Monday, November 17, 2003

Reader Asks About Love, Free Will and Karma

I RECEIVED a letter from a regular reader asking about relationships, free will and karma. "I am writing you in relation to one of your articles. It is about your advice to one lady looking for ways to bring back her love. In this article, you said, if two people are meant for each other, no hindrance can separate them. If such is the case, may I ask about the free will of man?

"There are incidents which make me believe that what you said was true. However, there are also instances which sometimes make me think otherwise. "Do you believe that two persons who look alike usually end up married to each other? "

In my second letter to you last year, you failed to answer this question. May I ask your opinion on the following questions? Is karma referring to your past, or to your ancestors? If karma means the reward or punishment you have to go through your present life because of one's good/bad deeds committed in past lives, then don't you think the essence and true meaning of karma is lost, since what you did in the past is in no way related to your present?"

There is no such thing as fate (or predestination) except what you yourself have willed it to be. Nothing ever happens to anyone that he has not himself willed or chosen. Therefore, the will of man remains forever free and inviolate. If something is meant for you, you will surely have it because you worked for it in the past life.

If you don't get it, then it only means you really don't deserve it, or your karmic debt prevents you from having it. If two people are about to get married and then something happens to prevent its completion, it only means that certain karmic lessons have to be learned or worked out first by both parties. The situation was created by them in the past in order to comply with a karmic obligation.

It is not because "fate," in the sense of an immutable destiny without their consent, has intervened. The fact of the matter is they have actually willed it, following the inexorable laws of karma. "Whatever you sow, you shall reap," no more no less, says the Bible.

I realize this may be a difficult pill to swallow-I mean, the idea that we make our own destinies, that we are solely responsible for whatever happens to us. It is easier to blame fate or destiny rather than ourselves for anything that goes wrong in our lives. But the cosmic truth is, we always are what we have chosen to be.

Otherwise, man's free will and the laws of karma become meaningless words. Karma simply means that you are meeting today the consequences of your actions in the past. The personality of the present moment may change, but the entity is the same. You may change the clothes you wore yesterday, but it is still you wearing them.

In a somewhat similar manner, actions you did in a past life continue to haunt you in this life, because it is still you who did it. You merely changed your clothes or your physical shell. The entity is the same-you. Therefore, you are still responsible now for the action you did in the past. Just because you've changed your clothes does not mean you are no longer the same individual.

It is not your ancestor who created the action in the past life, it is still you, but in a different body. Therefore, it is not right to say that, "what you did in the past is in no way related to your present." You may no longer be aware of what you did in the past life, but your higher self knows all the time, for the soul never forgets.

Under deep hypnosis, people have been made to recall vividly their past choices, obligations and actions. Regarding physical resemblance and marriage: What I know is that two people who have been married for a long time to each other and are sincerely in love with each other eventually begin to look alike physically.

I guess that great love is responsible for this phenomenon. If you love somebody intensely enough, you will eventually resemble him in many ways.


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