ET is here
The most popular of these was “Chariots of the Gods” by Erik Von Daniken in 1968. Then came the book “We Are not the First” by Andrew Thomas.
Later, several books were written about people being abducted by aliens from outer space for experimental purposes. One of these was “The Interrupted Journey” by John G. Fuller. Another was “Communion” by Whitley Strieber.
Hollywood followed with the extremely popular movie “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” by Steven Spielberg.
Soon, die-hard believers of UFOs (unidentified flying object) formed themselves into societies and research groups to study these phenomena and exchange information. A new specialist began to appear in the lexicon of the English language, i.e. ufologist.
A few of these “specialists” were serious scientists but most were there just for the fun of it. Among the more serious researchers of the UFO phenomena is Dr. James H. Hurtak of the Academy of Future Science in Los Gatos, California.
He is the author of a very important prophetic book, “The Keys of Enoch,” which was dictated to him by higher space intelligence in 1973. Many of the predictions contained in that book have become chilling realities.
Still, mainstream scientists remained nonchalant about the subject.
And the United States government has been very vocal in denying the reality of UFOs and ETs. It has also flatly denied covering up information about ET sightings, UFO crashes and encounters.
“No such thing. Pure imagination! Completely no evidence of their existence,” etc.
3 types of encounters
Dr. Hynek classified human encounters with UFOs into three types. The first is called Close Encounter of the First Kind (CEI) where there are only distant sightings but no communication whatsoever.
The second is Close Encounter of the Secret Kind (CEII) where there are some forms of physical evidence, like burned bushes or trees, strong magnetic field, electrical disturbances in home appliances and street lights and the like. CEII’s sometimes result in extraordinary healing of persons involved.
The third type is Close Encounter of the Third Kind (CEIII) where there is actual face-to-face contact or communication. Alien abductions are examples of this type of encounters.
In 1947, a UFO reportedly crashed in Roswell, New Mexico near a secret US Army camp. The US government denied any such incident happened despite sworn testimonies of ex-military officers who were involved in the cover-up.
According to the story that leaked out, the military found three ETs inside the crashed space ship. Two were dead but one was still alive.
The surviving ET was humanoid, greenish-grey in color, without any hair, had a big head and big black almond-shaped eyes.
The dead ETs were brought to a secret camp called Area 51, which the military has repeatedly denied ever existed, for autopsy.
The surviving creature knew every language spoken on earth and was extremely intelligent. It possessed technical knowledge so far advanced compared to what we had on earth.
According to one source the ET bargained with its captors that, in exchange for saving its life, it would share their advanced technology with earth people. That was why after the capture, US technology advanced rapidly. The ET even taught Americans the secret of anti-gravity technology, according to one source.
In the ’80s I met an American researcher named Scott Mandelker in San Francisco who wrote a doctoral thesis alleging that there were millions of ETs now living in the US. He later published his thesis in a book, “From Elsewhere: Being an ET in America.” He even included a questionnaire in the book to find out if the reader was an ET or not.
How much of this information can be believed? I do not know. It is difficult to make any conclusion given scant and contradictory data.
We really have nothing to rely on except our gut feel or intuition. There is no hard evidence to prove the validity of the above stories.
My gut feel, although I cannot prove it, is that ETs are real. The crash in Roswell was real, the US government has been engaged in a big cover-up and I have absolutely no idea why it is doing this.
I believe aliens have been with us on earth for a long, long time already and they have been living like ordinary earthlings like us.