Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Book launch in Poland set

BY the time you read this column, I would already be on Board a KLM flight to Warsaw, Poland for another series of seminars and consultations sponsored by the Institute of Valeology based in Poznan City.

What makes this trip different from previous ones is that this time my newly-revised book “Understanding the Psychic Powers of Man” will be launched in the Polish language by Helion Publishing, the biggest publisher of computer, business management and psychology books in Poland.

The publishing contract was signed between Helion Publishing Company, represented by Ewa Szczecinska-Budziak and myself in Warsaw last November.This is the third book of mine to be translated in Polish.

The first two were “Magicians of God” and “Soulmates, Karma & Reincarnation” published by the Institute of Valeology in Poznan last year.

As far as I know, this is the first time that books written by a Filipino author have been translated and published in Poland.In an e-mail to me, Ms Budziak of Helion said that the formal book launching in February will be done in “one of the biggest book stores in Poland at the center of Warsaw.”

They also plan during the book launching a meeting with my Polish readers, plus a taped interview with me. Since very few people in Poland speak English, a translator will be provided by the publisher.

I have observed that despite the fact that 90 percent of Poland’s population is Catholic, compared with the Philippines’ 80 percent, there seems to be greater openness among the Polish people about psychic, esoteric and paranormal topics as compared to us here. My seminars attract a greater number of people than here in the Philippines.One unexpected development during my last trip was my meeting with a former management representative of Poland to the European Community.

He had written a model for quality management which was adopted by the European Community and received recognition for his contribution for the advancement of quality management in European business organizations.

What was surprising was that he realized that what he had done was not complete because his model only addressed the left critical and analytical brain but almost nothing about the creative and intuitive right brain.

He asked my help in modifying the model to include the right side of the brain and train business executives how to do this. I have been teaching Whole-Brain Management for the last 20 years now.

Brain programming

During this Whole-Brain Development seminar, I teach participants how to program their brain for better decision-making, how to visualize and realize their goals, how to heal themselves using only mental imagery or visualization, how to meet their inner advisor from whom they can seek advice, and even how to use dreams to solve problems.

The seminar also contains techniques on how to develop psychic reference points and perform remote-viewing to know what’s happening in their companies even from afar.As a result of our initial discussion, we have decided to establish together the European Institute for Intuition Development in Management.

Because I will be very busy in Poland, I may not be able to submit my column for the next two weeks. I will be back in the Philippines on Valentine’s Day, Feb. 14.Note: The next Inner Mind Development seminar will be held Feb. 21-22, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. at Rm. 308 Prince Plaza I Cond., Legaspi St., Greenbelt, Makati. Call 8107245/8926806; e-mail jaimetlicauco@yahoo.com.

Source: http://showbizandstyle.inquirer.net/lifestyle/lifestyle/view/20090126-185717/Book-launch-in-Poland-set

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Woman wants to improve her love life

“I’VE been reading you for years.

I’m actually very interested in your ESP and Intuition Development Workshop. I feel it will be very useful in making decisions. Since I study in Australia, I can’t attend it. I hope you can share some basics to improve my ESP and intuition. I had it when I was younger, but somehow lost it.

“I have been very unfortunate in my romantic life. At 26, I have not had a serious relationship. Sometimes the guys I liked didn’t like me. Other times, the guys who liked me were already married. I recently had a relationship with a foreigner which I thought was serious, but he ended it in two months and left me in pain.

“I am not asking for love advice. I just want to know why these series of unfortunate incidents happen. I wonder if there are things I’m not doing right, some misplaced elements in my life, perhaps? How I can bring more positive energy to improve my love life?
—JULIET (not her real name)

I’m glad you said you’re not asking for advice on your love life, because there are really more competent people you can consult. Besides, my views are very radical and may come as a shock to many. But since your case is not really unique and I’ve been asked similar questions, I might as well share what I teach about relationships in my Soulmates, Karma and Reincarnation seminar.

The teachings are based on these principles or concepts:
1. I believe we don’t live only once on earth. “Most people have had many lifetimes.” Even Buddha, at the moment of enlightenment sitting quietly under the Bodhi Tree, saw no less than 500 of his previous incarnations on earth.
The view that we had lived explains to me why we get attracted or repulsed by certain people at first meeting, why certain places we have never been to are familiar to us.

2. “The people who are around us, for good or ill, are with us because we have attracted them to us.” One sacred law of the Universe is “like attracts like” on the mental and spiritual planes. This is more popularly called the “Law of Attraction” which I’ve been teaching for more than 20 years now, but is only now being accepted by more people, specially after the very popular book “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne came out and sold millions of copies. There is absolutely nothing new in that book, but I recommend it to people who have never heard of it.

3. “Everything that we do comes back to us, nothing less and nothing more.” This is more popularly known as the “Law of Karma,” or “Law of Compensation” or the “Law of Universal Justice.” And karma is based on choices, intentions, desires or actions we have done.
Even certain illnesses we suffer from could be results of choices made in past lives. Even so-called “accidents” may not really be accidents at all.

4. “Both great love and great hatred bind you to another.” So if you don’t want to meet your enemy again in the next life, you must learn to release or forgive him or her now in this lifetime, or you are surely bound to meet that person again in a future life.

5. “The secret of happiness,” according to Buddha, “is not in having what you want, but in not wanting what you do not have.” Juliet should meditate on this great message. She should learn from the failed relationships she has had, knowing she may only be paying her karma to these men. She must not get angry with them or wish to seek revenge on them but learn the lessons they are giving her.

6. “If you love somebody, let him go; if he comes back, he is yours, if he does not, he never was.” The reason for this is that we never lose what we truly own.

7. Here’s something that may shock this predominantly conservative Christian country: “God does not punish or reward us, we punish or reward ourselves,” because we have been given absolute freedom of choice or free will by God.
As Epictetus, the great ancient Greek philosopher, once said: “The good or ill of man lies within his own will.”

Note: The next Soulmates, Karma & Reincarnation seminar will be held Jan. 24, 1-7 p.m. at Rm. 308 Prince Plaza I, Legaspi St., Greenbelt, Makati. Call 810-7245/892-6806; fax 815-9890; e-mail jaimetlicauco@yahoo.com.

Source: http://showbizandstyle.inquirer.net/lifestyle/lifestyle/view/20090119-184332/Woman-wants-to-improve-her-love-life

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

What the end of the earth in 2012 means

ARMAGEDDON! Apocalypse! End times!

These terms conjure visions of calamities, cataclysms and upheavals. They induce fear and anxiety because they are believed to be the end of the world.

The great Mayan Calendar, which predicts the end of the present cycle to occur precisely at midnight of Dec. 21, 2012, suggests not the end of the world, but merely the end of a 26,000-year earth cycle, divided into five sub-cycles of about 5,200 years.

According to the Mayan Calendar we are on the last fifth earth cycle where a new beginning looms.

According to Mayan prophecies, “All moons, all years, all days, all winds, reach their completion.

Measured is the time in which we can know the benevolence of the sun. Measured is the time in which the stars look down on us.”

On Dec. 21, 2012, several heavenly planets will be in complete alignment with the earth and solar system, an event which takes place only once in about 26,000 years. And such an alignment will exert a great magnetic pull that will affect all life on earth. Great changes will take place. There will be a breaking down of the old order of things to give way to the new.

In the words of Dr. James J. Hurtak, president of the Academy for Future Science and author of the prophetic book “Secret Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch”—“Humanity must begin to understand that in a new era of true enlightenment, the exclusive material mind-set will have to pass away in order for human nature to implement new tools at quantum change.”

To help with this formidable information dissemination task, I wanted to consult Gabbey, an angelic entity that communicates with Dr. Jun Aquiatan of Pangasinan, who teaches management. But before I could, Jun texted to say he had received a message about the Mayan

Prophecy from Gabbey.
According to the entity Gabbey, “The Mayan people had some contact with other beings in the universe who gave them knowledge about the heavenly bodies.”
This explains how the Mayans were able to foretell accurately the movements of planets without the use of modern instruments. They were taught by beings who came from outer space.

End of an era
The end of the present Earth cycle on Dec. 21, 2012 mentioned in the Mayan Calendar “does not mean the end of the world but the end of a cycle or an era. This means that a new kind of consciousness in the world will begin to take shape which will also affect the way of life on earth.”

Gabbey said that everything in the universe is interconnected. “The phenomenon that will happen on Earth has a parallel event in another place in the universe. The change in your earth’s consciousness will have an effect in the consciousness of other beings in other planets.”
Gabbey continued to explain that the new consciousness means “a better understanding of the meaning of life. Cultures on earth will gradually change based on a new understanding of life.

New philosophies will emerge, religious beliefs will gradually shift and scientific inventions will proliferate, but this time, it would not be geared towards destruction but to improve human life.” He also said, “organizations, including religious organizations, will be shaken.”

Gabbey predicted calamities to come, a prediction that echoes what is in the Mayan Calendar. But Gabbey added that these calamities would be brought about not only by the alignment of different planets but by other phenomena.

“Another far planet which has no name yet because it has not been detected yet by your scientists will have a great effect on your sun, and this will trigger tremendous sun flares that will affect not only the earth but also the other planets in your solar system. This will cause diseases and other global calamities.”

When asked what we can do about these coming changes and calamities, Gabbey replied, “Pray that you survive these calamities. Remember that this phenomenon is a natural occurrence in the higher order of things and, therefore, they will come. This is a part of the grand evolutionary scheme under the universal set-up by God. I will tell you later what is in store for the world once the new era sets in.”

Then Gabbey abruptly ended the message by saying, “We are through.”
Note: The next Basic ESP and Intuition Development seminar will be Jan. 17 and 18, 9 am-5 pm. and Soulmates, Karma and Reincarnation seminar on Jan. 24, 1-7 p.m, Rm. 308 Prince Plaza I, Legaspi St., Greenbelt, Makati. Call 8107245 or 8926806; fax 8159890; e-mail jaimetlicauco@yahoo.com.

Source: http://showbizandstyle.inquirer.net/lifestyle/lifestyle/view/20090112-182940/What-the-end-of-the-earth-in-2012-means