Monday, April 21, 2008

She didn't know she's a psychic

All of us possess hidden mental powers we are normally not aware of. Sometimes, such powers manifest themselves in extraordinary ways that surprise us, and yet we dismiss these as mere coincidence.

We have discovered such extraordinary people in the many years we've been conducting seminars to develop man's psychic powers and inner consciousness.

Recently in Cagayan de Oro City, a businesswoman in her 40s named Alma, surprised everybody, including herself, with the wide range of psychic feats she was able to perform flawlessly during our ESP Development seminar. From the first psychic exercise to the last, she scored perfect hits.

In the first exercise, I asked the participants to choose somebody in the room whom they had never met. They were to ask the full name of their partner, nothing more. I helped them achieve a deep level of mental and physical relaxation through deep breathing and guided meditation.

Good medical intuitive
Their eyes closed, I asked each of them to focus his attention on his partner's name and/or face, scan the body from head to foot and just observe and write down whatever came to their mind.

What Alma "saw" in her mind's eye and which she told her partner:
"You have a problem with your left ear."
"Yes," said her partner. "I recently had an operation in my left ear."
"You don't like soup or liquid food. You prefer dry food."
"That's right," agreed her partner, "I don't like soup."
"You have a mole or a dark mark on the top left of your head."
"That's correct," she said.
"You also have irregular menstruation and your menstrual flow is not strong."
"That's also right," she smiled. "I have very little blood during my menstrual period and it's irregular."
"Something's wrong with your liver. And specially your uterus. There's some dried blood. You have to have this checked. Some blood didn't go out and could be infecting your body."
"That's right." her partner said, "my doctor advised me two years ago to have this checked but I kept postponing it."
"You also have a cavity in your molar," Alma said.
"That's right," her partner giggled. "I have a cavity there."

Alma couldn't believe she got everything correct about her partner's health condition. I told her partner she should immediately have herself medically checked.

That was an exercise in psychic reading and diagnosis that I ask every student to do before they even get acquainted with each other, to prove that everybody has psychic powers, even those who don't believe in such things.

Many of them are able to tell something that's really in the person's body like a mole, scar or birthmark. Sometimes, a personality trait or an emotional problem is the information sensed by a partner; other times a traumatic incident.

But almost everybody is able to tell something that the partner confirms to be true about him or her although the two had never met until then.

For inquiries on books, paranormal services and seminars on Inner Mind Development, ESP and Intuition Development, and Soulmates, Karma & Reincarnation conducted by this writer, call 810-7245 or 8926806; fax 8159890.

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