Everyone has psychic power or ability
HERE ARE more question from the Ateneo de Manila University’s independent publication called Katipunan:
What psychic gifts do you possess?
Truthfully speaking, I do not possess any special psychic gift that is not possessed by everybody else. People have a wrong notion of psychic ability. They think it is possessed only by a few so-called gifted persons. In fact, everybody has psychic power or ability to a lesser or greater degree. This is a natural talent, like singing or drawing. Everybody can sing or draw pictures. But some can sing or draw better than others. The same is true with psychic ability. Everybody has it because it is a natural ability or power of our inner mental faculties.
People are often frightened by things they do not fully understand. What can you say about this?
It is natural for people to be afraid of the unknown, because we cannot tell whether it is harmful or not. For example, death is scary for us because we do not know what will happen after we die.
Do we just disintegrate like a bubble, or do we live again as a spirit? Do we come back to earth in another life, as the Hindus and Buddhists believe, or do we get stuck in a presumed heaven or hell?
Anything that comes directly from the spirit world is scary to the living because we have not bothered to study this field. The cause of our fear, therefore, is ignorance.
What is the antidote for ignorance? Isn’t it “knowledge” or “fact”? Once we have knowledge or fact, then the unknown ceases to be mysterious. It becomes the “known.” What we “know,” we can handle already.
Does everybody possess the gift of, say, telepathy, telekinesis, intuition, clairvoyance?
Yes, but as I pointed out earlier, some people are better at it than others. That’s all. But everybody is psychic, no exception, because the word psychic comes from the Greek word “psyche” meaning mind or soul. So everybody who has a mind or a soul is psychic.
The problem in the Philippines is people have falsely associated psychic with a fortuneteller or a person able to tell the future. This is absolutely wrong. There are many forms or types of psychic powers that do not involve knowing future events, such as those you enumerated: telepathy, telekinesis and clairvoyance. There are also people who can do remote viewing, heal the sick psychically, communicate with spirits, but cannot tell the future. They are all psychics.
Is it possible to develop this psychic gift even if you do not have any, or must you be born with it?
We all have psychic ability, as already mentioned. No one can say he does not have any. This ability can be developed or enhanced. How? The simplest and most important technique or method to develop psychic powers is through regular meditation. Fifteen to 30 minutes of daily meditation is sufficient to experience a growing sensitivity to psychic forces. A special form of meditation to stimulate or activate the psychic centers (or chakras) would be faster. But this should be done under guidance of a knowledgeable person or teacher to avoid pitfalls or problems. People can also attend seminars on how to develop ESP. For example, I conduct regularly a seminar to develop such powers as telepathy, psychometry, sensing the aura, psychic diagnosis, remote viewing and telekinesis. This is usually held in Makati but I can also conduct the seminar anywhere else in the Philippines, or even abroad, if invited.
In a world ruled by science and technology, how would you distinguish what is real from a hoax or trick?
We can use the scientific method to know what is real and what is not. But there are other methods. For example, we can ask several known psychics or clairvoyants to verify what other so-called psychics are doing. They can see if it is fraudulent, a hallucination or only a magic trick.
Remember what the philosopher Soren Kierkegaard said: “There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t so. The other is to refuse to believe what is so.”
Next week, I will answer questions about the Inner Mind Development Institute and what science has to say about paranormal phenomena and the mystical.
What psychic gifts do you possess?
Truthfully speaking, I do not possess any special psychic gift that is not possessed by everybody else. People have a wrong notion of psychic ability. They think it is possessed only by a few so-called gifted persons. In fact, everybody has psychic power or ability to a lesser or greater degree. This is a natural talent, like singing or drawing. Everybody can sing or draw pictures. But some can sing or draw better than others. The same is true with psychic ability. Everybody has it because it is a natural ability or power of our inner mental faculties.
People are often frightened by things they do not fully understand. What can you say about this?
It is natural for people to be afraid of the unknown, because we cannot tell whether it is harmful or not. For example, death is scary for us because we do not know what will happen after we die.
Do we just disintegrate like a bubble, or do we live again as a spirit? Do we come back to earth in another life, as the Hindus and Buddhists believe, or do we get stuck in a presumed heaven or hell?
Anything that comes directly from the spirit world is scary to the living because we have not bothered to study this field. The cause of our fear, therefore, is ignorance.
What is the antidote for ignorance? Isn’t it “knowledge” or “fact”? Once we have knowledge or fact, then the unknown ceases to be mysterious. It becomes the “known.” What we “know,” we can handle already.
Does everybody possess the gift of, say, telepathy, telekinesis, intuition, clairvoyance?
Yes, but as I pointed out earlier, some people are better at it than others. That’s all. But everybody is psychic, no exception, because the word psychic comes from the Greek word “psyche” meaning mind or soul. So everybody who has a mind or a soul is psychic.
The problem in the Philippines is people have falsely associated psychic with a fortuneteller or a person able to tell the future. This is absolutely wrong. There are many forms or types of psychic powers that do not involve knowing future events, such as those you enumerated: telepathy, telekinesis and clairvoyance. There are also people who can do remote viewing, heal the sick psychically, communicate with spirits, but cannot tell the future. They are all psychics.
Is it possible to develop this psychic gift even if you do not have any, or must you be born with it?
We all have psychic ability, as already mentioned. No one can say he does not have any. This ability can be developed or enhanced. How? The simplest and most important technique or method to develop psychic powers is through regular meditation. Fifteen to 30 minutes of daily meditation is sufficient to experience a growing sensitivity to psychic forces. A special form of meditation to stimulate or activate the psychic centers (or chakras) would be faster. But this should be done under guidance of a knowledgeable person or teacher to avoid pitfalls or problems. People can also attend seminars on how to develop ESP. For example, I conduct regularly a seminar to develop such powers as telepathy, psychometry, sensing the aura, psychic diagnosis, remote viewing and telekinesis. This is usually held in Makati but I can also conduct the seminar anywhere else in the Philippines, or even abroad, if invited.
In a world ruled by science and technology, how would you distinguish what is real from a hoax or trick?
We can use the scientific method to know what is real and what is not. But there are other methods. For example, we can ask several known psychics or clairvoyants to verify what other so-called psychics are doing. They can see if it is fraudulent, a hallucination or only a magic trick.
Remember what the philosopher Soren Kierkegaard said: “There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t so. The other is to refuse to believe what is so.”
Next week, I will answer questions about the Inner Mind Development Institute and what science has to say about paranormal phenomena and the mystical.
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