Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Baffling cases of regression in Poland

POZNAN, Poland—This third trip to Poland was quite different from previous ones where I conducted seminars, did TV and radio. This time, I did more individual consultations than seminars. These were mostly for past-life hypnotic regressions, and a few for business concerns.

The most fascinating, memorable and challenging consultations were with women who came for regression.

One had fear of crowds and open space. She was afraid to ride buses, especially when packed.
She was given anti-psychotic drugs, which didn’t help. After two years, she stopped taking them and seeing the psychiatrist. She wanted alternative solution.

She said her problem began about three years after she had abortion. She was having serious marital problems, thus the decision to have abortion.

The first panic attack came when she was shopping in a crowded supermarket. At the checkout counter, she was suddenly seized with panic, threw up and couldn’t breathe. She ran out of the supermarket.

I put her in a light trance, talked to her subconscious mind to see if her fears originated in this lifetime or in a previous one. Her subconscious mind revealed they began in a past life. I placed her in a deeper trance, told her to go to that past.

She saw herself as a girl of 10 sitting alone in a dark cave. I asked her what she was doing in a cave. “Nothing” she said. Why was she in the cave? “Because it is safe here.”

I asked her to move forward in time, leave the cave, to go to the place where there were people.
I asked where she was. “I am in the marketplace, there are plenty of people. I am just walking among the crowd.” I asked if she was afraid. “No, I am not afraid.”

I told her to remember that feeling of being alone in a crowd but not being afraid.
When she opened her eyes, she smiled broadly, and said she saw everything very clearly. I told her she was grown up now, so she shouldn’t be afraid. I believe she must have been punished into staying inside a dark cave. I told her that now all her fears of crowded places were gone.

I saw other interesting clients in Poznan. One was a woman with severe headaches, and emotional and behavioral problems, all stemming from an unhappy childhood. She had a very strict, domineering father.

She could deal with this problem because she knew its cause. She learned to meditate and make positive affirmation. I learned she was a doctor of medicine who was also interested in alternative or holistic therapies.

When she finally was in deep relaxation, I brought her back to the past life chosen by her subconscious mind to reveal the causes of her headaches.

In that past life, she saw herself in a dark place. She was in a dungeon or underground torture chamber—alone. Later she felt the presence of a person who was doing something with her head. She felt heavy pressure on both sides of her head.

I asked her to look at the person. She said she couldn’t see his face because it was covered. “Why was it covered?” I asked. “He’s the executioner,” she replied.

“Are you being tortured to death?” She said yes. “Why are you being punished?” Because she’d done something or something they didn’t like.

I told her to see how she died, but without feeling pain. She said her skull had been cracked—that was how she died. I told her it was the past, and she was no longer in that period. She no longer had to carry that memory when she opened her eyes.

Snapping out of her trance, she smiled and said her head felt very light. She could feel no more pain.

Source: http://showbizandstyle.inquirer.net/lifestyle/lifestyle/view/20081125-174145/Baffling-cases-of-regression-in-Poland

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Lecture on karma at 33,000 feet

ON the way back from Cyprus to Manila, our plane made a stopover at Dubai.

On the Dubai to Manila flight, one of the almost all-Filipino crew named Kristine recognized my name when I presented my boarding card to her.

“Oh, you’re the one who writes about soulmates and things like that, aren’t you?” she beamed.
“Yup!” I said, “Same guy.” She got excited and said she’d talk to me later in the flight.

A little later, she came back to where I was seated (which was on the aisle) accompanied by her Eastern European Flight Purser we shall call Michelle.

Kristine wanted a picture taken with me so we went to the flight attendant’s station and had somebody take our picture with my camera.

Kristine said Michelle wanted very much to consult me when she learned who I was. She asked me to come with her to the First Class cabin where it’s less crowded and had more space.

My wife, Yoly, was sleeping soundly at the economy section and didn’t know I was “kidnapped” by two lovely flight attendants.

After offering me champagne (which I didn’t take because I don’t drink any alcoholic beverage) she asked me if I could give her a reading while Kristine listened intently as she sat on my right side. Michelle sat next to me on the left.

I told her I didn’t really make psychic readings of people, neither did I read minds. I said I was not a fortune teller, nor a psychic, as commonly understood. She insisted on my telling her what I saw in her.

“Well, okay,” I finally said half joking. “I think you are highly emotional and you cry easily.”
“Yes, you’re right. I cry even over small things.” I was surprised at the accuracy of my guess.
“I didn’t know that!” Kristine said in a loud voice. She had known Michelle for 13 years and she never saw her cry, she said.

I sensed she really needed someone whom she could talk to about her problems. But she didn’t tell me at first what those problems were, which were very personal.
Michelle’s past life

“Let’s see what I can tell about your past life that’s causing whatever problem you may have now.” I stared at her and she turned her face away, a bit embarrassed or self-conscious. I told her to look at me straight in the eyes which she did.

Then the impossible happened! I literally saw her face change into an Arab man’s face!
“You were an Arab in your past life,” I told her. She didn’t say anything. She seemed stunned. So

I asked her, “What do you think of Arabs?”
“Oh, I am attracted to Arab men,” she suddenly replied, “but I don’t really like Arabs, I don’t know why I am attracted to them.”

“Because you were an Arab before,” I told her matter-of-factly.
She revealed to me soon afterwards she was married to an Arab and all her previous boyfriends were Arabs.

“Maybe you did something to these men in your past life, that’s why you are attracted to them and they are in turn attracted to you, too. This is all part of your karma that you have to work out with them.”

Although she had heard of the term, she wasn’t sure exactly how the law of karma works. So I gave her a short lecture about karma and reincarnation 33,000 feet above the ground!

After thanking me profusely, she asked my wife to join us in the first class cabin and offered us drinks and snacks. She allowed us to stay in that more comfortable cabin for the rest of the flight, which passed so fast.

What I did on that plane was nothing extraordinary. Anybody can do that if one just blanks his or her mind and says whatever comes to mind without evaluation, guessing or criticism.

When one does this without anticipating at all, the right intuitive side of our brain begins to release information stored in one’s subconscious mind which is connected to other’s subconscious minds.

Very accurate, detailed information about a person can be obtained this way which cannot be done by the left, critical or logical brain.

Source: http://showbizandstyle.inquirer.net/lifestyle/lifestyle/view/20081118-172767/Lecture-on-karma-at-33000-feet

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

How to contact one’s spirit guide

MANILA, Philippines—“I’m Vince Punzal of Taguig City. I always read your column because I’m very interested in paranormal things. I hope you can explain to me the following:

“Do all people have guide spirits? My classmate in college told me that when he was in high school, he had a teacher who was very mysterious. He told him and two other classmates that they had guide spirits, but they can’t see them because they needed to do something first. He told my classmate he needed to climb three mountains and to the other he said he had to see three white birds at night.”

Thank you Vince, for your interest in my works. According to people who can see spirits, we all have at least one spirit guide. A spirit guide is different from the Christian concept of a guardian angel, which most of us are familiar with.

According to Christian doctrine, if I remember my high school catechism class, when a person is born, God assigns a guardian angel to protect and guide him in his lifetime. An angel is a pure spirit and has not been human before. A spirit guide may have been human before and now chooses, while in the spirit form, to help others by being a guide to them. It is usually by mutual consent between the guide and his ward that the former will guide him or her. A person may have several spirit guides but only one guardian angel. Also, a spirit guide may change in the course of a person’s lifetime depending on the person’s needs and development of his consciousness. A guardian angel, by my understanding, remains the same throughout a person’s lifetime.

I do not know how the teacher of your classmate got the idea that to see one’s spirit guide, he has to climb three mountains and to see three white birds in the night. It is just saying that one can never see or contact one’s spirit guide. In my Inner Mind Development seminar, I teach people how to contact their inner advisor but I do not define it as a spirit. The inner advisor is defined as a symbolic representation of one’s subconscious mind. It acts as a bridge between one’s higher self and that part of our mind that thinks in pictures or images.

Automatic writing
According to one young American spiritual medium, Sarah Christine Lalonde, in the April 2008 issues of FATE Magazine, the best and safe way to contact one’s spirit guide is through automatic writing, which I also teach in my class. Sarah gave useful guidelines, which I summarized here:

1. “Never ask if ‘anyone’ is there.” This opens you up to possible negative spirits hovering around.2. “Always protect yourself with prayer, grounding or the white light before going any further.”3. “Be respectful. Always say ‘please’ and ‘thank you.’ Your spirit guide will love you for it and would want to help you more.”4. “Do not expect your guide to predict the future or tell you everything you want to know.”5. “Do not drink alcohol or take drugs before doing automatic writing.”6. “Do not ask for famous people that you are not related to or know on a personal level. Calling spirits is a serious thing, not a game.”7. “Relax and enjoy yourself.”

When attempting to contact spirits, whether through automatic writing or some other method, be sure you are in touch only with highly evolved beings or masters and not with lower spirits or negative ones. When you feel afraid or apprehensive, stop. Or when the spirit starts building your ego or promising you power or riches, stop. These are usually the work of lower discarnate spirits or negative and evil forces.

As the well-known psychic prophet Edgar Cayce has always admonished, when doing spiritual work, always attune yourself to “your highest ideal,” and you won’t go wrong. The highest ideal is, of course, God.

Psychic surgery
A third-year medical student who is doing research on body-mind connection asked me the following question which he said has puzzled him:

“Why is it that psychic surgery is so popular among foreigners but locally, nobody really takes it seriously?”

Well, it is not exactly true that “locally nobody takes psychic surgery seriously” because I do. I have devoted over 15 years of serious research on this subject and have written three books on it.

One reason it is not taken seriously, especially by educated urban Filipinos as compared to foreigners, is because all we ever hear about this subject are highly negative and critical. Can you cite me any single news item, television episode, or magazine article that is positive or at least impartial and objective in its discussion of psychic surgery?

Another reason is this: Because of the incredible nature of the process—the reported ability of a psychic surgeon to open up a patient’s body with his bare hands, take out diseased tissues and close the incision without a trace at all—our rational scientific minds cannot accept it. So we at once suspect trickery or sleight-of-hand.

All our psychic surgeons are “espiritistas” or spirit mediums and they all claim they have spirit guides that do the healing, not themselves.

Source: http://showbizandstyle.inquirer.net/lifestyle/lifestyle/view/20081111-171412/How-to-contact-ones-spirit-guide

Monday, November 03, 2008

Kid sees ‘monster’ inside refrigerator

READER Amie from Las Piñas City wrote about her three-year-old son who sees a “monster” at the door, in the toilet, or even inside the refrigerator.

“Last night,” according to her, “he was perspiring and covering his eyes because he saw the ‘monster’ again.” Amie wondered why she couldn’t see anything, although her hair would stand when the “monster” was present. “After a while I would ask him if the monster is still there and he would say, ’no more.’ Then he would start playing again as if nothing happened.”

Here are the mother’s questions:
1. “How come he sees the ‘monster’ and I don’t?”
Children’s third eye or clairvoyant vision is normally open. They can often see elementals and other invisible beings. They are also very intuitive and creative. When we are born, our right brain, our intuitive and creative part, is dominant. As we grow older, we are trained to use mainly our left critical or logical brain. That’s why, as the child grows older he ceases to see invisible creatures. By about seven to 10 years old, he has become one of us ordinary mortals.

But there are people who are able to retain their clairvoyant vision up to their adult and even older age. They are called psychics or sensitives. The late Prof. Tenhaeff of Utrecht University in the Netherlands calls them “paragnosts.”

The fact that your hair stands when the “monster” appears means you are also sensitive. You are sentient. You “feel” rather than “see” things.

2. “Is a monster one of the spirits that roams all over?”
I cannot tell precisely what type of creature your son sees inside your house. You have to ask him to describe how this creature looks like. You can show him some pictures of dwarves, gnomes and other creatures to have an idea of what exactly he sees.

I asked two sensitives to tune in to your house. They reported that they see a small-faced hairy creature but not a dwarf as we know it. It likes to eat sweets or some food inside the refrigerator. It is not particularly a bad spirit. So there’s nothing to be worried about. To a child, anything strange-looking is a monster.

3. “I keep saying, ‘In the name of Jesus Christ, go away.’ Do you think this works on the ‘monster’? I say it because I believe the monster is an evil spirit and is afraid of our God.”
You have actually answered this question yourself. You kept saying this invocation but the monster still appears. Because these words, if uttered by a person of authority and power, may work against demonic spirits, but not if they are elementals who are not necessarily evil.

4. “If I call a priest to exorcise our house, do you think it will work?”
If the person you call has authority and power over such creatures, the answer is yes, if not, it won’t work.

Not all priests are exorcists. We have been to a house that has been exorcised by three priests before our group was called because the residents were experiencing the presence of ghosts. The priests only succeeded in inviting more spirits to the place rather than driving them away. Better perhaps for you to call a clairvoyant, esperitista or a good albulario than an ordinary priest.

Note: I’ll be conducting a series of seminars in Poland the whole month of November, so I may not be able to answer e-mails immediately. The next Basic ESP (Nov. 8-9) and Soulmates, Karma and Reincarnation (Nov. 15) will be handled by Silvia Mijares in my absence. Mijares has been trained to competently conduct these seminars. Call 810-7245/ 892-6806; visit website www.jaimelicauco.com or e-mail jaimetlicauco@yahoo.com.

Source: http://showbizandstyle.inquirer.net/lifestyle/lifestyle/view/20081103-170053/Kid-sees-monster-inside-refrigerator