Monday, June 02, 2008

Can the future be seen?

Here’s an intriguing question from a female reader who calls herself Alpha, regarding the nature of time and seeing the future.

“Let’s say everything from 2005 to the present has already happened, as well as the future. Then, we are just repeating things that happened before.

“If that is the case, then the coming events already took place. I want to know if hypnosis can help a person see the coming events, since they are considered merely a repetition of the past. If not, how is it possible to see future events?”

Time, as we know it, exists only in our three-dimensional world of physical reality. Actually, time does not exist in the mental and, specially, in the spiritual planes.

To define time is almost an impossible task. The usual division of time into past, present and future is merely a convenient metaphor for us to rationally or logically function in this physical world.
In reality, there is no such thing. There is only the eternal now.

That is why there is some truth to the saying that, “The future is now!” The past is forever gone, and the future is yet to be.

The present

But in reality, what we consider to be a future event in the physical world is actually the present in the spiritual or nonphysical world. Because before something appears on the physical plane, it must first appear on the mental and spiritual planes.

According to some modern physicists, time travel is theoretically possible. And if man can invent a machine that can travel at the speed of light, which is 186,000 miles per second, then this can become a physical reality.

The next question is: If the future can be seen, say an accident or impending danger, can it be prevented?

The answer is: Sometimes yes, at other times, no.

What makes the difference one way or the other? A future event can be prevented if not all the elements for its completion are present.

For example, if it requires the will of man to complete the event, it can still be prevented. However, if all the elements are completed on that higher astral plane, nothing can be done to prevent it from happening on the physical plane. In other words, we live in a multidimensional reality.

Negative vibes

Another reader asks if negative thoughts and feelings take physical form or become tangible “even in the absence of the negative person?”

“My family,” she continued, “went through an emotional crisis the last few years. It involved mainly my two sisters who lived with my parents. My older sister stayed in the room where I felt strong negative vibes when I visited the place. Her envy, anger and all other pent-up emotions have become so tangible that they fill the room with negative vibes. Is this possible?”

Yes, because the feelings expressed by any person especially if strong negative ones, are imprinted in the akashic record of that place which can be felt by a sensitive person. A non-sensitive person may not feel these negative vibes but will still affect him or her.

To remove negative emotions, light an incense or candle, or sound Tibetan bells in the room. You may also leave clear quartz crystals in the room to somehow neutralize the negative energies.

The next Soulmates, Karma & Reincarnation seminar will be on June 14, 1-7 p.m. Call 8107245, 8926806; fax 8159890; e-mail innerawareness_


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