Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Telepathic communication is quite common

HERE’S an interesting letter from reader Jay Ramos relating his remarkable psychic connection with a girl he met recently.

“The first time I went out with this new friend, whom I shall call Samantha, it was a pleasant but largely uneventful meeting. The second time around, though, something strange occurred that really caught me by surprise.

“The night before our meeting, I was reading a book when a question suddenly came to mind, for no apparent reason. I found it interesting, so I told myself I would ask Samantha the question the following day when we met.

“However, it completely escaped my mind until, to my utter surprise, she brought it up during our conversation! And verbatim, too! I was absolutely dumbfounded, but I simply ignored it, thinking it was mere coincidence (although I don’t believe in coincidences) and let it pass.

“Then stranger things occurred during our subsequent meetings that just left me scratching my head.

“One time, we were having a casual Q&A session where she asked me two things. The first was: ‘If you were to stalk anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?’ I thought hard and told her I couldn’t think of anyone at the moment. While this was going on, the name of the late Maningning Miclat kept registering in my head for reasons I couldn’t quite comprehend.

“And then, lo and behold, she asked: ‘Do you know Maningning Miclat?’ Again, I was dumbfounded. And she, too, was dumbfounded when I told her I was thinking of Maningning Miclat.

“Her second question went like this: ‘If you were to organize a concert, where would it be held?’ I gave her a quick response, but at the back of my head I was thinking of a concert staged on a barge floating on Manila Bay. When I asked her the same question, she replied, ‘On a body of water!’

“When we exchange text messages, we have this uncanny ability to read each other’s minds! We frequently text simultaneously, with only a split-second difference, and with the same threads of thought. Also, we have this strange ability to second-guess each other’s texts. I answer her questions before she even asks, and she also ‘reads’ ahead what I’m about to send. Do you think she’s my soul mate?”

Not strange
It is obvious you two have strong telepathic rapport. You can read each other’s minds. This is not really as strange or rare as it may seem. A good number of people experience this but consider it mere coincidence.

Telepathy, or the mental ability to read a person’s thoughts, is, in fact, the most common of all so-called psychic powers. This is usually strongest among persons who are emotionally or psychologically close to each other, such as spouses, lovers, parent and child, close friends.
However, even entirely unrelated persons, such as in your case, can and do experience strange telepathic rapport with each other due, perhaps, to past-life connection or soul memory. You may have been related closely to each other in previous lives. This does not mean, however, that you are soul mates.

We may not realize it, but human beings are intuitively and subconsciously in constant communication with one another, as well as with all levels of creation. Once in a while, such communication reaches the conscious level and we become aware of it. This usually happens when we are completely relaxed and in a playful mood, or when we are about to go to sleep, or when we are in deep meditation.

The first scientific study on telepathy, clairvoyance and precognition was made by Dr. J.B. Rhine at Duke University in North Carolina in early ’40s until his death in the ’60s. His research was then continued by his wife.

The couple proved the existence of natural telepathic powers in humans. It was Dr. Rhine who coined the term Extra Sensory Perception, or ESP.

ESP is an unfortunate choice because it implies some people have it and others do not. But the fact is everybody has ESP. It is a natural faculty or ability of our mind. That’s why so many people experience it at one time or another in their life.

Manifestations of ESP (like telepathy, clairvoyance or precognition) are not as rare as most people think. It’s just that many do not want to talk of such experiences for fear of being ridiculed or considered naive, if not weird.

In the Basic ESP and Intuition Development Seminar I conduct regularly, I teach participants how to transmit and receive thoughts telepathically, among other things. On the average, about 60-70 percent of them are able to demonstrate successfully such an ability.

When telepathy repeatedly happens spontaneously, as in the case of Samantha and you, it can really be mind-blowing.


Tuesday, June 20, 2006

What is seen may not be reality

THERE are two ways of looking at things.
One way is to look at things purely from our external senses, i.e. what we can see, hear, smell, touch and taste. This is the way of western orthodox physical sciences.Another way is to see things from our mind’s eye, or from our inner sight or from a soul level. This is the way of the mystic, the psychic and the clairvoyant.
Reality therefore can be looked at from an “ordinary” standpoint and from a “clairvoyant” standpoint, terms used by neuroscientist Dr. Lawrence Le Shan in his books, “A Separate Reality” and the “The Medium, The Mystic and the Physicist.”
Looking at things from a purely sensory and external point of view has worked well for humankind. The scientific method has given us much progress and a certain degree of control over nature. Yet there’s the nagging question that there are more to things than what we can see with our limited five senses.
Entering the world of clairvoyant reality is like Alice entering Wonderland. Everything is not what it seems to be. And who is to tell what is correct and what is not?
Only in partUnfortunately, we cannot really be certain of things, can we? We always see things only in part and rarely wholly. And to make a final judgment or conclusion based on inadequate perception is bound to lead to error.
This realization or line of thinking reminds me of two quotations. One is from the philosopher Soren Kierkegaard, who said, “There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what is not so, and the other is to refuse to believe what is so.”
The second quotation comes from the Chinese Taoist philosopher Chuang Tse or Chuangchu. He said, “One night I dreamt I was a butterfly. As a butterfly I was happy flying from flower to flower. I was sure I was a butterfly. But when I woke up, I realized that I was not a butterfly but Chuang Tse, the philosopher, dreaming he was a butterfly. But wait, I began to think, ‘What if I were really a butterfly dreaming that I am Chuang Tse?’”
What is reality? Is there such a thing as objective reality? Buddhists say there’s no such thing, that everything is really maya or illusion.We can never really know the true nature of reality. The German philosopher Immanuel Kant said the same thing. “We can only know what is in our mind, the phenomena, but never what is outside of it, the noumena.”
And Plato, much earlier in the history of philosophy, said something similar. “We can never have perfect knowledge of things outside our minds. We can only have imperfect pictures of them.” Objective reality is unknowable, according to him. What we see are only shadows of reality, not reality itself.
And so forth and so on, ad nauseam.
No endI have no intention of adding to the debate. There can never be any end to it. The only thing I want to point out is there is another way of looking at things around us that will add greater meaning to our lives.For example, understanding the hidden laws of nature enables us to see why things happen the way they do. Knowing about the akashic record makes us realize that everything we experience gets recorded in time and space and can eventually be accessed by someone with clairvoyant vision.Perhaps this is what Christ meant when he said “what is hidden will be revealed.” There are no secrets in the universe. To one with clairvoyant vision, everything is crystal clear, even our thoughts and deepest secrets.
It is gratifying to note that more and more scientists are beginning to appreciate the hidden dimensions or levels in physical reality and the role that consciousness plays in our perception of that reality.Quantum physicists, for example, have discovered that our thoughts really affect matter. This becomes very clear and demonstrable on the quantum level, that is, on the sub-atomic levels of matter.
At that level, the classical laws of Newtonian physics no longer apply. What apply are the laws of consciousness or human thoughts. The Buddhists are right when they tell us this world is largely our own mental creation. What is out there is maya or illusion.
Note: I will be in Cagayan de Oro City July 22-23 to conduct my two-day seminar on Inner Mind Development. Call 0917-7120253.
