Monday, May 26, 2008

Believing in ET’s is not in conflict with Christianity

Two successive news items in last week’s Philippine Daily Inquirer caught my attention. The first was on May 15 where the Vatican’s chief astronomer declared that believing in the existence of extraterrestrial creatures (ET’s) is not in conflict with Christianity.

The second was the news item the following day, May 16, saying the British defense department released a formerly classified file showing that aliens from outer space have been visiting the earth for many years now.

In an interview with the Vatican newspaper, Rev. Jose Gabriel Funes, a 45-year-old Jesuit priest who heads the Vatican Observatory was quoted as saying, “How can we exclude that life has developed elsewhere… certainly, in a universe this big, you can’t exclude this hypothesis. Just as there is a multiplicity of creatures on earth, there can be other beings, even intelligent, created by God.”

The declassified UFO files of the British defense department, according to the Philippine Daily Inquirer news item, included a 1983 report from a 78-year-old man out fishing at midnight who followed aliens in green overalls to their spaceship and was told to go away because he was too old and decrepit for their purpose. The ministry has files of 11,000 sightings dating back to 1950’s. The existence of aliens from outer space visiting earth has consistently been officially denied by the US military establishment up to now, despite massive evidence to the contrary. This, despite the opinion of some highly respected American astronomers, like Dr. J. Allen Hynek of Yale University who believes in the possibility of intelligent alien life forms in other galaxies.

I believe in UFO’s because I’ve personally seen several such space crafts myself. And I have read about very credible stories told by authorities and professional people who have no reason to make up such stories about them. Some of the opposition for such belief in alien existence is religious in nature. Now that a Vatican astronomer himself has expressed belief in aliens, this should dispel some doubts about their reality.

Actually, even the Christian Bible itself gives a very vivid account of an alien encounter by the prophet and priest Ezekiel which is related in the very first chapter of this part of the Bible.

ET in America

About 15 years ago, an American graduate student in San Francisco wrote a Ph.D. thesis showing that aliens have been living on earth for hundreds of thousands of years now and have adopted earth personalities and habits. In his book “From Elsewhere, Being ET in America,” researcher Scott Mandelkar even included a questionnaire which would indicate whether one is an alien or not.

In my Soulmates, Karma and Reincarnation seminar, I have come across at least two students of mine whose past lives were not from earth but from some other galaxies in outer space. Many times, such aliens among us have contributed new knowledge or invented new products that would help ease life on the planet.

I have been told that the Vatican keeps in its secret vaults a skull of an alien with big head and diamond-shaped eyes. Somebody in fact had sent me a picture of such mysterious skull through my cell phone. It is of course very difficult to verify the veracity of such a picture but it looks like the usual image we have of ET’s.

Erich Von Daniken in the 1950’s or 60’s was the first to popularize belief of alien visitation of earth through his very popular books, beginning with “Chariots of the Gods.” The book was even made into a movie and created a cult following. But Daniken was later criticized by serious scholars for his questionable research, methodology and for his tendency to exaggerate his findings to fit his preconceived theories.

Other authors followed suit and made their own research. One of them was Andrew Thomas who wrote the book “We are Not the First” which showed that some ancient peoples already had invented computers, batteries, electricity and even airplane models.

Alien abduction stories began appearing in the west. They tell of how creatures from outer space abducted them, examined them in their laboratories and then erased their memories of the abduction. Through hypnosis, they remembered everything. One of the most celebrated alien abductions was that of Betty and Barney Hill. Their story is told in a book entitled “Interrupted Journey” by John G. Fuller. Then came journalist Whitely Strieber’s books on the same theme, beginning with “Communion,” about his close encounters with alien creatures who had abducted him and brought him to their spaceships.

In the Philippines there are also numerous sightings of UFO’s in the sky but rarely do I hear of alien abduction of Filipinos. It seems the aliens visiting the west are different from those visiting the Philippines and other Asian countries. Here we do not experience cattle mutilations or aliens experimenting on humans. We are lucky in this sense.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Trip to Poland full of surprises

My second trip to Poland last April 24 to May 7 was full of surprises, pleasant and unpleasant.

The unpleasant ones were due to the sudden changes in visa application procedures arising from the membership of Poland in the European Union, resulting in delays in processing of papers. Because of such delays, my wife and I missed our flight and the seminars I was to conduct in Poland were postponed twice.

Also, my wife didn’t make it to the trip, the number of people who were supposed to attend went down.

The good news is that all the four seminars I conducted were a complete success—the Basic ESP and Intuition Development, Soulmates, Karma and Reincarnation, Creative Thinking and Problem Solving, and the Advanced ESP and Mediumship Training.

All these, except the last one, were held at the fabulous Pope John Paul II Museum in Warsaw which houses some 450 original paintings and sculptures by great artists of the 14th to the 20th century—Rembrandt, Reubens, Van Dyck, Titian, Van Gogh, Rodin, Dali, and Picasso.

About 60 persons attended my ESP seminars and about half of that in the other seminars. The least number of attendees was the Advanced ESP seminar, which was purposely limited to those who are really interested in advanced studies of the esoteric sciences and metaphysical knowledge. “We could have had double those numbers,” said Irena Galinska, president of the Institute of Valeology in Poznan, my host, “if your seminars had not been postponed twice.”

Some of the participants came as far as 300 kms away, such as Poznan and Krakow, others all the way from Germany and England.

ESP seminar

In the Basic ESP and Intuition Dev’t seminar, many participants performed the psychic reading and diagnosis, psychometry and remote viewing exercises very well, much to their amazement.

In the remote viewing exercise, 90% of the participants succeeded in describing details of the house of their partners whom they had never met. Six of 60 bent a metallic spoon with their minds, and about 12 or 13 moved a small object through telekinesis.

These may not be big percentages but enough to convince anyone of the tremendous untapped powers of the human mind.

A big surprise for me was in the psychometry exercise where participants were asked to describe the person they did not know by simply holding an object inside an envelope, such as a finger ring, earring, pendant or necklace. The feedbacks were fantastic!

Soulmates, Karma

In the Soulmates, Karma and Reincarnation seminar, a number saw their past lives very vividly during the hypnotic regressions. Most saw only vague outlines or figures. The percentage of success I got during this seminar was much less than what I normally get in the Philippines and I attribute this to the language problem. The translator they assigned was not very good.

The Creative Thinking and Problem Solving one-day class was the first I ever held outside the Philippines. Participants had a lot of fun doing creative exercises.

Here they learned how to do Brain Storming to generate original ideas, how to solve problems creatively through the Synectics Method and other idea-generating techniques such as Attribute Listing and Checklists.

The great appeal of the seminars in Warsaw was evident in the fact that many participants in the Basic ESP course also enrolled in succeeding seminars.

Books in Polish

One other good news is that two of my books came out in Polish when I was there—“The Magicians of God” with Muslim healer Warka Adala on the cover and “Soulmate, Karma and Reincarnation.” The latter was almost sold out during the Basic ESP seminar and Irena had to order more copies from Poznan .

Another Polish publisher will publish two of my other books later this year—“Understanding the Psychic Powers of Man” and “More Encounters with the Unknown.”

The next Soulmates, Karma & Reincarnation seminar will be on May 24, 1-7 p.m. at Rm. 308 Prince Plaza I Condominium, 106 Legaspi St., Greenbelt, Makati. Call 8107245/ 8926806; e-mail:

Copyright 2008 Philippine Daily Inquirer. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Monday, May 12, 2008

A classic psychic powers book

Part 2

MANILA, Philippines—In the first printing of the book, I asked a lady friend if she could pose naked for the cover. Just out of fun, she agreed to do it, provided her face would not be shown and that her identity would not be revealed. I asked well-known photographer Toch Arellano to take the photo and the rest was history.

The book has since become a classic in the field and in book-publishing history.

Why the book had such staying power may be attributed to the following factors:

First, it fulfilled a hunger of the Filipino public for rational and credible answers to many questions regarding psychic experiences that could not be explained by either science or religion.

Second, it was written in a very simple and easily understood language. Even elementary and high-school students could read the book and understand it. Every new word I used was explained simply and with examples. I even provided a glossary of terms at the end of the book.

Third, I found out that some professors of psychology and English literature in several schools, such as San Beda College, University of the Philippines and Perpetual Help College in Las Piñas, recommended the book as collateral reading material to their students. One faculty member also required his students to read my column in the newspaper and discussed it in class.

Many students began to write term papers and theses about ESP or psychic powers for their school requirements. And teachers were encouraging such research on these subjects because they themselves were interested in them.

I also discovered later that the book could be found in most school libraries all over the Philippines. My children and later on my grandchildren would suddenly find the book in their school libraries, to my great surprise.

The influence the book has had on the lives of many was simply incredible and really unexpected.

One female doctor, for example, told me in the late ’80s that the book saved her from being confined in the mental hospital.

How? She said she was having strange psychic experiences she could not understand and which no medical specialist could explain. She was seeing spirits and hearing voices. She thought she was going crazy, then she read the book and learned there were people who possessed such powers. It didn’t mean they were hallucinating. She found out she was clairvoyant. She could see and hear things others could not. Then she studied pranic healing and became a pranic healer as well as teacher of this healing modality.

Another person wrote me a very interesting story of how he got hold of my book. He was a junk dealer and buyer of old newspapers and magazines. One day, he saw a small book among the pile of old newspapers. Its cover had already been torn, but he got curious and started reading it. He found the subject matter very interesting. It was my book “Understanding the Psychic Powers of Man.” He was so fascinated by the book that he said he read it over and over again. When he read my name in the newspaper with my address in it, he decided to write me to tell me how he found the book among the old newspapers he was about to sell. He thanked me for the knowledge he had acquired about the subject.

When the book ceased to be published in 1998, people still kept looking for it. It became a collector’s item. Some who wanted to have a complete collection of all my books, which after 20 years number 15, had the first book photocopied. One of those who found my works so fascinating that he had to have a complete collection was the former Nigerian Ambassador to the Philippines, Dada Olisa. Another was a Russian healer and researcher named Yuri Vedov, who also had the original book photocopied.

So after much prodding from my publisher and friends, I decided to revise and update the book for those who never had a chance to read the first book written in this field by a Filipino author. Now this book will soon be available in all branches of National Book Store and PowerBooks.

Note: For information on books, seminars and paranormal consultancy provided by the Inner Mind Development Institute, please call 8107245 or 8926806, or e-mail

Related Story
How psychic powers book came to be

Copyright 2008 Philippine Daily Inquirer. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Monday, May 05, 2008

How psychic powers book came to be

The book “Understanding the Psychic Powers of Man," which I have recently completely revised, has had a long and colorful history. It is the first book of its kind written by a Filipino author. It first came out in commercial book form in 1978 and was in print for 20 long years! It only ceased to be printed in 1998. My publisher, Anvil Publishing, had been asking me to revise it so they could publish a new edition of it but I didn't have time, or the interest to do so until now, 30 years after its first publication.

Let me recall how this book came to be written. In the early 70's after I obtained my Master in Business Management (MBM) degree from the Asian Institute of Management, I went back to my hobby or avocation, namely, doing psychic research and experimentation.

In a few years, I developed enough knowledge about the subject to be considered some sort of an authority on it, although it was far from the impression I had of myself.

Then I noticed that the questions were the same ones being asked wherever I went. I found myself repeating the same answers I had given to others before. So, one day, I thought of summarizing the most significant lessons I had learned from these readings, as well as true-to-life experiences of people who were good enough to share their psychic stories with me.

The summary I wrote grew into a hundred or so pages which the now late Proserfina, wife of officemate Atty. Prescillano Adamos, typed. I printed only 100 copies of the typewritten material and sold them to my friends at cost.

Meantime, I had the mimeographed manuscript displayed at the ESP seminars of Chita Albert-CuUnjieng, in Manila.

One day, Chita's aunt, Telly Albert-Zulueta, former editor of Weekly Women's Magazine, happened to read the manuscript and asked me if I would be interested in having it serialized in the magazine. Although she was no longer connected with the magazine, she would ask the current editor, Luisa Linsangan, to take a look at it. Ms. Linsangan liked it and ran the whole manuscript in four long installments in her magazine. The response from readers was so amazing the editor asked me if I could contribute articles to the magazine on a regular basis. That launched my career as a writer.

Not only that. One day, I received a call from Ben Ramos, whose family owned National Book Store, the largest bookstore chain in the country. He asked me if I would be willing to have my articles in the Weekly Women's Magazine published in book form. After adding two chapters to the series that came out in the women's magazine I asked a friend, Narzalina Lim (who later became Secretary of Tourism under the Cory Aquino administration) to edit the work and fortunately she agreed to do it.

Then I asked the well-known veteran journalist and educator, Maximo V. Soliven, to write the Introduction or Foreword to the book and to my great surprise, he agreed to do it. I also asked a German scientist and parapsychologist, Dr. Alfred Stelter, to comment on the book, which he did.

When the book finally came out in 1978, many prominent people came during the launching.

The book became an instant best seller and it had been reprinted about seventeen times until it ceased publication in 1998 when the publishing arm of National Book Store was absorbed by its sister company Anvil Publishing Corp.

Note: For information on books, seminars and paranormal consultancy provided by the Inner Mind Development Institute, please call 810-7245 or 892-6806 or e-mail