Power of suggestion
1. Be sure you know what it is you really want. What is your goal specifically?
2. You must slow down your brain waves to at least the alpha level (from 7 to 14 cycles per second on the EEG or electro-encephalogram). But you do not need an EEG machine to know that. All you have to do is go into a relaxed, passive meditative state.
3. Once you have reached the alpha state, visualize or form an image of your goal using all your five senses. To make things happen, you must engage also the right hemisphere of your brain that only understands pictures, images and symbols.
Your left brain is your analytical, logical and critical side. The right brain is your intuitive and imaginative brain.
4. You must mentally program or visualize your goal at least twice a day, once in the morning after waking up, and once before going to sleep.
You must visualize your goal as already achieved and not how you are going to achieve it.
5. To make your brain programming successful, there are three important factors you must keep in mind. You must have a strong desire for your goal, you must believe in the method or programming you are doing and you must expect the result to happen without any doubt at all.
If doubt enters your mind, you will not achieve your goal because you are putting a monkey wrench to its achievement.
The Law of Affirmation
Closely related to the Law of Attraction is the Law of Affirmation or Suggestion. This law states that whatever we affirm or suggest becomes a physical reality.
Rhonda Byrne, in her book “The Secret,” discusses affirmation or suggestion or intention as part of the Law of Attraction but it is really a separate law in itself.
The Law of Attraction states that “like attracts like.” We do not have to affirm it verbally for it to work. We attract what we are, whether we say it or not. It is like the theory of vibrations, similar energies or vibrations attract themselves to one another.
In a social setting we say, “Birds of the same feather flock together.” I recall here the true and documented case of an American woman who married and divorced five different men, all of whom turned out to be drunkards. She could not understand why she attracted this type of men.
Positive affirmation or suggestion, however, is one of the keys to the achievement of any goal we have. Realize that thoughts are things, thoughts have energy, thoughts have power.
In the 18th century, a French pharmacist turned healer, Emile Coué, became famous because of his discovery of the power of positive suggestion or affirmation.
Parisian medical doctors considered Coué a quack. But when terribly ill patients started getting healed after visiting his clinic, they sent spies to find out how he cured the patients.
The spies reported that, whatever illness the patient had, Coué asked him to repeat to himself the following statement 16 times a day: “Every day in every way, I am getting better and better.” And they indeed got better.
That was long before Anton Mesmer discovered what became known as “mesmerism” and “later hypnosis.” And, long before psychology was established as a science, Coué already knew the tremendous power of suggestion in helping people heal themselves.
Coué told the story of an asthmatic who went to another town and stayed in a hotel he had never been to before. That evening, he felt the start of an asthma attack. Usually, when that happened, all he had to do was open a window and breathe fresh air.
But he was in a strange place. It was dark and he did not remember where the light switch was. In desperation, he began walking in the dark touching all the walls in search of a window.
When he touched a glassy area, which he assumed was the window, he hurled a chair and broke it. He breathed deeply and his asthma subsided, enough for him to go back to sleep.
The next morning he looked at what he broke. It was an old grandfather clock. His hotel room did not have a window. The thought of breathing fresh air stopped what could have been a fatal asthma attack.
Such is the power of suggestion or affirmation!
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