Monday, November 03, 2008

Kid sees ‘monster’ inside refrigerator

READER Amie from Las Piñas City wrote about her three-year-old son who sees a “monster” at the door, in the toilet, or even inside the refrigerator.

“Last night,” according to her, “he was perspiring and covering his eyes because he saw the ‘monster’ again.” Amie wondered why she couldn’t see anything, although her hair would stand when the “monster” was present. “After a while I would ask him if the monster is still there and he would say, ’no more.’ Then he would start playing again as if nothing happened.”

Here are the mother’s questions:
1. “How come he sees the ‘monster’ and I don’t?”
Children’s third eye or clairvoyant vision is normally open. They can often see elementals and other invisible beings. They are also very intuitive and creative. When we are born, our right brain, our intuitive and creative part, is dominant. As we grow older, we are trained to use mainly our left critical or logical brain. That’s why, as the child grows older he ceases to see invisible creatures. By about seven to 10 years old, he has become one of us ordinary mortals.

But there are people who are able to retain their clairvoyant vision up to their adult and even older age. They are called psychics or sensitives. The late Prof. Tenhaeff of Utrecht University in the Netherlands calls them “paragnosts.”

The fact that your hair stands when the “monster” appears means you are also sensitive. You are sentient. You “feel” rather than “see” things.

2. “Is a monster one of the spirits that roams all over?”
I cannot tell precisely what type of creature your son sees inside your house. You have to ask him to describe how this creature looks like. You can show him some pictures of dwarves, gnomes and other creatures to have an idea of what exactly he sees.

I asked two sensitives to tune in to your house. They reported that they see a small-faced hairy creature but not a dwarf as we know it. It likes to eat sweets or some food inside the refrigerator. It is not particularly a bad spirit. So there’s nothing to be worried about. To a child, anything strange-looking is a monster.

3. “I keep saying, ‘In the name of Jesus Christ, go away.’ Do you think this works on the ‘monster’? I say it because I believe the monster is an evil spirit and is afraid of our God.”
You have actually answered this question yourself. You kept saying this invocation but the monster still appears. Because these words, if uttered by a person of authority and power, may work against demonic spirits, but not if they are elementals who are not necessarily evil.

4. “If I call a priest to exorcise our house, do you think it will work?”
If the person you call has authority and power over such creatures, the answer is yes, if not, it won’t work.

Not all priests are exorcists. We have been to a house that has been exorcised by three priests before our group was called because the residents were experiencing the presence of ghosts. The priests only succeeded in inviting more spirits to the place rather than driving them away. Better perhaps for you to call a clairvoyant, esperitista or a good albulario than an ordinary priest.

Note: I’ll be conducting a series of seminars in Poland the whole month of November, so I may not be able to answer e-mails immediately. The next Basic ESP (Nov. 8-9) and Soulmates, Karma and Reincarnation (Nov. 15) will be handled by Silvia Mijares in my absence. Mijares has been trained to competently conduct these seminars. Call 810-7245/ 892-6806; visit website or e-mail



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