarre. Gurov could not buy the idea that his brother was a Soviet scientist, much less that he was in a concentration camp at that moment. He went home convinced he would never know the truth. But he related Dimitrova’s tale to his family.

According to reports, two months later, at dawn of a spring morning, a stranger stopped wearily in front of Gurov’s house. He had two suitcases. He did not look familiar to anyone in the village, including Gurov.

It was Nikola, returning after almost 20 years. He was wearing a gray uniform. All that Dimitrova said to Gurov about Nikola was confirmed.

According to the book, “Vanga says she has no control over the mental images that form in her mind’s eye. They have to come naturally and can’t be forced. They may be about the past, present or the future. Vanga has no way of knowing which period of time will suddenly light up.”

Although Dimitrova was not right all the time because her psychic powers did not work occasionally, the percentage of her accuracy was way beyond the statistical figure attributed to chance.

Most studied

Olof Jonsson, a Swedish clairvoyant or psychic, was probably one of the most studied, aside from the American Eileen Garrett, of all sensitives in the contemporary world.

His psychic feats were so well documented that there was little doubt about his extraordinary powers.

Brad Steiger, author of several books on the occult and psychic phenomena, wrote the biography of this Swedish wonder, “The Psychic Feats of Olof Jonsson.” The following was taken from there:

“On Oct. 24, 1970, when a television production crew was preparing to film a New Year’s Eve Special featuring Jonsson and some of Sweden’s brightest actors and entertainers, several Swedish newspapers and magazines sent reporters to interview him for special holiday features.

‘One of the reporters, Oke Winslow, telephones me from a hotel to set up an interview with me,’ Olof smiled. ‘I had never met him before, so he thought he would try to test me over the telephone and asked me what he looked like.

‘I told him that he had a round face, a beard and that he had started a bad habit of smoking cigars. He asked me how he was dressed, and I said that he had just come from the shower, so he wasn’t dressed at all. He laughed and told me that I was correct. I could see him clearly.’”

Jonsson was also able to solve a brutal multiple murder case without the slightest clue, located three girls in a famous missing persons case, correctly identified an object concealed inside a box as Hitler’s ashtray and literally stopped a clock by merely looking at it and willing it to stop.

In this field he shared top billing with better-known Dutch clairvoyant Gerard Croiset, who made crime-busting his specialty.
Croiset’s amazing story is told by magazine reporter Jack H. Pollack in “Croiset, The Clairvoyant.” He has been called “The Man who Mystifies Europe,” “The Dutchman with the X-Ray Mind,” “The Radar Brain,” “The Wizard of Utrecht.”

His teacher, professor W. H. C. Tenhaeff, director of the Parapsychology Institute at the University of Utrecht, refers to Croiset as a “paragnoist,” a word he coined from the Greek words para meaning “beyond’ and gnosis meaning “knowledge.”


Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Nameless psychic ability

There is another type of psychic ability or power that is so rare that researchers have not even invented a name for it.

It is essentially a person’s ability to hasten or accelerate the natural biological processes.

Hungarian healer Oscar Estebany, for example, had been shown by scientists to have the ability to hasten the healing of deliberately inflicted wounds in experimental mice under controlled laboratory conditions.

The well-known Israeli psychic Uri Geller demonstrated his uncanny ability to germinate within minutes radish seeds on his palm simply by mentally commanding them to grow.

I witnessed this remarkable demonstration of Geller’s psychic power during an international convention in Düsseldorf, Germany in 1994. About a thousand other people in the audience also witnessed the event.

But an even more extraordinary and almost miraculous psychic power was demonstrated by the Brazilian pharmacist Thomaz Morais Coutinho. He has shown, in at least four occasions, his power to make unfertilized eggs hatch into live chicks in less than 10 minutes!

Detailed account

The following is a detailed description of how Coutinho did it, as reported by my close friend, Canadian clinical psychologist, hypnotherapist, psychic researcher and professor Dr. Lee Pulos, in his fascinating book “Miracles and Other Realities” (written with Gary Richman):

“The most provocative and far reaching of all his ‘biological experiments’ defied the basic laws of life itself. On four occasions, Thomaz has taken fresh, unfertilized eggs and ‘hatched’ them into live chicks.

“The first incident occurred in 1982 in the company of several friends and observers. He requested 15 eggs be purchased and placed on the table. Thomaz slipped into a very deep trance with eyes open and unfocused.

“Very slowly, he picked up an egg, stared at it for 30 seconds and then rested it against the middle of his forehead. He performed this curious ritual with each egg. He cracked each egg one by one and broke their contents into a large flat bowl.

“Then he began hyperventilating. He stretched both arms out and with palms down over the eggs, began pulsing and vibrating energy into the bowl. Slowly the yolks began to change their texture, solidifying and becoming darker. Different densities began forming and within five minutes, the fetal forms of baby chicks could be identified.

“Over the next two minutes, the internal organs of the embryos could be seen through their membranes. After nine minutes, the first sounds of life were heard—the ‘cheep-cheeping’ of little chicks. From the 15 eggs, nine baby chicks were hatched.”

Struck by lightning

How Coutinho obtained such miraculous powers, no one knows. But Lee mentioned in his book that when Thomaz was 12 years old, lightning struck his bamboo fishing pole as he fished in a lake.

“His body was catapulted several feet above the ground. He could see what was happening as if he was outside his body. Then he heard a voice that told him he was especially protected by varied forces and that he would perform strange phenomena and help people, but he couldn’t use his powers for his own benefit.”

When he gained consciousness, according to Lee, 12 hours had elapsed. Thomaz believed he had had contact with extraterrestrials who gave him extraordinary psychic powers.

The other baffling psychic powers that Thomaz demonstrated were metal bending without touching the object, transforming a cotton belt into a metal necklace, transforming a coin into a ring and transmuting a currency of one country into another.

What do we make of such powers Coutinho has displayed over and over again?

Dr. Pulos says: “In a sense, Thomaz represents a symbolic mast on our cultural horizon. He is creating widening rifts in the topmost surface of our consciousness and helping us realize the confines of our physical reality. It has been said that the most powerful state of consciousness known to man is an open mind. Perhaps that might be a starting point for deciphering Thomaz.”
