Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Biblical natural cures

It was the late Sir Jason Winters who first told me of passages in the Christian Bible that talked about healing using natural substances.

He cured himself of terminal throat and mouth cancer by researching herbs mentioned in the Bible. He said the Bible contained advice to eat certain fruits and their seeds to heal various illnesses.

Out of his desperate efforts to find a cure for his dreaded disease, he traveled to different continents and talked to rabbis and priests of different religions to identify the fruits and herbs mentioned in the Bible. No one could tell him.

But, by combining several natural plants with biblical references, he developed a tea that cured him of cancer. Doctors said it was a miracle. That tea is now sold all over the world as Sir Jason Winters Tea.

God’s plan?
Could it be that it is God’s plan that for every disease that afflicts humans, there is something in nature that will cure it?

For why should God allow a disease to emerge if there was no hope of curing it? It just doesn’t make sense.

So even the so-called incurable modern illnesses—cancer, acquired immune deficiency syndrome (Aids), Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s, arthritis or Ankylosing Spondylitis—must have a natural remedy. However, people have not yet discovered it.

Recently, I was reading the Catholic edition of the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible and I came across a book in the Old Testament not found in other editions of the Bible. This is the book of Tobit, which is placed between the books of Nehemiah and Judith.

According to the introduction or commentary about this portion of the Old Testament, the Book of Tobit is “about a righteous Jew (named) Tobit, who is in exile in Nineveh, and Sarah, who is tortured by a demon in Media. God sends the Angel Raphael to help both Tobit and Sarah. Tobit’s son, Tobias, goes with Raphael to Media, binds the demon, and marries Sarah.”

Cataract treatment
But what struck me in the Book of Tobit, which was not mentioned in the above commentary, were certain passages in which the Angel Raphael gave Tobias specific instructions for treating cataract and for casting out demons using some internal organs of a big fish that tried to swallow Tobias in the Tigris River.

Chapter 6, verses 1-9, of Tobit describes the healing process in detail:

“The young man went out and the angel went with him. So they both journeyed along, and when the first night overtook them they camped by the Tigris River. Then the young man went down to wash his feet in the Tigris River.

“Suddenly, a large fish leaped up from the water and tried to swallow the young man’s foot, and he cried out. But the angel said to the young man, ‘Catch hold of the fish and hang on to it!’ “So the young man grasped the fish and drew it up on the land. “Then the angel said to him, ‘Cut open the fish and take out its gall, heart and liver. Keep them with you, but throw away the intestines. For its gall, heart and liver are useful as medicine.’ So after cutting open the fish the young man gathered together the gall, heart and liver; then he roasted and ate some of the fish, and kept some to be salted.

“The two continued on their way together until they were near Media. Then the young man questioned the angel and said to him, ‘Brother Azariah, (that was the name the angel gave to him) what medicinal value is there in the fish’s heart, and liver, and in the gall?’

“He replied, ‘As for the fish’s heart and liver, you must burn them to make a smoke in the presence of a man or woman afflicted by a demon or evil spirit, and every affliction will flee away and never remain with that person any longer. And as for the gall, anoint a person’s eyes where white films have appeared on them; blow upon them, upon the white films, and the eyes will be healed.’”

From the above passage, we may gather that not only demonic possession, but also diseases or afflictions caused by evil spirits, can be cured by burning the fish’s heart and liver.

Unfortunately, the Book of Tobit did not identify the fish that Tobias was instructed to catch but only that it was a big one.

From this we can theorize that, for every disease that afflicts humans, God has also laid out a cure from our natural environment. We only have to discover it.

(Note: For inquiries on books, paranormal services and seminars on Inner Mind Development, ESP and Intuition Development, and Soulmates, Karma & Reincarnation conducted by this writer, please call 8107245, 8926806, or fax 8159890. E-mail: innerawareness_2005@yahoo.com)


Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The amazing subconscious mind

MOST of those who attended my remote viewing session in the Young Presidents’ Organization Convention in December in Phuket, Thailand, were able to perform it with great success.
In a remote viewing session, I taught participants how to project their consciousness or sense of awareness to a distant place that they have never visited or seen before and to describe it accurately.To their great amazement, almost all of them succeeded in doing so.

Remote viewing or traveling clairvoyance has been extensively and scientifically studied and verified for 20 years at the Stanford Research Institute (now called SRI International) in Menlo Park, California, by two brilliant scientists with Ph.Ds in physics: Dr. Russell Targ and Dr. Harold Puthoff.

They proved that almost anybody can successfully learn how to perform remote viewing after only a brief explanation or training.

Incredible results
I have modified the scientific protocol developed at SRI and have had a discussion on the subject with Targ himself in the early 1990s. I have, since then, been teaching the technique worldwide for the last 15 years with incredible results.

In my modified version of remote viewing, a class is divided into pairs and the target place is the house of a partner. The remote viewer has never met the person before nor has s/he been to the house. All s/he is allowed to ask is his/her partner’s full name.

I also tell the class to take a good look at each other’s face for a few seconds so that, even if they forget the name, they can at least use the face as their connection to the target place.

In one of the sessions in Phuket, a woman who has never been to Hawaii described in detail her partner’s house in Maui, which was not a typical Hawaiian house. It was completely European in design.

Another participant, for some strange reason, opened the refrigerator of her partner’s house and saw only apples inside. She wondered about that and told her partner who explained that there was a power outage and she wanted to stock her refrigerator with fruits that would not spoil easily.

The partner had taken out all the contents of the fridge, leaving only the apples. She was shocked the other person described accurately her fridge’s contents.

Mind’s ability
In various remote viewing classes I’ve conducted over the years, I am constantly amazed at the things the human mind is capable of knowing without using the senses.

A house that burned down four years before was “seen” and accurately described in detail. A future house that had not even been bought yet was also described with great accuracy.

One time, even a pet dog that died two years earlier was also seen. And, in one remarkable case in Arizona, a man saw the secret four-digit security number code of his partner’s house, known only to her and her husband.

Because of such shocking revelations, many have asked me how the phenomenon can be explained. “How can someone describe so accurately some peculiar detail in a house s/he has never seen before?”

The explanation cannot be accepted by the scientific-minded or hard-nosed scientists. Even doctors Targ and Puthoff were at a loss how to explain it. But they could not ignore the hard evidence they had so painstakingly collected for 20 years.

One possible explanation is we are all connected to all levels of creation through our subconscious minds. Our subconscious can know or be aware of things in the past, present or future. It is a storehouse of information not bound by time or space.

Our consciousness or awareness can be projected anywhere, given a particular target or place to tune in to.
For example, in the early stage of the experiments in remote viewing at SRI International, the subject, a well-known American psychic named Ingo Swann, was given only the coordinates of a place. Swann was able to describe what could be found there. It was verified to be accurate in every detail.

We still have not reached the limits of what our minds can do. In fact, the motto of my institute is: “The mind knows no limits, aside from those it accepts. We are the only ones who have placed limitations on our mind’s capacities because of logic, science, religion and fear of the unknown.

“If we can only eliminate all these factors or limitations from our consciousness, we can perform almost miraculous things with our minds, just like what a remarkable carpenter from Nazareth did over 2,000 years ago—and several others before him. And he once said that, ‘All the works that I have done you can do, and much more than these.’”But we don’t believe it, do we?
Remote viewing is now being taught for use in military intelligence in certain countries. It has also been adopted for possible use in industrial espionage.

Certain ethical questions on invasion of privacy are bound to crop up. But that is another matter.
Note: The next Basic ESP & Intuition Development seminar will be held Jan. 27-28, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Call 8107245 and 8926806, or fax 8159890. E-mail
